Day 4 - April 4



  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Just wanted to wish those in this group well! I started the 30 DS with my wife on march 1. She wanted to try this program together. At my heaviest I weighed 305 lbs. But I needed the exercise and I wanted to support her. So we bought the DVD. I actually found a march support group and joined here on mfp. But that group mod removed me from the group because I am a male. How discouraging! Turned out well though. I found another group who allowed me to join and thank goodness they did! Several times I wanted to quit. It was too hard, I didn't have time, my body hurt, I didn't see immediate results, etc. My wife actually did quit right after the start of level two. But I didn't want to be the reason she gave up, so I kept going. Because of my weight it was so hard at the beginning. Those jumping jacks felt like they were destroying my knees! I could barely do half. And pushups? Ha! Barely able to do the ones on my knees. Because of tweaking my knee and shoulder I did have a total of four rest days during the program. But I did not plan on those. However, I was able to give much more effort after a rest day, so felt like some of those were worth it. I officially completed tonight. As of day 30 I could do all the jumping jacks(and tried to squeeze in a couple extra). I can do all the pushups from my feet(barely)! And my knees feel a thousand times better! Ive lost almost 15 lbs. During this past month. Sometimes the scale was slow to move but my body was changing. My stomach is flatter. My abs are peeking through. My arms toned up quite a bit. The scale may not show it but my clothes do, they fit much better. All in all, I am so grateful for finding a group who supported me and allowed me to show support as well. The past month was super hard, but now I'm on the other side seeing the benefits of my effort. So to those of you just starting out, keep posting! Keep supporting each other! And in no time you will be celebrating your success stories!

    wow!! congrats on completing the program!! It is nice to hear that you went from struggling to feeling more confident and gained strength. I really want to get all the way to 30 days to prove to myself i can do it and see real results, i think the group is helping me keep track. :) again thanks for your story and congrats on your perseverance!
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    I won't lie, today's been absolutely murder! My thighs are much better but my shins!!!! Sweet baby Jesus!!! I feel like they'll just fall off any minute, I'm in pain. Anybody else feeling it in their shins too and what the heck are U doing to lessen the pain, especially during the butt kicks + jump rope?

    Anyhow, Day 4 = ✅! I can officially declare today's workout as the worst, yet! I cried actual tears doing it! :(

    oh no, im sorry to hear that! I hope that they are feeling better soon. Have you tried like a hot bath with Epsom salt? I know when i had shin splints, massage also helped quite a bit
  • TurboTam
    TurboTam Posts: 174 Member
    EXCELLENT job everyone! I laid in bed this morning praying for some magical energy to hit me full force.... It didn't happen so I rolled out of bed, after laying there for 15 extra minutes. I knew this would cut into my shower time but I needed it. I realized that the pushups are easier and I can now make it through the side lunges w/front arm raises without dropping my arms. So, it's working YAY. I'm working long hours and now I've been called in tomorrow so this leaves little time to grocery shop, laundry and cooking, but I have time for shredding!!
  • Ewestlu
    Ewestlu Posts: 36 Member
    Day 4 complete!! Made it all the way through the side lunge/ arm raises with stopping today :) Thinking tomorrow I may bump up to 8 lb weights for the chest flies and rows to see how I do with it.
  • laoanime
    laoanime Posts: 15
    Day 4 complete! Still kicks my butt! lol
  • Day 4 complete! started a little late in the afternoon! But I didn't want to not do it! No excuses for me just have to keep trucking on! Everyone is doing a great job! I can't wait for day 11 to get here so i can see some change in my body!
  • ashleyjohnstonn1
    ashleyjohnstonn1 Posts: 359 Member
    My calves are sooo so sore! But day 4 is done :)
    Instead of being a bum all day at my boyfriends house while he worked I decided to go home and workout and then plan a healthy dinner for us. Now I'm thinking about going for a little walk, maybe. Proud of myself!
  • michlou84
    michlou84 Posts: 34
    I finally got my shred on quite late tonight, it was the first opportunity I had. I also went swimming earlier and am feeling good. Halfway through level one tomorrow, bring it on!
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Great job everyone! I wish there was a like button for everyone's comments on the blogs lol, everyone is doing awesome!
  • betaleonis
    betaleonis Posts: 176 Member
    Congratulations for you success.

    Saw you post just at the correct time. I am doing 30 Day ripped but wanted to be a part of this group to keep myself motivated. I completed 2 weeks 30DR but didnt loose any weight till now. Also I am not seeing any difference in my body except it is sore like hell. I kept waking up last night because of the pain. I weighed myself in the morning and found that there is no change and I felt like it is of no use and thought of quitting. But then I read your story and now I am feeling like "I have to keep going".

    The first time I did one of her workouts, I only lost a few pounds, but I dropped like 7 inches total. Are you taking measurements?
  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    day 4 done, glad! Here comes the weekend !!! will keep it goin!
  • thanson563
    thanson563 Posts: 75 Member
    Ok, I made it through day 4. But I need advice. My right knee does not like Jillian. Every time I do the shred, I end up in horrible pain, and can't make it through a bunch of the cardio. I've been doing punches in place of the jumping jacks, etc. but it's really frustrating me. After it's done, I have to take Advil, because I am just dying. My son plays college football, and I asked him if it would help to take the Advil BEFORE the workout. His thoughts were that it wouldn't hurt to try. What do y'all think? (and how I hate getting old!)
  • ryker789
    ryker789 Posts: 255 Member
    Day 4 done! Right knee starting to hurt.. ugh. Great job everyone.
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    The second set of jump rope in circuit 2 was brutal for me on Day 4! I don't know why but I thought I was going to die! A good goal today though: I did 8 "real" pushups versus 6 yesterday. I did the rest on my knees but felt proud of this progress.
  • Started out really rough today and then it got a tad bit easier. My biggest struggle is food. I'm hardcore craving some pizza. How are others coping with cravings??
  • Day 4 done! :D
  • hulamama808
    hulamama808 Posts: 499 Member
    I did do Day 4 yesterday, but didn't have time to pop over here to check in...
    Tweaked my knee slightly, so I'm going to substitute a different activity for Day 5 in the hopes that I'll be able to avoid an actual injury...
  • Hi everyone, I'm new here. I started out on April 2nd so I am slightly behind.

    I live in an apartment building, top floor so I have to do something other than the jumping jacks, I don't want the people below me think that I am coming through the floor. I have been doing the bum kicks instead, I land lighter on my feet. I hope it doesn't diminish my progress!

    A small nsv for me, day 1 I could not do a push up unless on my knees, now I can go about half ways before my arms start shaking, I do 4 of those then the rest on my knees.

    My SW is 251,3 lbs, I also took measurements.

    Day 4 complete!