Keto Shakes

EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
My hand-blender should be here first week of April, and I would like some ppl's fool-proof recipes for keto shakes. Especially shakes that can be left in the fridge over-night to take with you when you have a hectic morning planned. The only ingredient I can say I do not like is avocados, other than that I'm pretty willing to try new ingredients :)

I'm asking you guys this because all the recipes I can find on-line have some sort of protein/whey powder involved and I do not want that. I've had huge issue keeping my proteins down and protein powder will only exacerbate that.


  • dhilltx
    dhilltx Posts: 5 Member
    I use a Magic Bullet and make chocolate shakes regularly...2 cups of Silk unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 1 tablespoon of unsweetened Hershey's cocoa powder, 1 tablespoon of organic golden flax seeds (ground with blender first) and 6 drops of's awesome. Sometimes I'll add 6oz. of coffee as well and make a morning drink, but mostly stick with bulletproof coffee.
  • shanniem1
    shanniem1 Posts: 35
    I add MCT Oil or Coconut Oil to my shakes
    Almond Milk is awesome
    Nut Butters are great (if you do nut butter)