Weekend warriors 4-6 April



  • terriejones
    terriejones Posts: 518 Member
    Got home from my camping trip and am still eating like a horse! Tomorrow I'll have to pull it back a little. I'm counting on all of you, to keep me motivated. :bigsmile: My body doesn't want to give up these last few lbs. If it doesn't get in line soon, I'm going to switch over to maintenance for awhile and see what happens.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    This was my last weekend of our 2 week Spring Break. I work at a school so I got 2 weeks off with my kiddos. I start my re-programming Monday.

    Friday I walked around the RV show with my SIL looking at fun, EXPENSIVE RV's. Walking around a huge RV parking lot, in and out of RV steps and then around the Mall was my only form of exercise, but I'm okay with that.

    Yesterday was a rest day other than some cleaning of house before my brother's family came for lunch. The 9 of us headed to a matinee showing of Captain America and then we ditched the kids (several old enough to babysit the youngers) and we went out to a sushi bar for a friends birthday party. One of my last days of eating at maintenance before the reset so I took FULL advantage of it.

    Today I made it to my Body Pump class and I'm giving myself another 20 minutes on here and then I'll take my doggie for at least a 3 mile walk. He's pretty pudgy after the winter too so WE both need the power walking!