


  • maree142
    maree142 Posts: 82 Member
    Hello all,
    Apologies for not tuning in, but I didn't do my 2nd run until Friday evening -- did weights during the week, rather than running.
    Well, did my 30 mins straight on the treadmill. Ya-hoo!! I kept going (even needing to hold onto the bar of the tread whilst I am running -- doesn't look pretty, shouldn't do it but it keeps me running.

    On saturday I got my partner (who is an excellent runner!) to map me a run at about 2.5 kilometres outside so I can start doing an outside run to get me outside running. So I did that Saturday (today) and I figure I can extend that length and get myself running outside. I will probably move the dial back when I am outside, but keep the current one going on the tread....

    Tomorrow I do my week 8, day 3 which I think is 35 minutes!Yikes!

    Sounds like we're all back in the swim. Deb, a big 5k next week, is it?
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    I'm baaaccckkk. Today I ran 30 minutes, and felt quite good. I've skipped the second day of 20 minutes, and the day at 28 minutes, so I'm planning on two more runs of 30 minutes before the 5km on Saturday. There will be a lot of people at this event, and in my experience the first half km will probably be so crowded, we will be walking.

    Fingers crossed this old body holds up!

    It's wonderful to read of everyone's adventures in this group, and I have certainly felt accountable to you all.

    Not long to go, team!
  • maree142
    maree142 Posts: 82 Member
    Deb, that is fantastic going from 20 to 30 -- if you have followed my drama, I was totally spooked by the 20 to 25 and the 25 to 28 and the 28 to 30 -- ye gads, I was positively in panic about it.
    Tonight I do 35 minutes -- which, with the walking 5 before and 5 after may yet see me get to 5ks.
    But enough of me -- go for it!
  • maree142
    maree142 Posts: 82 Member
    Woo -hoo!! Did 35 minutes (and 5k in 41:12 in total counting the warm-up walking)!
    I have to say I was really wanting to quit at 30 minutes and I was helped by not wanting to post that I couldn't do the 35!!
    Anyway, got through and just one minute into the warmdown tripped over onto 5ks and that felt fantastic....

    It is on the tread, the tread is on 0 gradient, but I am sticking with the advice to focus on the length of the run, not the pace etc, just take it slowly, and put the miles in and stay on it....

    Go everyone! Just knowing that we're all working to this goal is helpful and supportive.
    Have a good week!
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Congrats Maree :drinker: & Deb :drinker:

    It does feel good to get the time in, truly not sure if I've actually gotten the distance in. But since no plans to run a real one, I'm happy just going 30 odd minutes w/o passing out, having a coronary, stroking out and falling on my face :bigsmile:

    Yesterday in the park, did the mile or whatever it was, run from the bathroom station, down & up the incline to the end and back to the bathrooms. Then ran up the other inclines and the last one to the parking lot ..mainly to get a better calorie burn and my heart rate up.

    Maree..what are you using to count the miles, the console counter? I can't remember but have you done runs outside at this point? My app starts with the 5 min warm up, then the run, then the cool down 5 minutes then tells me workout completed but am always wondering, how far did I actually go in that amount of time. When on the treadmill I can see the distance (if in fact it is correct, hmm) I use incline set at 1 for running the treadmill, speed 4 & 4.5 but next time I'm going to try to do 4.5 for the 30 minutes if I can. What speed are you on the treadmill?

    Deb...make sure you post how it went ASAP, lol. Are you using Runkeeper or another app to log the run?

    Kim...Running today? Can you breath at 9000 feet? We're supposed to hit 90 next week, UGH. Guess can't complain too much, its better than 100. Park trail is not shady at all. I did look yesterday at races, just for kicks, but NO plans to do anything at this point. If co worker ever goes past 2 min run/3 min walk (lol) and wants to do a run, I'll consider it, am not holding my breath though.

    I'll be back at the park trail later today (got the day off woo hoo...shorter work week is always nice) ...hoping to get the same amount of running in.

    Have a great day whatever you guys end up doing:flowerforyou:
  • FocusKimFocus
    FocusKimFocus Posts: 124 Member
    Woohoo! Congrats Maree and Deb!

    I didn't run yesterday, but did a long slow uphill ski tour - nearly 3 hours of uphill (including breaks), before skiing back downhill, which took less than 20 minutes. The ski areas around me will all be closed by next weekend, and more of the dirt roads in my area are being plowed and opened up for Spring. Which means more route options for running for me. I've started to get tired of my same little loop.
  • mel521
    mel521 Posts: 74 Member
    Sounds like you ladies are doing great! I did week 8 day 1 this morning. I ran for 14 minutes before looking at the timer on the treadmill which made it go by so much faster. In the 28 minute running portion I did 2.19 miles. I finished walking the 5k in 42:44. I think today was one of the best runs I've had! Hope you all have a great Monday!
  • FocusKimFocus
    FocusKimFocus Posts: 124 Member
    Ran 35 minutes yesterday in lots of sloppy, squishy mud. I wore a Garmin GPS watch to see how far I went. I walked afterwards to get to 5k. It took me 42 minutes for 5k. I was kind of bummed about that since our local elementary school girls ALL completed a 5k in under 30 minutes this year (Girls on the Run program). But, I'm telling myself that I had more difficult conditions ... but then again my legs are longer than theirs. sigh.

    I should feel GREAT about this, because I'm pretty sure that was a new lifetime personal record for running without stopping. Plus I did go up a bunch of hills.

    AirAngel - no problem breathing once you're here for ~2 weeks or so. The really awesome thing is that since I have extra red blood cells from living at altitude, I can probably drive down the mountain and run further/faster with less effort. I've kept that in the back of my mind when I've worried that I wouldn't be able to complete a long run. In fact, I think I'll drive down to Durango to run my full 5k - it should be a cinch. (fingers crossed)
  • maree142
    maree142 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi all,
    no running today - just weights (Tuesday and Thursday) and hope to run my week 9 tomorrow ( 5 w, 20 R, 3 W, 20R and 5 W) - i think this is the beginning of the 10k bit.
    I hope you all go well.... Deb, how is the planning for the big run going?
  • FocusKimFocus
    FocusKimFocus Posts: 124 Member
    psyching myself up to go for a run (at least 28 minutes for Week 8, Day 1). Its a gorgeous day and the roads have dried out for me, so should be nice. But for some reason I'm feeling laaazy. Maybe typing about running will help me ... I'll let you know!
  • FocusKimFocus
    FocusKimFocus Posts: 124 Member
    Week 8, Day 1 is done! I also did 3 short sprints afterwards. I'm going to try to incorporate more sprints and intervals after my jogs and perhaps on some off days. I've been reading about how intervals do a better job of fat burning than steady jogging... but I still want to build up my endurance with the steady, long runs too.
  • maree142
    maree142 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi all,
    My w 9 didn't go as it should have. I ran the first 20 minutes, walked, but didn't have the stamina for the second 20mins. I did however do some intervals in walking the second 20 minutes. So, it awaits me next run. A pity, but to be honest I think I should have repeated the 35 minutes a few times before I started the next part of theprogramme that takes you to the 10k run part.
    Kim, sounds like we were probably doing splits at around the same time!
    All's well, and tomorrow is weights - legs ! Ahh, squatts and lunges! yikes!
    Hope the run is going well.
  • mel521
    mel521 Posts: 74 Member
    I really, really thought I had logged on this morning and told you all that I did week 8 day 2 today, but it doesn't look like I did. Maybe I'm starting to lose my mind! :bigsmile: Oh well!

    I was supposed to do 28 minutes, but somewhere around the 1.5 mile mark, I thought that maybe I should just go ahead and do the whole 5k. It would only be a few more minutes and I'd be doing over 2 miles anyway. Somehow I got myself psyched up enough and I. DID. IT! I increased my running speed to 4.8 mph today and it took me 38:45. I know I'm no speedster, but for someone who couldn't even run 90 seconds less than 2 months ago, I'm pretty proud of myself! :flowerforyou: That is the most I have ever ran in my life! I'm loving this! Thanks for all the support!!!

    Good going, Maree and Kim! Maree, you'll get there!
  • FocusKimFocus
    FocusKimFocus Posts: 124 Member
    Alright Mel!! That feels awesome to go above an beyond the app. So happy for you!

    Maree - yes, I think I'm a day or so behind you on the same app and about the same speed too. Are you committed to going for the full 10k program? If so, I'll stick with it with you.

    Week 8, Day 2 (30 min) is done, but
    Well, I had my first running "fail" today. I drove down to lower elevation and got on a trail that I've never been on before. Well, so much for being easier at lower elevation - the heat really got to me! I'm used to running in about 40 degree F temps - perfect for my body. It was in the upper 60s on the trail, and even though I braved putting on shorts in public (yikes!) and a t-shirt, I felt very hot. Also, it didn't help that the trail was steep in places and the rocks kept tripping me up. A couple minutes past the half way point I hit a steep section and my shuffle slowed to a walk. I looked up the and the hill just seemed to keep going. After that I jogged a few sections, but even the downhill parts were a little too sketchy for me - walking it was.

    Shouldn't have been a big deal, but I ended up completing Week 8, Day 2 back at home on my regular loop.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Hi all....been following you guys but just never got around to posting.

    Congrats all of you guys for getting another day or two done, no matter how it looked or you looked, or how slow you ran or walked, you guys did it :drinker:

    Give you credit Kim..slogging thru mud, heck no way, I feel like I have lead feet as is, let alone running in muck. And um Kim what do you run in if not shorts & tees?? Bummer on your extra RBC's not helping you out any in lower altitude...yeppers that "heat" knocks the crap outta ya (and um it was 60 degrees you were running in?)

    Mel..WAHOO...congrats....I still have no clue if I am close to running 5K in the allotted time.

    Maree...you did great, you didn't give up....WTG!!!!

    Deb...GOOD LUCK. Am sure it's already tomorrow by you. Hope it went/is going well. Report back how it went.

    Last two days I treadmilled it. Stupid key fell out and lost my stats in the cool down walk, grrrr. Today went better, total miles run/walk was 3.75 miles. Ran at 4.5 mph on the treadmill/1.0 incline. Walked at 3 mph. App was 40 min then I did an additional 20 minutes.

    Kim ya wanna talk hot? Yesterday was over 83 F in the house, fans and doors on. I refused to put the a/c on ...its ONLY April....ended up woozy and a drippy mess (am sure the spandex shorts weren't helping). Today got smart , I put the a/c on..still ended up dripping wet but was a lot cooler than yesterday. Its been over 90F outside...Argghhh

    Walking in the park with co worker tomorrow at 6:30 am....her knees are bothering her so no running intervals for me...looking forward to walking outside and in cooler weather, lol

    Have a great one everyone!!!
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    I have been chuckling so much over Kim running in mud! So funny. I hope it didn't ruin your shoes, those things are expensive, especially here in Australia.

    We are all nearly there! On Wednesday it was raining, so I had to get my final run in on the dread mill (love that). Not counting warm up and cool down, I was able to go 5km in around 35 minutes without dying. I know it's easier on the dread mill than outside, but I'm tipping the fun run will be more fun than run!

    Yes, interval training! I've been wondering what to move onto as a challenge next, and have stumbled across a 'running for weight loss' app that uses intervals. It's by Redrock and only cost a couple of bucks. I've lost the majority of weight I wanted, but the last 5 kilos are hanging around like a bad smell. I think I'll keep up with running 5km on a regular basis, with maybe a break in the middle so the dog can take a crap in peace instead of whilst been dragged along.

    I really love running. I lived in San Francisco for a long time, and used to run all over the city and in 10km runs frequently. Granted, it was 25+ years ago! but I feel like I'm getting my running legs back, albeit older and slower.

    Picked up our t-shirts for the run tomorrow, so excited.

    Let's keep it up, team! Proud of you all.
  • maree142
    maree142 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi all,
    Great to hear how everyone is going.
    Deb, you go girl! Looking to hear how it goes -- they say the atmosphere helps get everyone trying that bit harder. so you'll kill it.

    I did 30min run this evening - and then walked /ran to get the 5ks up (41.40 counting the warm-up walk). Still on the dreadmill (funny, Deb!) but I will do a shorter run tomorrow outside to get me better at running outside.

    Kim, I am going to take this week to get the 30 and 35 min runs / 5ks under my belt. The week 9 there is spooking me a bit, and I don't want to give up, so I want to consolidate at 5ks before I go up.... Maybe I should start week 9 after easter? what are you planning?
    What is the app running to lose weight like?
    Mel, you are doing so great -- great time and I can almost hear yu striding out and not stopping!! And outside, too.
    Airangel, 3.75 miles -- miles - that is fantastic.....
    Have a good day all -- I am off to yoga in the morning, and one thing I find with running --- I am falling asleep at 10pm!!
  • mel521
    mel521 Posts: 74 Member
    Today I should do week 8 day 3, but I feel asleep after I nursed the baby this morning and didn't run before all the others got up. If I don't get to it today, I'll get it tomorrow morning while the husband is here to watch the kiddos.

    Hope you all have a great day! Good luck, Deb! Looking forward to hearing about your race!
  • maree142
    maree142 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi all,
    Mel, I remember those days where you had to fit everything in between littlies.
    Today I ran / walked outside. Covered 7ks, and I think I probably ran about 4.5 of that. Didn't quite get to run a full 30minutes in one hit -- but I certainly covered over 55 minutes altogether.
    So, I was disappointed that I didn't stay on the full 30 minutes, but I was pleased that after walking I got back to running and cvered more k's. All good in building up my stamina, and practising outside too. It is lovely running outside by the river near me.
    Have a good week-end all.
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    Just got back from my fun run, and I completed the 5km in about 32 minutes! I can't believe it! I was able to run the entire time, but dodging walkers, strollers, people who just stopped in front, etc. I'm stoked with the time, and the way my competiveness kicked back in after nearly 30 years of not running races.

    I think I may be a little sore tomorrow, but I don't care. I haven't hurt anything, from what I can tell. And I left my 2 daughters in the dust. Ha!

    I'm sticking with this great group until we are all over the line.

    Let's go, team! And thanks so much for everyone's support and stories. You all inspire me.