

  • muzichick
    muzichick Posts: 331 Member
    Hello all~

    I work on the drilling rigs, as a geologist. I don't always work nights, but I've done a lot of them this winter. I work 12 hour shifts, but I don't get to go home in between, as I am sometimes 6 to 12 hour drive away from home. Other than the 12 hour shifts, we don't have a set rotation, so I am sometimes gone anywhere from a few days, to a month or more.

    I stay in a trailer on location, which has a kitchen, and most of the time, I bring my own food and cook it, just like at home. But I've done a few jobs in remote locations, where there is a camp, which makes meal planning impossible.

    When I work nights, I get off at either 6 or 7 am, at which point I get to go to bed immediately (my bed is in the next room from my kitchen/living room/workspace). I try to get 7 hours of sleep, but I usually get 5-6, and then sneak in a nap at some point.

    As for meal times, I have breakfast at 3 or 4 in the afternoon (usually yoghurt with fruit and some sort healthy carb, like chia or oatmeal). Then I have lunch around 7-8 pm, dinner at midnight, and a snack at some point before I head to bed, so I don't wake up hungry at 10 am. I have my calorie target set at 1550/day, with 35% carbs, 35% protein and 30% fats. I start my logging day when I wake up, and just put everything in that day, until I go to bed.

    I use towels or black garbage bags to block out any light that shines in my room, and I try not to get up and use the bathroom, because that usually wakes me up enough that I can't get back to sleep. I also sleep with earplugs, as drilling rigs can be noisy!
  • Hawkeye_74
    Hawkeye_74 Posts: 205 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Darin here. I work as a coroner in California and this is my first stent on graveyard shift in the 9 years I have worked here. Been lucky I guess that someone else was always wanting the shift. It has been a rough go. I am on month 3 of a 6 month stent. Might be longer who knows. Been a challenge adjusting to the sleep hours. Havn't been sleeping enough which leaves me hungry all the time. Breakfast in the car on commutes home has become an issue. Helps me stay awake on the hour plus commute. If only there were healthier choices via the fastfood route. Then I get home and snack for hours. I feel I am almost adjusted to the new routine and have been trying to get the workouts going again. Hope that some support from some chronic nightowls might help me out.
  • Dschnei475
    Dschnei475 Posts: 129 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Darin here. I work as a coroner in California and this is my first stent on graveyard shift in the 9 years I have worked here. Been lucky I guess that someone else was always wanting the shift. It has been a rough go. I am on month 3 of a 6 month stent. Might be longer who knows. Been a challenge adjusting to the sleep hours. Havn't been sleeping enough which leaves me hungry all the time. Breakfast in the car on commutes home has become an issue. Helps me stay awake on the hour plus commute. If only there were healthier choices via the fastfood route. Then I get home and snack for hours. I feel I am almost adjusted to the new routine and have been trying to get the workouts going again. Hope that some support from some chronic nightowls might help me out.

    Wow you really are on the "grave yard " shift. What made you get into that business?

    Also you should download the app for your phone called restaurant nutrition. Its shows calories for all the menu items for many chain places including fast food . Its been really helpful for me when I go out to restaurants.
  • Dschnei475
    Dschnei475 Posts: 129 Member
    Hello all~

    I work on the drilling rigs, as a geologist. I don't always work nights, but I've done a lot of them this winter. I work 12 hour shifts, but I don't get to go home in between, as I am sometimes 6 to 12 hour drive away from home. Other than the 12 hour shifts, we don't have a set rotation, so I am sometimes gone anywhere from a few days, to a month or more.

    I stay in a trailer on location, which has a kitchen, and most of the time, I bring my own food and cook it, just like at home. But I've done a few jobs in remote locations, where there is a camp, which makes meal planning impossible.

    When I work nights, I get off at either 6 or 7 am, at which point I get to go to bed immediately (my bed is in the next room from my kitchen/living room/workspace). I try to get 7 hours of sleep, but I usually get 5-6, and then sneak in a nap at some point.

    As for meal times, I have breakfast at 3 or 4 in the afternoon (usually yoghurt with fruit and some sort healthy carb, like chia or oatmeal). Then I have lunch around 7-8 pm, dinner at midnight, and a snack at some point before I head to bed, so I don't wake up hungry at 10 am. I have my calorie target set at 1550/day, with 35% carbs, 35% protein and 30% fats. I start my logging day when I wake up, and just put everything in that day, until I go to bed.

    I use towels or black garbage bags to block out any light that shines in my room, and I try not to get up and use the bathroom, because that usually wakes me up enough that I can't get back to sleep. I also sleep with earplugs, as drilling rigs can be noisy!

    Welcome :) Also congrats on the weight already lost !
  • Dschnei475
    Dschnei475 Posts: 129 Member
    Hello all :)

    Some interesting jobs here for sure. I work at Walmart as a Customer Service Manager. I'll tell you working 3rd shift there is always interesting.

    I know I do not get enough sleep either, like most of you I'm sure. I tend to stay up in the mornings. I go swim for an hour or so after work each morning, then come home and catch up on house chores and computer time. I try to sleep by 12 or 1, My problem is not staying asleep. I wake up when my daughter comes home from school about 3:30. We usually chat about her day for a bit, and then she leaves for work and I try to go back to sleep. I'm usually up for good by about 8. Only time I get consecutive hours of sleep is on the weekends.

    Hard thing for me in the beginning of this journey was being around all the candy and junk food at the registers. Part of my job is to stock them, I tell you smelling chocolate all night long and not having any is torture! I used to have quite the sweet tooth. It has gotten much better over the last few months. I'm eating more fruits and veggies, and much less candy and chips and such. I do still struggle some nights though.

    So, do you all do this shift because you enjoy it, or out of necessity?

    I also do not get decent sleep until the weekends !!

    I originally worked the job because I had already registered for my first semester of college and my classes were like all different times. I find that it was helpful through undergrad which I am finishing up. Looking and applying for day jobs in my field now :)
  • muzichick
    muzichick Posts: 331 Member
    Welcome :) Also congrats on the weight already lost !

    Thanks :)

    I actually find it easier to eat well at work, because I just don't buy/bring junk food, so I don't have access to it, like I do at home.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Hey guys, I work swing shift so i hope i still qualify for this group. Only two night shifts a week. I work in a railroad dispatch center monitoring the signal system and doing minor IT work. Been on MFP for over 2 years lost a bunch of weight and gained a bit back now working to start losing again.
  • FlashMorehouse
    FlashMorehouse Posts: 138 Member
    I'm Nate. I joined mfp several years ago because I was seriously fat. I had an ephaniy in 2008 when I was in Uganda and it took me over an hour to hike up a hill that should have only taken me thirty minutes. I didn't really do anything about it for several months because I was thinking about how to lose weight, how to exercise, how to eat properly. So I read articles on fitness, health, and diet until I came up with a plan. My motto is From Lardass to Hardass. My theme is Eat Less, Move More, which is also my strategy. I discovered mfp because of a local news story about someone on mfp losing over 100lbs, she was also on national news. My plan for mfp was to track cals and exercise. I eventually ended up losing about 145 lbs but looked like death warmed over so I deliberately regained about 50 lbs. That ended up being a little to much gain, now am trying to get back down to 190-200. 195 is were I feel my best and strongest.

    I go by Flash on here because I work for a security department at a university in the pacific northwest. And I like to chase bad guys. A lot. On foot. And I catch most of them. These are kids half my age that should be able to get away from me with out problem. They usually just shake their heads in disbelief when they see an old geezer like me caught them.
  • Dschnei475
    Dschnei475 Posts: 129 Member
    You do qualify !! Even if you didnt we wouldnt discriminate ;)

    Also, Just wanted to say congrats on the weight already lost over 100 pounds just amazing :)
  • Dschnei475
    Dschnei475 Posts: 129 Member
    Welcome !
    It is inspiring that you lost so much already !!
    I am on my journey to losing that much and sometimes it seems impossible.

    Your job sounds interesting by the way !
  • muzichick
    muzichick Posts: 331 Member
    Thanks :)

    It has taken me 2.5 years, but I am thrilled with the changes!
  • brendasteve
    brendasteve Posts: 23 Member
    I just started working nights a few months ago ( 8p to 8a) and it has been a downword spiral since! I have gained almost 20 lbs, had a pulmonary embolism and now am so confused at how to lose weight on this shift (also sit at a desk most of the night) Any tips or advice on eating patterns or motivation anything would be appreciated! I feel so drained and tired during the day when i do wake up exercise is the last thing on my mind. And I know I need to just do it.
  • karen250d
    karen250d Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, fellow creatures of the night =) Just joined and the first thing I did was look for a night shift group. Thank you Dschnei475 for starting this group!! I have worked nights as an Emergency Clinician for 11 years now and recently gained back the rest of the weight I lost 3 years ago. Feeling bummed but wasn't really prepared for COVID and all the challenges that came with it. Thankfully, my family and I have been healthy but the lack of places to go, increased stress at work, and having my sleep cut because my daughter was out of day care really was a recipe for disaster. I work Wednesday and Thursday night 11 pm- 8:00 am, Friday 11 pm- 9:30 am, and Saturday night 9:30 pm- 8:30 am. Ever since my daughter stopped napping, I am awake 24 hours straight Wednesday. Thursday and Friday morning I am usually to wired to go to sleep until around 10:00 am then I am up to get her from school around 2:00 pm. During COVID I had to be up at 1:00, so my husband could go to work, which was really hard. Saturday and Sunday I go to sleep later (around 11, unless my husband has to go into work) and sleep until 4 or 5. I have lost 10-20+ lbs in the past, only to gain it back a few years later when life hits me sideways. Really need to get back on this horse but am looking for ways to "stress proof" my weight loss so I can get off this roller coaster!!