2 week challenge



  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Thanks everyone :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,976 Member
    *STAR* challenge APRIL WEEK 1 update:

  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Welcome sukhi4 - Hope you were able to get that jog in!

    Asjerven – maintaining in itself can be hard work, so kudos to you for doing it and still enjoying life 

    Better – you crack me up! “What else is new?” ;) Great job last week! Balancing out the week is a great idea. As always, your plans sounds fun!!

    Abigail – Yay, you got all your workouts in! Your Mudderella workout sounds great!

    KC – I can’t even have those dang cookies in the house :p

    Ram- What exciting news!! Congrats! And I’m with Beeps, November is a wonderful month 

    Shanabar – I'd like to lose 7-8 lbs myself!

    My 1st week of April was great! I had 1 drink fri night and 1 drink last night, so that is good.

    1. Weights 3/wk - Check! (First time since Novemebr!)
    2. No diet soda - Check!
    3. Eat clean – only bad stuff was white rice on Friday and movie theater popcorn yesterday.
    4. minimum of 9 glasses of water - check!
    5. multivitamin – check!

    Hope you all have a wonderful week!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Wow! Lots going on!

    Ram - CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's so so exciting!! :) Very happy for you :):):)

    Jen - Great job on the goals!! Nice to have you back :)

    Beeps - I forgot to let you know my star yesterday, I'm sorry!! I did get a PLAT though! wahoo! Thank you for keeping track of this!

    Shanaber - Great job on the star challenge :)

    That's all I can really see!! I'm still a little sick, but I'm still working out anyways, I missed the gym when I couldn't go!! I feel like I have a big financial weight off my shoulders now though, I figured out why my mortgage went up so much and it turns out I didn't know about a tax exemption so I should be getting a big check in the mail from last year!! Very excited!!! Extra to add to the wedding budget! Random, I know, but I'm very excited!! My weight is still great, I still have 4lbs I'd like to lose, but I'm trying not to worry about the numbers and just focus on how I feel & look. I'm still working on toning my arms so they look fabulous in my wedding dress :) It will be 1 year from this Friday!! Crazy!!

    My 2 week goals will be:
    Complete squat challenge every day
    Drink at least 64oz water/day (even weekends!)
    Take advantage of nice weather and walk/run outside more (extra bonus making the gym only for weights!)

    I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. Quick check in. Good to hear from everyone!

    So I've started another challenge with my sister. We're going to Hilton Head second week in June so she made us a spreadsheet. We get points for getting workouts in, deductions for not hitting weight loss goals or being over calories or drinks (drinking runs in the family.....:drinker: ), etc. So that should help keep me on track. My first day was not great. I did not get to sleep on time, went over my cals because we had dinner out and I had to drink in order to watch the game. Cats lost. They did better than I ever imagined. Anyways, the next three days I need to not have any alcohol (as I am aiming to not drink minimum 3 days a week) and keep my calories in check. Tomorrow should be nice so I will be getting some running and walking in on my day off. I've got 3.5 pounds to lose over the next 9 weeks. I can do it!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! I just caught up on everything, you all have been busy! Too much to comment on everything, but CONGRATS RAMA MAMA!!!!

    No star for me last week, I didn't log over the weekend. I was visiting my family and there was just too much going on to even estimate, and I'm sure that I went way over. I'm stil trying to flush the fluff out.

    This week I'm just going to focus on logging and getting a star.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,976 Member
    ...i called sukhi4's bluff - she ain't never comin' back...

    jenomaha - great 2 week goals! Mine aren't changing so I haven't even written 'em down, of late!

    shander - congrats on the tax break! And, omg, a year until a wedding will FLY BY, I am sure!

    Better - hmmmmmmmmmmm, wish you could add me to your spreadsheet - 3.5 lbs loss by June sounds AWESOME!

    RisOnTheRun - enjoy the visit with family. Do you enjoy visiting with family, lol?!??!?!

    (I often do NOT, myself!)

    Anyway, I think I am GRUMPY. Should remove myself from posting....but, you know that ain't gonna happen, lol!

  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS, RAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love babies. Such a happy time.

    Ashley- Sounds like a great plan! You got this...even if your first day wasn't perfect.

    Jen- your doing great! Keep it up!

    Shannon- Sorry you haven't been feeling well. :-(

    Shanaber- Great job on the star, you can do this!!!!

    My baby (ok, my 9 year old) has such bad allergies, she is throwing up mucus. I went into work for tutoring, then brought her home. I am getting A LOT done- laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc. I am going to do a second workout at 1:00 (yes, I have my entire day planned out). I am loving my new found motivation and only wish I had found it sooner!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    ick, KC, allergies are the worst! I take benedryl at bedtime, zertec in the afternoon and flonase in the morning and that takes care of it for the most part. I think I mentioned the dr wanting to fix my deviated septum, but I just don't see it being helpful, anyway...

    I was just reading a strategy that maybe I have seen and probably practiced but never really thought about how easy it could be-Eat at maintenance most days and pick 2 low-cal days. Anyone can do 2 days fast til lunch or maybe just 300 calories, breakfast, lunch and dinner, and that would be about a 600 calories deficit, 1200 if I did 2 low-cal days, which is as good as 1200 per day BUT easier than 1200 per day which starts to feel pretty restrictive!
  • zgolub
    zgolub Posts: 90 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I'd like to join the star challenge. Since im coming in a bit late this week, (I started tracking calories on Tuesday), my goal is 9500 cal for 6 days.

    I am a new mom, have a 6 month old at home. And have those extra 10 baby weight lbs that I just can't seem to shake. Would like to join along with you guys to eat cleaner and leaner and get more workouts in. Some toning and lifting is in order too.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, the scale was up today so I am really going to try and stay under on cals, it could be some of the new lifting and water weight but I know I overdid it last week. This week has been pretty good and I didn't drink any booze Monday or Tuesday.
    I really need to eat more fruits and veggies, I don't know why I am finding that hard to do...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,976 Member
    Amy - I like the sound of "2 deficit days"....I think, for me, really my problem is that I don't seem to consistently eat "at maintenance" anymore than I consistently eat "at a deficit". I have HUGE swings in my eating.....and I NEVER eat breakfast.

    So, some days, between lunch and bedtime, I eat 1,300 calories. Great - a nice deficit! And then other days, between lunch and bedtime, I pack away 2,400 calories. Boooo - way over maintenance.

    I think I need to fix THOSE swings - make them LESS, to develop a better bell curve, and then I might have some luck with MORE maintenance days and LESS deficit days.

    zgolub - what is your weekly calorie alotment - i need THAT number for the star challenge....which started last week, so you are coming in on week 2, okay?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,976 Member
    I don't care about eating more fruit - I don't like it and I'm not going to eat it.

    But, I am very focused on eating more vegetables. Went out and bought a vegetable cookbook for ideas, etc. THIS IS STILL NOT WORKING.

    Now, I am even MORE under-the-gun because my kids, for the most part, ONLY ingest raw veggies. They have turned up their noses, since f*cking birth, at every hot veggie I put in front of them. (and, there is ALWAYS a hot veggie offering - because I HATE raw veggies and DEMAND cooked ones!) Anyway, kids now have braces, so raw veggies are basically OUT.

    yet, in working through the veggie-only cookbook, it offers NOTHING exciting! I now need pureed veggie recipes, that taste GOOD....so, pass them along ladies. My kids need to eat their veggies and their mouths need puree. If it was as simply as just plopping veggies into a blender, I would do that - but they come out tasting like sludge. NO THANK YOU.

    GAWD I AM STILL VERY VERY GRUMPY. Yes, my period showed up (thank gawd), so "weepy Monday" has passed, but I still really just want to punch things.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I finally am out of the 150s!!!!! I know the scale is just a number but to see 149.2 on the scale was amazing!!! 4 more pounds until my pre-pregnancy happy weight and then I would like to try for another 5-10, but we will see how it goes. I do like to enjoy life, and food, and wine, and beer, etc so I will not give those up just to get to a number.

    Goals this week are:

    1) Have at lease 3 booze free days (was going to do four, but with the weather warming up I like having a beer or cocktail on the deck, so I am going to be realistic)
    2) 3 days of Chalean Extreme and 3 days of running
    3) stay within an average of 1750 cals a day for the week
    4) have less than 30% carbs

    Ram congrats! That's a great time to have a baby! Everyone said I would hate having Jack in the winter, but honestly the first couple months you can't do too much anyways with a newborn, especially if you plan to breastfeed. And now that summer is coming I pretty much have my body back and am looking forward to doing fun things outside with him.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,401 Member
    Beeps - how about a smoothie for the kids? You can put in whatever they like and even some they don't that they need cause it is unlikely they will be able to tell. The coldness may also help with the sore teeth. Another good thing I made for my daughter when she had her braces on were fruit popsicles - again the cold makes the mouth feel better.

    Amy - I make smoothies for myself, especially in the summer because it is refreshing and a good way to get in breakfast along with fruits and veggies and protein - I add in Greek yogurt and some protein powder. I am not a big breakfast eater but I have to eat it now or I get too hungry and that is really dangerous.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Beeps - Have you tried spaghetti squash? that might be something to mix in with regular spaghetti! If not, I have made a cauliflower sauce that is garlic-y and delicious and it's a puree, so it might be hidden for them ( http://myfridgefood.com/ViewRecipe.aspx?recipe=21040 ). You can also try to puree butternut squash or some other veggie into a mac & cheese sauce, using laughing cow cheese to keep calories lower. Check out the Hungry Girl website too, they sometimes have good hidden veggie recipes!! I'll keep looking for more :)
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I am a BIG fan of the green monster...but the way I eat it, they are HIGH calories. I add Greek yogurt and Chia seeds. My KIDS LOVE them and I usually share with them I also like cucumber/pineapple/kale smoothies. I tried adding butternut squash to my girls mac and cheese the other night. One liked, one didn't. Oh, I add spinach to anything with marinara sauce. When I focus on consuming as many fruits and veggies as possible, I always feel better and the scale usually LOVES me.

    Amy-I think that is a good plan! I struggle with knowing what maintenance is for me. I have been maintaining at 1400ish calories when i haven't been working out, but once I start to work out, I know maintenance is higher.

    Chloe- That is AWESOME!!!!! What a great feeling.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I like cooked veggies in soup-Beeps, would your kids like that? There was one that had kale, kielbasa and cheese tortellini in a chicken broth base, it was pretty low cal and tasty.

    Mike made pork tenderloin with an asian style glaze and some stir fry veggies-snap peas and carrots with brown rice and I liked that. We have a bunch of snap peas so I might broil them with some garlic for a snack.

    I did have some "zucchini tots" that were good-shredded zucchini in muffin tins, I think you might like those too.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Lasagna is a good place to try and hide veggies too. You can mix spinach in with the cheese and roast veggies and throw them in the sauce.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Beeps, I like doing mini meatloafs and sneaking veggies in: zucchini, kale, spinach, carrots, whatevs. Food processors are awesome! I also do my smoothies with kale (and soy milk, banana and protein powder for about 180 cals I think.)

    Amy, that's an interesting concept and one I guess after reading that, realize I do most weeks. Typically my Monday and Tuesday are low calorie, like 200-400 calories under net goal (I count exercise cals). But then I have 2, usually 3 days that are near or over 2000. This is why I shoot for 1350 a day, but 10,000 a week. That gives me already an extra 550 calories because I know I'll need it. I also almost never eat breakfast and end up consuming about 2/3 of my calories after 5pm.

    I've done okay this week. Monday I was over a bit, but was under Tuesday and Wednesday. Yesterday was gorgeous so got 4 miles in, visited the park, did some yoga and gymnastics (I sort of did a front walkover; just can't get up) in the yard. It was a good day. Today I should be under as well. I need to save up some cals for book club and more importantly our wine party Saturday. I'm going to do some sort of workout today. It's nice again so I think I will go across the street at lunch to the park and do some monkey bars (try to do a pullup....I treid at the park yesterday and got about 2" up....), some planks, step ups and sprints or something. Not really sure yet. It's too nice to go down in the dreary basement gym.

    Have a great day all!