Introduce yourself!

Finayoung Posts: 38 Member
Hello all you awesome courageous people!
My names Fina and I've got to say, sharing my diary......probably the most embarrassing thing at this point BUT I know it will eventually not be a problem and I will be happy to share because it'll be filled with so much more delicious yummy healthyness!
My hope is that this group of OPEN DIARIES will motivate each other to eat right and healthy. I think a big part of weight loss is being vulnerable and honest. No one but you sees if you buy everything off the mcdonalds menu. Honesty is key!

Post your yummy nutritious recipes and motivate each other!
Heres the hard part: For those of you who dont mind being honest (at least with me) take at look at diarys and congratulate if the meals looked great and if they are filled with not so healthy things lets encourage each other with healthier alternatives to things on our list.

I'll be posting challenges for both you and I. My hope is 1 challenge for the week but don't hold me to it! I will try my best! So make sure to CONSTANTLY check our topics board for new and exciting things!!
So introduce yourself:

1.our current weight
2.Goal Weight
3.And favorite healthy snack you cant go a day without



  • nettasue35
    nettasue35 Posts: 190 Member
    HI! I'm Lynnetta.

    cw 178.1
    gw 120
  • laridaes
    laridaes Posts: 13
    Netta - where in the world is Moscow, Texas? I better pull out my map! I live in Fort Worth and have never heard of your city! I am ashamed.
  • michelleneli
    michelleneli Posts: 132 Member
    Hi Lynnetta and Fina. I'm Michelle.

    CW: 328 lbs.
    GW: 130 lbs.

    Fav healthy snack is Chobani Greek yogurt with blueberry,chia seeds,hemp seeds,and walnut. I like the texture of adding the seeds and it's so filling for 190 calories.
  • laridaes
    laridaes Posts: 13
    Okay hi, I'm Carolyn and was excited to see this group formed. I'm staring at 52 at the end of May and decided a couple of weeks ago to give keto a 100% go. My current weight is 186. I am not a happy camper. It was 186 when I started two weeks ago. I lost 3.5 then gained it back. I'm 5'8" and carry my weight around my middle and feel like I have a pillow in front of me. Until a couple of years ago, I was very happy at 163, enjoying that weight for several years (ten years ago I weighed 222, my all-time high).

    Then I lost my job, was off for too long, freelanced at a place that loved bad food (so many donuts), got a new job and had enormous stress the first year AND sprained my meniscus severely - took six months to heal and by the time all was said and done, BAM! Up to 184. Been bouncing between 184 and 186 ever since. Thankfully the stress levels at work have diminished considerably, so that is good, I only have to cook for myself as both kids are moved out (am a widow and determinedly single), and always eat lunch by myself because our office is tiny and no one to eat with.

    Twenty pounds. That is all I want gone. Twenty pounds. But now that I am older, it is harder than it was to lose that 60 pounds I lost years ago! So frustrating - whine. LOL.
  • cynthiaszafranski
    cynthiaszafranski Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone I'm Cynthia and I started this journey a couple of months ago after I quit smoking 9 months ago and promptly put on 30 pounds I thought I stopped smoking because I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired I have some health issues due to a car accident I was rear ended and it has been an interesting journey in anatomy I can tell you but hey I'm here and that is what matters so 30 pounds heavier and coming up on my 47th birthday I decided to take charge I'm a do something about it type of gal! yes I get discouraged and have down days don't we all but I lick my wounds and get up and at em so I hope we will have great success on this journey together :flowerforyou:
  • ChelleSimmo7
    ChelleSimmo7 Posts: 60 Member
    Hey all, im Michelle. Im a 23 year old nursing student trying to get a handle on my life while I can. I don't have much time with school and work (I have 3 jobs). I have been obese my whole life, known heaviest was 188. I am currently at 160.2 (thanks to a lot of hard work). We all make mistakes when it comes to nutrition, its not an exact science and sometimes we seriously need someone there to smack our hand away and yell out no! Iv split my goals up into segments. My goal for the first day of summer is 145, my total end goal is 125/120 depends on if I like what I see. I want to lift and stuff but for now losing the fat is priority number one!

    I love being inspired and to inspire others, It honestly makes me happy and helps me to push going when I know that others are counting on my strength. The only supportive person that I have in my life during my weight loss journey is my wonderful boyfriend so having others to motivate me is a blessing. Best wishes to all!
  • ldlh17
    ldlh17 Posts: 1
    Hi everyone, I'm Lily.

    CW: 136 (ish)
    GW: 125

    My favourite healthy snack would definitely be carrot "chips" and salsa. :)
  • wynn217
    wynn217 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi from Conroe, TX

    CW: 202
    GW: 165

    My name is Amy and I've lost just at 60#'s while using MFP. I have gained some back, well b/c I went on Holiday to Italy for 2 weeks and I allowed myself to eat anything I wanted, I mean after all it was Italy right?

    Then came the holidays and I let my pumpkin cravings overtake me and well, I've been making excuses. No more since I'm now back over 200. Weighing myself this morning I wanted to puke I was disgusted with myself, for letting it get this far.

    I had a really good weight loss boost at the beginning of my journey. I lost 6, yes SIX, pounds in a breast reduction. Eventually the weight came off and I had to Freecycle my clothes and heck, I even got some clothes at Old Navy.

    I'm excited to meet everyone and hope we can encourage each other.

    I also have become pretty good at revamping comfort food recipes to be more healthy but still delicious! Hit me up if you want some tips.

    Favorite healthy snack is Chiobani yogurt flips, key lime!
  • slimmerang
    slimmerang Posts: 79 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    My name is Angie and I am happy to see this group. My food is my problem for sure. I hope that working together I can clean up my diary. I am 43 and have two young boys and a full time plus job so time and easy are truly what I go for.

    1.My current weight : 185
    2.Goal Weight 160
    3.And favorite healthy snack you cant go a day without Fiber One lemon bar

    I hate keeping my diary open but have been doing it just so I know people will look at it and keep me from eating all the crap. As you can see that didn't even work for me yesterday!

    Please add me so we can motivate each other!
  • ultrafishboy
    ultrafishboy Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Lorrie. Age 49 (forever). Height 5'7". Divorced 2 years ago. 1 daughter senior in college. I live alone which I think has been very helpful in this journey.

    SW: 188.6
    CW: 157.2
    Goal: 150-155.

    Trying to find the sweet spot for maintaining. Would love some new healthy food ideas. Trying to increase my protein and lower carbs...not easy for me. Would appreciate your critique on my food diary. I don't record my exercise or add back any of the calories burned. Exercise 3x per week: zumba, booty slide, league volleyball.
  • Hi! I'm Maggie. I'm really excited to be a part of this group; I think it's just what I need when it comes to being accountable. I would like to lose about 10 pounds but that's not the main reason I joined MFP. I really just want to stop restricting/binging and start to live a more healthy lifestyle, filled with fresh vegetables, fruit, and exercise:)

    (You can tell I need some motivation when my longest streak has been 2 days. Really?)
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello Everyone. My name is Sandy. I love the idea of this group, this is exactly what I was looking for when I joined MfP. I've been a member for almost four years and have lost then gained weight over and over again. One of these days I will finish this weight loss journey! But till then I welcome all the support I can get!! Thank you.
    SW - 286
    CW - 270
    GW -136

    My favorite snack : something sweet & salty, like kettle korn or sweet and spicy trail mix.
  • Hello!

    I'm Sydney and am terrified of opening my food diary up to the public. I do believe, however, that this will motivate me to make better choices throughout the day. I'm 14 (a real youngster) and a complete procrastinator. This results in me not eating food on time because I never make my lunch (hence why breakfast and lunch are rarely filled out in my diary). Body image has always been a problem for me (since I was 7) , and I'm just starting develop healthier habits. In this past year I have started playing tennis and have joined the track team. So, yeah. I look forward to learning about all of you!

    Hw: 150
    Cw: 146
    Gw: 120

    Guilty Pleasure: Cheese-its. (I rarely get them, but when I do I eat wayyy too many. )
  • Finayoung
    Finayoung Posts: 38 Member
    I know it's terrifying BUT at the same time, It also makes me think twice when I attempt to eat something I shouldnt because I know ya'll will be calling me out! Its great! Guys don't forget to friend request each other!
  • Misty2024
    Misty2024 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi ! My name is Misty...I have my diary open to my friends not public so don't know if that counts but whoever wants to can friend me :)
    I started MFP April 2013 in that year time I lost. 39 lbs went from size 20 to size 12 in jeans..size 2x to large in shirts...I ran my first 5k last month did it in 42 minutes and 14 min per mile now I will be doing another 5k April 26 th just a few more weeks :) I'm running 11 min miles now. So I hope I will finish in a better time then my first run :)
    I am 41 yrs old and from Seattle Washington ( grew up in Indiana). Married (been with my husband total of 26 yrs) no kids, I work in the healthcare field.
    Interested in friends that have open diaries and are serious about this new lifestyle of working out and eating healthier...I still have a lot more work to do so let's do it together :)
  • lindabeth333
    lindabeth333 Posts: 130 Member
    Hi - I am Linda

    SW 262
    GW 150

    I like MFP friends with open diaries - glad i found this group!
  • Mousie59
    Mousie59 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi There:

    My name is Mandy and I think my Diary is open. Someone can tell me if its not and I will fix.
    Current Weight: 216
    Goal Weight; 135
    Fave Snack: Still looking for that. Right now I enjoy the little container of non fat yoghurt left in the freezer (did that by accident) :)

    I need to be accountable and think this may be the board for me. I offer my encouragement and hope to be an active member here.
  • PeacePlantsPilates
    PeacePlantsPilates Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm Mora, 23 and from Germany.

    CW: 137.4lb
    GW: 125lb approximately

    I follow a mostly vegan lifestyle and am trying to get fit enough to run 5k and 10k races. Therefore the weightloss is not so much important to me as building up strength and endurance.

    If anyone has similar goals or interests, please feel free to get in touch and pair up :)

    Have a nice day!
  • ButterflyAngela97
    ButterflyAngela97 Posts: 97 Member
    I am Angela 35 years old living in Connecticut. I am a full-time college student. My diary is open to friends only, but anyone can add me as a friend.

    SW: 370
    CW 253.4
    GW: 155-160

    my favorite snack is: 100 calorie bags of popcorn
  • Misty2024
    Misty2024 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi ! My name is Misty...I have my diary open to my friends not public so don't know if that counts but whoever wants to can friend me :)
    I started MFP April 2013 in that year time I lost. 39 lbs went from size 20 to size 12 in jeans..size 2x to large in shirts...I ran my first 5k last month did it in 42 minutes and 14 min per mile now I will be doing another 5k April 26 th just a few more weeks :) I'm running 11 min miles now. So I hope I will finish in a better time then my first run :)
    I am 41 yrs old and from Seattle Washington ( grew up in Indiana). Married (been with my husband total of 26 yrs) no kids, I work in the healthcare field.
    Interested in friends that have open diaries and are serious about this new lifestyle of working out and eating healthier...I still have a lot more work to do so let's do it together :)
    Forgot to add my weight:
    SW 237
    CW 198

    I like Weight watchers raspberry chocolate bars @ 90 calories :)