Day 6 - April 6

ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
I did over an hour of Just Dance with my kids this afternoon but scraped up enough energy to power through day 6 tonight. I managed about 10 push ups on my knees tonight, the rest I did against a wall but that's something. I've discovered that my core is ridiculously weak, I think my 2 year old has a stronger core than I do. That'll take some time to build up.
I actually found at the end of cardio in circuit 3 where I'm usually praying that the jumprope part will end I was jumping inches off the ground tonight and could have gone on.

When I played Just Dance this afternoon I did some of it with my Zumba toning sticks in my hands, it was a great workout and pretty fun!


  • Apollo090
    Apollo090 Posts: 18 Member
    Just finished day 6. Took a rest day yesterday which was necessary. My shins hurt a lot less! I think I will need a weekly rest day , which is how Jillian apparently meant it to be.
  • thanson563
    thanson563 Posts: 75 Member
    Just finished day 6. Took a rest day yesterday which was necessary. My shins hurt a lot less! I think I will need a weekly rest day , which is how Jillian apparently meant it to be.

    I did the same, and got through today (day 5, should have been day 6) with a lot less pain in my knees. I'm considering doing it twice today to make up for missing yesterday, but I'm not making any promises!
  • Imperfect_Angel
    Imperfect_Angel Posts: 220 Member
    I took a day off today coz I couldn't find the TV remote control, damn kids! Also because I had to rest my muscles and intended to go on a very long run today. I ended up doing 15 miles in 2 separate runs so super proud of that :D

    well done to U ladies who completed Day 6! Will do the workout twice tomorrow to catch up and stay on the same page as y'all x
  • dmfrank78
    dmfrank78 Posts: 16 Member
    I finished Day 5 yesterday and will see about doing Day 6 later tonight. I had a migraine last night and still have residual pain from it so will wait awhile longer and see how it goes, otherwise today will be a rest day and then back at it tomorrow. But I am still hoping to do it tonight.
  • michlou84
    michlou84 Posts: 34
    Just done day 6. Feeling tired and not very motivated to be honest. I'm going to try and do it earlier tomorrow and hope I feel better for it.
  • Melissas9799
    Melissas9799 Posts: 34 Member
    Just completed day 6! I noticed putting music on and muting the tv really helped me get through it easier.
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    Finished yesterday and today. I thought I was going to be able to get through it all with pushup on my toes, but couldn't do it yet. Boo! Today was also the first day that I waited to do the workout until about 11am, since I was having a lazy day, but I really struggled through it. I am definitely going to keep up with the early am workouts.

    I'm also going to try to incorporate some healthier eating plans starting tomorrow.
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    Just finished Day 6! It went by pretty quickly thankfully. I was already pretty tired from a 4.5 mile walk with my dog. Ladies, we are awesome!
  • ashleyjohnstonn1
    ashleyjohnstonn1 Posts: 359 Member
    Day 6 is done! I keep getting pains in the arches of my foot, specifically with the jump rope, and when I do the butt kicks and jumping jacks I have to do them with my whole foot on the ground because if I do them just from the ball of my foot I get the arch pain. But all in all it seems to be getting easier! Hallelujah!
  • Jade2240
    Jade2240 Posts: 162
    Day 6 done! Had a very busy day and had to workout a lot later then I like to but I got it done! One more
    Workout then were a fourth of the way done!
  • Karissa_Clohan
    Karissa_Clohan Posts: 126 Member
    Day 6 is finished!
    I noticed my endurance is significantly better than when I started on Day 1, it feels great to notice small changes :) Anyone else noticing that it's not as difficult?
  • Day 6 done! Phew It is still kicking my butt! Did it late today and I did not like it one bit. I am going to try to stick to morning work outs! I also put the TV on mute and turn up my music and just watch Jillian keeps me more in the zone and motivated!
  • Finished day 6, my knee is hurting some now. I might have stretched the wrong way without thinking, I was so tired >.>
    Good job everyone! We made it through the weekend :D
  • michlou84
    michlou84 Posts: 34
    Day 6 is finished!
    I noticed my endurance is significantly better than when I started on Day 1, it feels great to notice small changes :) Anyone else noticing that it's not as difficult?

    I found that for the first couple of days I could go straight through without stopping but yesterday I had to take a couple of rests!
    Maybe because my body is already worn out? I'm hoping its because I'm actually working harder, it sure does feel like it, I'm trying to follow the more advanced lady as much as I can but I still can't do any push ups!