April 3rd....Day 3



  • ochibi91
    ochibi91 Posts: 115 Member
    Day 3 done! Completed 2 rounds with 3 minutes rest in between. I cheated today by eating ice cream so I wanted to burn that off.

    Wow, so are you saying you do the whole thing twice!?! Props to you. I'm just happy to do it once, haha!

    Thanks! Yeah, I did the whole thing twice.
  • ochibi91
    ochibi91 Posts: 115 Member
    Day 4 = DONE!!! My thighs were burning so bad yesterday but actually felt pretty good this morning, which is why I'm confused now because today's workout was harder than yesterday. I called Jillian everything in the book. Then when I heard her say we were doing "recovery" I thanked her because I knew I made it! Today was the first day I felt some soreness in my arms and abs during the workout. Yay!!!

    On a side note, my actual weigh in day is tomorrow but I hopped on the scale this morning and I was 1 lb heavier than I was last Friday. I know it's only a pound, but still :mad: Hopefully it's just my muscles (probably my thighs) holding onto the water!

    Keep up the great work ladies. This group is GREAT!!!

    Same here, I've gone up a pound and I'm hoping it's water weight! I should think so because it's impossible for me to have accidentally eaten an extra 3,500 calories!
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    This groups is FABULOUS!!!
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    Day 4 = DONE!!! My thighs were burning so bad yesterday but actually felt pretty good this morning, which is why I'm confused now because today's workout was harder than yesterday. I called Jillian everything in the book. Then when I heard her say we were doing "recovery" I thanked her because I knew I made it! Today was the first day I felt some soreness in my arms and abs during the workout. Yay!!!

    On a side note, my actual weigh in day is tomorrow but I hopped on the scale this morning and I was 1 lb heavier than I was last Friday. I know it's only a pound, but still :mad: Hopefully it's just my muscles (probably my thighs) holding onto the water!

    Keep up the great work ladies. This group is GREAT!!!

    Same here, I've gone up a pound and I'm hoping it's water weight! I should think so because it's impossible for me to have accidentally eaten an extra 3,500 calories!

    same here!!!! but i am trying to keep focused on the bigger picture.
  • laurawale
    laurawale Posts: 9 Member
    Day 3 Done... My arms are are aching now and the area around my ribs!

    I'm up a lb too, but I'm trying not to get too worked up about it. I have a pair of trousers I want to get into, that's the first goal. Second goal is a dress I haven't fitted in for a couple of years!
  • miashbee
    miashbee Posts: 9 Member
    My Day 3 is done. I was going to get on here and ask you all what your weight was showing. Yesterday was my weigh in and I'm up two pounds, but everything I'm reading says that is normal when you start a new excercise routine. I can tell you one thing for sure... I am getting better at this. I used to struggle to get through all the jumping jacks (had to do kind of a step together move for the last ones). Today I busted out ALL those jumping jacks. Maybe it's mental or maybe it's actually just getting easier... either way it was a mental boost today after the weight gain yesterday. We are doing this guys!!!

    P.S. Excuse my random cheerleader moments... I get excited about this whole process lol.
  • michlou84
    michlou84 Posts: 34
    Just done day 3 and now relaxing my aching muscles in a hot bath ready for tomorrow. It went by so quickly despite the burn in my legs and abs and the fact my husband was watching!
  • KCmomOH
    KCmomOH Posts: 6 Member
    Day 2 for 10 min. I am done, goal tomorrow is to make it further than today. Very slow start for me, very winded but did make it through jumping jacks and modified push ups today.
  • TurboTam
    TurboTam Posts: 174 Member
    I completed day 3 this morning, it was tough for me, I was exhausted but I'm determined to make it to the finish line this time and I was feeling much better by the end of the workout. It's been a very busy day so I'm just getting on here now to check in. My weight has stayed the same but I know for a fact it would be up a pound or two if I wasn't putting in daily doubles right now because my quads/hams hold water like nobody’s business! It's crazy, if I do any leg exercises I'm always up on the scale. In fact, when I was training hard I refused to get on the scale after leg day, it's that bad! So just know the cells will release the water and then you'll have what I call a WHOOSH... and you'll see a nice loss. Shredsville here we come!
  • sbicica
    sbicica Posts: 52 Member
    I'm a few days ahead of everyone.. starting day 6 soon... will check back in after to see how much "easier" it has gotten (since Jillian says it's supposed to!!!!) Good job everyone!!!!:bigsmile:
  • thanson563
    thanson563 Posts: 75 Member
    Anyone got their shred on yet? I'm still to.....I'm so sore though, my thighs are ON FIRE but a good fire hehe. Stay with it ladies, we can do it.

    Haven't managed it yet, glad I'm not the only one who's thighs are on fire. Its times like this I wish I didn't have stairs in the house!

    I still haven't managed today. And if I see another staircase, I think I will scream! My thighs are beyond on fire.
  • thanson563
    thanson563 Posts: 75 Member
    Ok, I did it. I'm reasonable sure I'm gonna die! My poor knee!
  • Ewestlu
    Ewestlu Posts: 36 Member
    Day 3 done... My arms are so sore!
  • Melissas9799
    Melissas9799 Posts: 34 Member
    Completed day 3! Was pretty tired when I started but was able to get through it.
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Day 2 for 10 min. I am done, goal tomorrow is to make it further than today. Very slow start for me, very winded but did make it through jumping jacks and modified push ups today.

    That's alright! Just stay focused you can get there! It will get easier with time
    Just continue to push that's what it's about! :)
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    I just wanted to say congrats to everyone on day 3 ( or whatever day your on if your ahead
    Or behind)
    Keep on pushing and pretty soon we will be at day 10! Then we
    Are a third of the way through! We can all do this together! I know everyone is sore
    (I know my thighs hurt so much) but it really does get better
    Hang in there and see everyone tomorrow!
  • sbicica
    sbicica Posts: 52 Member
    I see everyone saying their thighs hurt.. is it weird that my CALVES kill?!?!? my thighs aren't so bad but my calves, oh boy... especially with the jump ropes, eek.
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    I see everyone saying their thighs hurt.. is it weird that my CALVES kill?!?!? my thighs aren't so bad but my calves, oh boy... especially with the jump ropes, eek.

    My calves hurt worse when I did this the first time
    More then my thighs and now it's my thighs and not calves
    As much I have no idea why? Lol I guess at least we
    Know it's working all kinds of places!
  • Day 3 done! Wow my thighs are on fire also ladies! I had to work earlier and let me tell you i did not want to be on my feet all day! Well i guess work gave me time to stretch before the work out! Great job ladies!
  • ryker789
    ryker789 Posts: 255 Member
    Day 3 and the abs are feeling it! :)