have to restart this journey

I have been so bad about my eating and really not getting enough time for myself to do anything, especially exercising for too long now. I have done MFP before with some success, but always make excuses to stop for some reason. It has been about 10 months since I have even worried about keeping track of what I am eating.

So here I am once again trying to restart my journey to be healthy. I want to be here for my kids as they grow up and I want to be an active mom who doesn't worry about if I can fit into the chair or the ride etc. My weight is getting in my way and I want to stop making excuses and start feeling like I can do this. I am trying not to worry about the long time it will take to get down to the healthy range for my height (over 200 lbs lower than I am now). I want to pick small goals like fitting into a pair of my jeans that haven't been able to button for some time now. Or a goal of just being able to walk a mile without getting winded.

I would love some friends on here if anyone is interested. I am also good at cheering if you need a friend to cheer you on!



  • Pinkcharity23
    Pinkcharity23 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey there glad your are restarting your journey. Remember it is not how many times you fall it's how many times you get up :-) I sent you a friend request and I wish you the best...you can do it :-)
  • lessofmeeachweek
    lessofmeeachweek Posts: 28 Member

    I am trying really hard just to move forward and not beat myself up for letting it get this far. But even with entering my food I am finding that I go over my calories and still feel way too hungry. Hoping that I can find a few good recipes that are more filling. I think that is one big thing I haven't been doing for a while now. I want to make healthy stuff.
  • I sent you a friend request also. You might want to try tracking your fiber. It may help you feel fuller. Also I track my sodium I find that is probably my worst obstacle. Best of luck moving forward and remember you came back instead of just giving up and that is the most important part :-)
  • dakrzone
    dakrzone Posts: 6
    Hi and congratulations on your restart. I myself am restarting again and this is either my first post ever here or the first in so long that I can't remember. The one thing I would say is that you should start by looking for small victories. These will eventually lead to bigger victories. Start by seeing your restart as a victory in and of itself!

    I restarted my journey a couple months ago and have really been working on changing my relationship with food, especially my sweet tooth. Personally I think food addiction is one of the strongest addictions out there. One of the reasons is we don't vilify food the way we do other substances making it much easier to overeat and to eat things that are no good for you. Not to mention that we are all busy and eating on the go all too often.

    I started with the 17 day diet to help reduce my carb dependency and while I'm not on it presently, going through a month of cycle 1 helped me begin to break it's hold on me. It's something I will now build on. I've slipped up though and no longer see that as defeat but just a slip up. Giving up altogether is defeat and do not let yourself be defeated. Get back up and keep trying.

    I applaud your restarting and will send a friend request! We can do this!
  • chellelbelle79
    chellelbelle79 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi to all! I also just started my journey this week and so far am doing okay! I have a hard time getting to the gym between running my 13 year old daughter to activities and just not having the energy, so I have been focusing on the eating for right now. My biggest struggle is actually getting close to the calories I am supposed to eat.. When I choose healthier food choices, I end up having almost 600 or more calories left at the end of the day and then I get frustrated because I don't lose weight. I have to find that balance and I am just not sure how or where to find it. It will be a challenge, but I am ready for it.