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Let's Hear Some Updates!

hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
edited February 14 in Social Groups
Hey ladies! It's been awhile and I wanted to see how everyone is handling their pregnancies as May is coming quickly!

Most of you know I kept going into labor (3 times since December). After going into labor for the 3rd time the other day, I once again went to the ER. They did a pelvic exam, multiple ultrasounds, blood work, etc. While doing my pelvic exam, they discovered that I was originally pregnant with twins but lost one very early in the pregnancy, without knowing. I was going into labor to expel the miscarried baby. Bad news is, I just found out it was twins, and one did not make it. Good news is, the labor should stop and my beautiful baby girl should have a normal delivery.

My son, who is 8 months old, is loving my belly. He tries to say "baby" but it sounds more like "A.E.". Though I am so excited to meet my little princess, I am also incredibly nervous. My babies will be less than a year apart in age and it's going to be tough! However, I can do it! My baby registry is basically completed and so is my bag for when she decides she is ready to come out. Oh, and I am getting my 3D ultrasound at 30 weeks on March 13th!

So, tell me ladies, how are you?! :heart: :smile:


  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    So sorry to hear about your lost twin :-( But kudos to you for staying positive and looking on the bright side! My kids will be about 15 months apart, my son just turned a year old last week. Yours will definitely be close! It'll be tough for a little while but once you settle into a routine I'm sure it'll be great. My husband's mom and her brother are only 10 months apart.

    I have to drink a ton of water - I do already when I'm not pregnant, but when I'm pregnant it gets close to two gallons a day. I'm really tall and last time had a problem with low amniotic fluid so I'm trying to be proactive about it. I notice that I start contracting when I get mad or aggravated. One of my older sisters has been getting on my nerves lately and I finally told her she needs to back off because I can't deal with her BS. My mom also told her to leave me alone. She's one of those pessimistic people who loves to complain about anything and everything sometimes.

    I'm 26 weeks along now and so far so good. I'm high risk because of lupus and hypothyroidism, so I have to go to the doctor every two weeks to a month. I go tomorrow and can't wait to see baby girl again! She's only shown us the goods one time but I'm pretty sure from the picture that she is a she. I really wanted another boy but we don't plan on more kids, so it'll be cool to have a son and daughter :-) Just like you! Glad to hear things are going better for you.
  • qhiggins86
    qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about your twins, hotmomma0612... I'm glad you and your little girl are healthy though! :flowerforyou:

    My belly is growing bigger by the day, it seems. I have my 28 week appointment in two weeks... and also the dreaded glucose test. :sick: Crossing fingers that I pass! I've sorted all of the baby clothes I've received so far from coworkers that were super eager to get rid of them. We're cleaning out and painting the nursery this weekend too. I'm in full nesting mode! Theeeeeen, next weekend we're scoping out a full nursery set (crib, dresser, changing table, rocking chair and ottoman) from a very generous coworker of mine. I hope it works for us!

    I'm having issues with the baby shower stuff though because a coworker/friend of mine (whom I haven't heard from since I told her I was pregnant) adamantly wants to throw me a very traditional shower... and she has her own idea of what it will be like and who will be there. :huh: Kicker is, my sister-in-law already asked MONTHS ago and wants to do things the way I want to do them... I was leaning toward not having one at all, so I told my coworker/friend to coordinate with my SIL if she was serious. Le sigh.
  • feliciaclark7
    feliciaclark7 Posts: 11 Member
    I am new to the group. I am 27 weeks pregnant with a little boy. I've had a few problems this pregnancy. I got pregnant 4 weeks after a miscarriage and was thrilled to learn that I was pregnant again. Then at 8 weeks I had a little spotting but the doctor wasn't overly concerned. He checked things out and everything was fine. I spotted off and on a little after that. Then at 16 weeks I had a big bleed and went to the ER. They sent me home with more questions than answers. Since the bleeding stopped they weren't concerned. I had an ultrasound at 18 weeks and found out that I had placenta previa which had caused the bleed. I was put on bed rest and haven't had anymore bleeding episodes. I had my 1 hour glucose test this past Tuesday and I failed miserably. I go back next Tuesday for the 3 hour test.

    This will be my second child and I have been procrastinating with setting up the nursery. I've got most of the things I need for him I just have to set it all up. I am not planning on having a baby shower this time around so I am pretty much just relaxing until he gets here. I will be having a repeat c-section and it will probably be done a week before my due date. I am due May 19th and the c-section will probably be done on the 13th or 14th. Good luck to you ladies and congratulations on your little ones.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I'm having issues with the baby shower stuff though because a coworker/friend of mine (whom I haven't heard from since I told her I was pregnant) adamantly wants to throw me a very traditional shower... and she has her own idea of what it will be like and who will be there. :huh: Kicker is, my sister-in-law already asked MONTHS ago and wants to do things the way I want to do them... I was leaning toward not having one at all, so I told my coworker/friend to coordinate with my SIL if she was serious. Le sigh.

    Don't you LOVE how people want to do things their way sometimes, especially something like that? Anyone who wants to throw you a shower should be doing what you want them to do, period. My sister last year wanted to do a "tea party" shower. Um, no. Number one I was having a boy but number two the shower was going to be co-ed. I'm also a low-key person and don't like to make a big deal out of stuff.

    This time around my BFF is throwing it for me and I've had input on everything. Basically just a get together and I'm adamant about no pink. Everyone thinks I'm weird because I'm having a girl so it should all be pink and frilly... her room is gray, teal and lime green with an elephant theme. I hate the gender stereotyping... if you love pink and are having a girl more power to you, but it's not a mandatory thing!

    Okay rant over, sorry :-D
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    hotmama0612 - What a surprise that must have been when they told you you had been carrying twins! I'm so sorry for your loss, but glad you're doing well with one healthy baby girl! What a close age gap! You will do great because you'll have to ;) I'm working on 3 under 3. Everyone keeps asking me on what I'm going to do with 3 little ones. I tell them I'll figure out something! I'm getting my 3D ultrasound done probably March 15th I'll be almost 31 weeks. That's great you're done with your bag, but that makes sense if you've been having to rush to the ER. I figure I'll start working on it at 34 weeks... My son was 13 days late, my daughter 6 days late, so I am in no rush.

    tcrfford - Exciting you have another ultrasound so soon! Sorry about the high risks, but at least you sound like you have everything under control when it comes to it and are closely monitored. I've started avoiding people that are stressing me out too much. I already have 2 kids and a husband and am pregnant, I don't need any extra drama. That's all some people seem to be lately. Good for you for standing up for yourself, I hope she figures it out. Hope your shower goes how you want it! I like pink, but I have kept both of our kids room a neutral light orange color with generic decorations. My husband said when our son moves into a room and the girls move into his that the maps in his room will go with him. Apparently boys get maps and girls don't? Nope, girls get to keep the world maps :) Your theme sounds lovely!

    qhiggins86 - That's so awesome that you're getting so many items from coworkers! I hope the nursery set works out too! I love getting hand me downs - saves so much money and I can still buy some pieces I like but have the main bulk done. Ugh, a baby shower should be only what the pregnant woman wants. At my baby shower they didn't want to get me the cheap cake I REALLY like, so they got a fancy one to look nicer, it was ok. And my mother wanted to invite EVERYONE where I wanted to invite those close to me. Why can't people just humor the pregnant woman? I hope they figure it out together and have it be what you want!

    feliciaclark7 - Welcome and so glad they figured out what your bleeding was, but that must be so hard being on bed rest! Good luck at your 3 hour test! I know a lot of people fail the 1 hour but pass the 3, I hope you are one of those! I was crazy about setting up nursery for baby #2, but that's because we had moved and had a room FULL of boxes! I was a nut, but at least before baby came we'd gone through everything and made room for her. This time around I don't know what we're doing. We have a 3 bedroom and we'll have 3. Our daughter (13 months) will move in with our son (2.5years) at some point? But baby will be with us for a bit then move into the "nursery." She is so not ready to be kicked out of her crib yet though...

    AFM - Not much going on here except dreading my 2 hr glucose test on Saturday. My doc has me convinced I'll fail it, so I've been trying to fit in as much meals as I know I'll miss as I can. From PB&Js to cereal to carb loaded real meals. I should have just gotten the test over with a couple weeks ago, but I didn't want the extra appts that come with it - let alone the finger stabbings - for as long as I could put it off. I'll be 28 weeks Sunday so best just to get it done now. At least I have a date with a girlfriend for it - she's going to keep me company at the clinic then go eat with me since I'll desperately need food. Going to schedule my 3D ultrasound soon. Still feels like a boy pregnancy to me even though I've had 2 ultrasounds tell me girl. I'm just ready for labor and newborn and done being pregnant! I wouldn't want it all now as she's too little, but I feel like I've been pregnant forever (which really it's been like 26 months out of the last 3.5 years) and I want to meet her! I've been getting uncomfortable for weeks now and the tired is kicking in more and I know it's just going to get worse and harder. But a baby! Ah, the ultimate goal, will be here before I know it!
  • KimberlyTG2
    KimberlyTG2 Posts: 84 Member
    Well baby boy is looking good. We found out I have Placenta Previa so I saw a high risk doc this week. Everything looks fine for now, but you know, you just hate for anything to be out of the ordinary and make you nervous. I will see him in 5 more weeks to see if there are any changes that could make delivery more complicated. We are already planning a repeat c-sec at 38 or 39 weeks.
    I think we have finally decided on a name, Eli! not sure about the middle name yet, but I told my husband he could come up with something... we will see how that go's.
    We have also decided on using cloth diapers. It was my husbands idea. I was not really into it at first, but he talked me into it by saying if I would do input, he would do output. Meaning I feed him and he will do all the laundry. I didn't think that was too bad of a deal. And since my almost 3 yo is still in diapers, i know it will save us a lot of money (and trash) in the long run.
    We have been busy nesting. My husband has pulled up all the carpet in the house and put in wood laminate. Now its time to get rid of some stuff to make room for baby.
    My son's 3rd birthday is next week so we are getting him a big boy car bed today, to pass the crib off to baby. And oh yeah, next week is my b-day too. I am scheduling a preggy massage :)
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Our board has been kind of dead! How is everyone doing? My placenta is now 4 cm away from my cervix so no more previa risk, whoo hoo! 28 weeks now and baby is transverse, gotta get her moving down. Hope all you ladies are doing well!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    I was thinking it's been dead too, but I have really not had much to add!

    tcrofford - So happy about your placenta moving! My doctor wont even have a feel how she's laying until 36 weeks since it doesn't matter until then (I asked today!) so oh well.

    babylandsMom - How did the big boy car bed go? My son moved out of the crib at 18 months for naps and about 19/20 months for good. My 14 month old daughter is in the crib. I'm a little nervous about moving her out of the crib when she's like 16/17 months as her sister will need it! Hope your birthday and massage went well! I like Eli! My son will be 3 in June and is still in diapers, but we've tried potty training him, it didn't go well. NOw he complains about diapers but wont use the potty, so it's a lot of whining about wearing diapers for us. Hoping he'll be sick of them in the next two months so I'll only be changing 2 babies at a time! Awesome about cloth diapers, not for us, but hope it goes well!

    We're having a 3D ultrasound this weekend. That'll be exciting, can't wait to see her squishly little face. Hoping it'll make it more real. Pregnancy is just so abstract for me, I can feel baby moving all the time, but until they're out who knows what's in there! Could be a dinosaur! So come Saturday I'll at least have a pic of her that's more recent (than the 2d ultrasounds from 20 weeks and before).
  • hotmomma0612
    hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
    I was thinking it's been dead too, but I have really not had much to add!

    tcrofford - So happy about your placenta moving! My doctor wont even have a feel how she's laying until 36 weeks since it doesn't matter until then (I asked today!) so oh well.

    babylandsMom - How did the big boy car bed go? My son moved out of the crib at 18 months for naps and about 19/20 months for good. My 14 month old daughter is in the crib. I'm a little nervous about moving her out of the crib when she's like 16/17 months as her sister will need it! Hope your birthday and massage went well! I like Eli! My son will be 3 in June and is still in diapers, but we've tried potty training him, it didn't go well. NOw he complains about diapers but wont use the potty, so it's a lot of whining about wearing diapers for us. Hoping he'll be sick of them in the next two months so I'll only be changing 2 babies at a time! Awesome about cloth diapers, not for us, but hope it goes well!

    We're having a 3D ultrasound this weekend. That'll be exciting, can't wait to see her squishly little face. Hoping it'll make it more real. Pregnancy is just so abstract for me, I can feel baby moving all the time, but until they're out who knows what's in there! Could be a dinosaur! So come Saturday I'll at least have a pic of her that's more recent (than the 2d ultrasounds from 20 weeks and before).

    How exciting! My 3D ultrasound is scheduled for Thursday and I am thrilled! I am still working on a name for her, but I think I have it! Have to wait and see... :)
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    I've thought the same thing about the quiet board, but nothing to add really. Had a doctor's appointment yesterday and she is measuring a week big still. We postponed our ultrasound till next week on the 17th so my husband could come as well. We will have our follow-up to see if the placenta is out of the way and we can get okayed for a vaginal delivery. I am 32 weeks and 1 day, which when thinking about that way I've been like, "Oh I have 8 weeks to go... or 2 months to go..." Plenty of time for everything I have been postponing. Hubby sat down with my sons and figured out how many days so they could check off daily. 55 DAYS is it. Holy cow did that light a fire under my butt. 55 days does not seem that far away!

    tcrofford - so happy to hear that you placenta has moved out of the way! That is wonderful!!

    spunkychelsea - I get you on the could be anything in there. I still have a hard time referring to her as her instead of just the baby. I think knowing this is our last one I am still kind of in shock that we are even pregnant and in there growing. I enjoy watching her movements now that you can see them through my skin. Makes the movements even more real then the little flutters!
  • qhiggins86
    qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
    stephysd - I've got 11 weeks and I'm trying not to panic!!! haha! I'm glad to hear from some of you ladies :happy:

    I just wanted to share that a HUGE weight has been lifted off my chest. I got antsy and called my OB's office to check on my 1 hr glucose screening results. I was totally expecting to fail just because I've had issues with my endocrine system for years (insulin resistance, PCOS, hypothyroidism). When she told me the results came back normal, I literally told her to shut up...lol. I apologized, but proceeded to do a little dance in my cubicle at work :bigsmile:

    Almost have everything in my house painted and the next several weeks will include cleaning and putting the final preparations on the nursery and our bedroom. I guess at some point I have to prepare my delivery bag and get some home cooked meals stored in the freezer. And I forgot I have to buy my mom's plane ticket... sheesh, this post turned into my to-do list all of a sudden! Here's to the final stretch, my mamas! :drinker:
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I just wanted to share that a HUGE weight has been lifted off my chest. I got antsy and called my OB's office to check on my 1 hr glucose screening results. I was totally expecting to fail just because I've had issues with my endocrine system for years (insulin resistance, PCOS, hypothyroidism). When she told me the results came back normal, I literally told her to shut up...lol. I apologized, but proceeded to do a little dance in my cubicle at work :bigsmile:

    Whoo hoo, great news!
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    @qhiggins86 - I am so happy to hear that as well! It's always nice to get those weights gone.

    I am bummed about having to move our ultrasound, because the placenta previa is definately a huge weight for me. I really wanted to know one way or another last week, but the 17th is almost here so I'll be fine I guess. I was very much tempted though to be a witch and tell my husband I could not move the appointment and keep it on the 10th. But in the end, I was decided to be nice. Plus I wanted to go with him to his VA appointments and make sure he is being honest with his doctors about his depression and PTSD. I would not have had an excuse to tag along if I had kept the appointment. Plus this give my uterus another week of growing, so hopefully it moved.

    Washed all the baby's clothes yesterday. Have determined that I need blankets and burp clothes. I don't know what I used for my sons' but there was nothing when I checked totes. This weekend I am bringing up the rest of the baby furniture from the basement and going to get that cleaned and set up.

    Last night Hubby and I went on a date, and in his vehicle he had a To Do list. I was looking it over because that first few things were stuff to do after our doctor appointments and I wanted to see if I should add anything. Stupid list literally made me cry. He had on there to buy a present for Lena, present for David, present for Iver (our three kids), then a few shopping things, then tarp for car, warm blankets, nose sucker, sterile gloves, zip ties, and then I some other crap. So I ask him about the middle portion because they just seemed odd. This is emergency delivery kit in case we don't make it to the hospital. I about died laughing. He was not that prepared for our first two, but we also have an hour drive that we did not with them. Then I asked him about the presents for the kids and what he wanted to get the boys. Then I asked him why a present for Lena. She's a baby and really would not know the difference. He said he was thinking maybe a big pink stuffed mouse, and this is where the waterworks started. My Dad bought my mom and me and pink stuffed mouse when I was born. It was the only thing pink in the hospital gift shop. I still have the mouse and it sits in my sewing room with a few other special stuffed animal and dolls that I don't want the kids to play with. Hubby knew how special that was for me and wanted to make sure that his daughter had something from the day she was born too. I thought it was the sweetest thing ever, as being loving and caring is a hard thing for him. His PTSD from the war has made him very bitter and hardened, and it takes great effort for him to think to show his love. I am hoping to encourage him to get something really special for the boys as well because they never got that kind of love until about two years ago from him.
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    qhiggins86 - So friggen exciting to hear you passed! I know it was a huge relief when I got the call I passed too! Congrats! I would have (and did) dance too!

    stephysd - Sorry about having to delay the ultrasound a week - that would make me more stressed too, but it nicer that he can go with you - and that you could go with him. I really hope St. Patrick's Day brings you good news! That list would have made me tear up too! I have been buying little gifts for my son (haven't figured out what to get my daughter yet - the current 14 month old). My husband seems to think it's silly. They don't need gifts. I KNOW they don't. But a new gift will hopefully help when they get more ignored for a while (my son when we had our first daughter got him a small cheap Scout phone that counted - he loved that thing - he was 18 months old at the time). That is just so sweet of your husband to know how much it meant to you and wants the same for his daughter. I'm sorry to hear about the PTSD. My husband did 8 years in the Navy (6 while we were married I think), luckily he didn't have anything too traumatic happen, but we do not look back at those days with fondness. I am so relieved he's out and we've been speaking of it more and more often how wonderful it is to have him home. I can't imagine having him gone now with kids here. I'm rambling. Best of luck Monday!
  • KimberlyTG2
    KimberlyTG2 Posts: 84 Member
    We have the car bed, but I have to admit it is not set up yet. We bought it from someone who smoked (husband didn't ask) and it smelled to bad to put in his room at first and we will need a new mattress. I think he will love it if I can ever convince him to get out of my bed.
    The massage was GREAT! I left there asking myself why I have not done this before. I think I will do it again in a couple weeks. My back has been really killing me for a couple of days. I really would encourage all of you to go treat yourself to one. You deserve it!
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I have had a couple interesting experiences lately.

    Tuesday last week I was sent to the hospital where I am delivering at for monitoring, I am 29 weeks and was really uncomfortable, having some tightening in my lower pelvis. I've been down this road before - go to triage, they hook you up to monitors, listen to the baby, check your cervix and swab for fetal fibronectin. Cervix wasn't dilated but I'm 60% effaced (which contrary to popular belief doesn't really mean anything) and baby was fine. I got there at 4:30 and they did the swab at 5:00. Meanwhile I didn't get to see my son after work because he goes to sleep at 6:00. Roll around to about 7:15 and STILL NO LAB RESULTS. Baby kept slipping away from the monitor and the nurses kept checking me but then said they had to call the lab or whatever. My phone had been dead for an hour and I was so freakin bored, hubby was at work. So around 7:30 I had to pee really bad and ripped everything off. Even after I flatlined, no one came back to check on me. Around 8:00 I'd had enough so I got dressed and left. I even stopped at the triage desk and waited a moment to tell someone what was up but no one paid attention, so I said screw it. Got the results and the swab was negative as I knew it would be. No one from the hospital has even called me.

    Today I went to the chiropractor and discovered my pelvis is out of alignment so my right leg was a full inch shorter than my left. Got that adjusted and will be going back once a week. The doc is trained in the Webster method so that will help with getting baby out of the transverse position.
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    stephysd - how'd the scan go?

    babylansMom - Glad the massage went so well! I had one pregnant with my son, it was nice to be able to lay on my stomach! The massage was nice, but not great. With my daughter they didn't have the special table so it was more awkward and not great. I'll probably skip it this time around, make my husband give me more rub downs and tell him we're saving money ;) My guilty pleasures are pedicures. Car bed sounds awesome, hope you have it aired out/cleaned to your satisfaction and works well for your toddler!

    tcrofford - that sounds like a horrible time. I went for an NST with my daughter - told me it would take like 20 minutes, took 1.5 hours, but at least they kept coming in and fed me and kept me updated on lab results. I would have left too cause that's bull****. Awesome that you were able to fix your misalignment though! My doctor wont even discuss baby's position until 36 weeks. I had a 3d ultrasound this weekend though and they told me she was head down so I found that encouraging. I hope your transverse baby behaves and turns!
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Hey Ladies! Scan went great. The placenta is out of the way so I have been okayed for a vaginal delivery! She is still measuring big, but I think if they want to do anymore ultrasound I am going to refuse at this point. She is what she is. I was 33 weeks and 0 days on Monday and she was measuring between 34 weeks 0 days up to the highest 34 weeks 5 days. Her weight was 5lbs 3oz. I had a tech who was a student being trained. Which was not a big deal, but the lady who training her was a bit$%. I had asked if we could please get a picture of her face if she behaved for my sons and the trainee tech was fine with that. Trainer tech walks in and goes that is not the reason you are here and we can't do that. I told her that was bull I pay for the ultrasound and it was no skin off their back to get us one picture of her face. It ended up the trainee was having troubles getting all the measurements, so we supposedly ran out of time even though we were 30 minutes early for the appointment and they took us straight back because they were slow and we were still out of there before our schedule appointment time even came around. We ended up getting no pictures. They did not even print out the ones they had obtained of her body and limbs.

    babylansMom - That stinks about the bed. Smoke smell is so hard to get rid of. I love massage and have been debating on going and getting one. But am super picky. I went to school for massage therapy and if I don't get what I asked for I get pissy because I know that is incorrect. One of my classmates though has a practice in town 20 minutes away from us, so I may go to her. At least I know she'll listen to requests. Has your little guy seen the bed you bought him yet?

    tcrofford - Have you let your doctor know what occurred at the hospital? I would definately consider it as they should know what is happening. I would also mention how uncomfortable that makes you feel with the thought of them caring for your child after they are born. That is downright unacceptable behavior for a care facility. I hope your baby turns for you as well.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    Emma is now head down, whoo hoo! She's measuring right on target too, a tad on the big side just like my son was.

    My doctor called the manager of Labor & Delivery at the hospital because he was so ticked. I see him on Monday so I'm sure we'll have another discussion about it too. Completely unacceptable!
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    YAY!!!! @tcrofford. That is fantastic to hear! So glad she has turned. Also glad to hear that your doctor is talking with the hospital about what happened!

    Had a nice couple of days off due to sick kids on Wednesday and Thursday. I got a lot of house cleaning done and baby nesting things. My father-in-law goes in for surgery on Monday the 24th to remove a mass on his colon, so we will not be able to go over there and visit like we usually do on Sundays since the boys were sick. Other than a birthday party for my niece on Saturday, it'll be a quiet weekend and I am hoping to get the downstairs finished and then start tackling the upstairs (boys' room and play room).
  • qhiggins86
    qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
    Glad your LO turned head down, tcrofford! I felt my little girl drop on Wednesday, and she stayed that way for the entire day... definitely an odd feeling as a FTM. But just as quickly as she dropped, she decided to go back to being transverse again today. I hope she decides to go head down for good in the following weeks (~10ish weeks to go).

    I had my 30 week visit yesterday. I feel like time is going to pass much more quickly now that I have visits every 2 weeks. I haven't had the best luck at the OB office I've decided to stick with until I met my doctor a couple months ago. She is awesome and definitely has a calming affect on me. She told me she's leaving the practice and this week is her last week. I'm trying very hard not to be devastated. I know that she may not have been my doctor on the day of delivery anyway, but not seeing her at my visits anymore will suck :brokenheart:

    My hubby and I finally took a hospital tour of L&D this week. I was excited to have this demystified, but as soon as I stepped into the birthing suite I felt like I couldn't breathe. This has been real to me, but it all of a sudden got hi-def!!! :laugh: The first things I said to my hubby after the tour were, "I'm scared," and "I'm not ready." FTM jitters!!!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    So many good updates!

    stephysd - Congrats on the placenta moving! I know I was measuring big with my son. THey projected him to be 8.5-9lbs at 40 weeks. I was terrified when I went overdue how big he'd be. 7lbs 12. Those ultrasound are so not great with estimates, glad you have the right attitude about it though. Sorry about the sick kids and upcoming surgery, but awesome you're getting nesting done.

    tcrofford - Woo! Head down! So happy babies are cooperating!

    qhiggins86 - So sorry about your doctor. I've given my husband instructions that if 2 of the 4 OBs aren't the ones on call and mine wont come in (she said she will but she has 3 small children so I know things can happen) that I will take ANY midwife. 2 of the OBs just rub me the wrong way (I've delivered 2 babies through the practice already and know who I like and who I don't-mostly because of how rough they are and not calming). I'm hoping my OB can deliver this baby like she did the last 2 (but I was lucky and my babies chose to come when she was on call - hopefully this baby will be as accommodating). L&D tour scared the crap out of me too! I saw a mommy going home and she looked like death - eyes glazed over staring at the floor as they wheeled her out. All I could think of is that'll be me in a few short weeks! Totally normal to be scared and not ready. I thought I was ready with my son since I went so overdue I just wanted pregnancy to be over! I was still scared though, and we're never fully prepared. I'm definitely ready for this baby to come once the time is right though! I'm having trouble picking up my 2.5 year old, at least the 14 month old is pretty light still. I know after the initial 2 weeks after birth I'm stronger and better able to handle physical tasks (like walking! haha!) with the baby out. My mom always told me that you get so miserable at the end to make you look forward to labor instead of dreading it. I have found this to be true!
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    36 weeks along as of yesterday. Tomorrow I have a doctor appointment and have the Group Strep B testing. Not looking forward to it :oP

    But super excited to be in the final countdown. Have been having lots of Braxton Hick contractions all during the day but they always die out at night. Which is good. Lena needs to bake at least a couple more weeks. I forgot how uncomfortable those contractions can be though. Good thing your body does some practice ones to warm-up before the big day.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    This is my second (and last) baby and I am looking forward to having my body back. I've basically been pregnant for two years. I'm in the doctor's office every week on average 3 times a week to do fetal monitoring plus my normal appointment... not to whine but I'm just tired of all the running around. She's totally worth it of course, but I want to be DONE!

    Speaking of which, my husband and I have been talking over birth control options since I don't want to go back on synthetic hormones. I also don't want to have my tubes tied because these days they do it with clips or clamps, they don't physically cut them anymore. So if hubby won't get a vasectomy then I'll probably just get an IUD.

    Almost 33 weeks and it's starting to get hot in Vegas - so glad I won't be super pregnant during the dead heat of summer!
  • hotmomma0612
    hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
    34 weeks and she can come at any time now. Waiting (im)patiently!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    34 weeks and she can come at any time now. Waiting (im)patiently!

    LOL, I feel the same way!!! My hospital doesn't have a NICU and only likes to have babies 35 weeks and older (which I will be on Sunday). HOWEVER, I know the longer baby bakes the better - and after having my first two go overdue (13 days and 6 days) I am holding out little hope of going anytime soon. I finished packing my bag, so I'm hoping that'll tell her I'm ready and she'll be ready. Would LOVE the end of April first day of May to have a baby (37 weeks) would be awesome!

    Sigh, hang in there everyone!
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Speaking of which, my husband and I have been talking over birth control options since I don't want to go back on synthetic hormones. I also don't want to have my tubes tied because these days they do it with clips or clamps, they don't physically cut them anymore. So if hubby won't get a vasectomy then I'll probably just get an IUD.

    My husband will be getting a vasectomy after this baby, but I will also be getting a Mirena IUD put in as well again. We have been told that it can take up to 3 years for a vasectomy to become 'effective' and both of our sons were conceived while I was on birth control pills. The IUD was the only birth control that was effective for us. So to not risk a fourth baby that is our plan.
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    37 weeks today and I was so certain that I was starting labor yesterday afternoon. We had a weekend getaway with our sons before the baby came. All day Saturday, we were outside at three different parks. This mama was up and moving or walking for 6 hours straight which is not normally something I do. Then we spent the evening swimming in the hotel. Sunday when we got home I headed straight for the couch to lay down as I was exhausted. Contractions started around 3pm and were regular but about every 25 to 30 minutes apart. Stayed that way all afternoon, but eventually died away around 10pm. I was so incredibly bummed this morning!

    I had to laugh at my family, because I must have looked like hell. My husband was at his parent's house helping with some farm chores and I kept trying to call him to let him know to keep his phone by him. Took 2 hours to get a hold of him (and he got a butt chewing by the time I did). When I finally was able to talk to him I knew his parents were close by, so I started the sentence with 'Don't change your facial expression, but I am having contractions.' When he got home, he said the minute I said 'Hello' he could tell something was off.

    Then my mom called around 4pm to see if my sons wanted to come play for a couple of hours before supper. We usually always have Sunday dinner or supper at my parent's with my siblings. I told her that would be great and she said she would come and get them (they live just a mile down the road from us). She walks in and I am laying on the couch and the boys are with me and we are watching a movie. She looks at me and starts asking me 20 questions and accusing me of lying about what is going on. I finally told her they were not that serious and if they turned into serious ones I would let her know. But even if they did, she would have the kids which is where they are going while I am in the hospital so it's not that big of a deal.

    Today I am achy, but nothing going on. It's suppose to be semi-nice today (in the 40's) so I am hoping to go for a couple of walks during my work breaks. Hopefully that will get things moving along this week.
  • qhiggins86
    qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
    34 weeks and she can come at any time now. Waiting (im)patiently!

    Wish granted! Lucky girl!

    I have my 34 week appointment tomorrow. I spotted a little last week, but nothing to be concerned about. I have a baby shower at work on Wednesday, another family baby shower this weekend in Colorado (I live in Arizona), and one more next weekend at my house that my sister-in-law planned for me. I definitely feel loved and I hope she doesn't come before all of that happens!

    The end of May cannot come soon enough though, that's for sure. :ohwell:
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    stephysd - 37 weeks! Awesome! I would be welcoming labor too! I'm so sorry the contractions went away.

    qhiggins - Have fun at your Baby Showers!!!

    I had some contractions start up on Saturday (I am now 35 weeks). I was totally ok with it (though I'd love for baby to come at 37/38weeks, both of my kids were late - 13 days and 6 days). My husband was doing the this isn't normal, start timing them and got pissed that I was dismissive of them for hours because "I don't have early babies." He was not thrilled with me and made me download a contraction app. As I figured, they went away once I was able to lay down once the kids went to bed. Sure made me nervous to face down labor again! I'm hoping maybe a little earlier/smaller baby would mean less tearing this time - I had a 3rd deg tear then a 2nd deg tear - I hate the healing process.

    Let's bring on some healthy May babies anytime!
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