Spring Ahead in April WL Challenge!



  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,746 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 317 (March 2013)
    CW: 181.5 (03/31/14)
    GW: 177
    LTGW: 140

    Weigh ins: Saturday's
    04/06/14 = 180 (-1.5)
    04/13/14 = 180 (0)
    04/20/14 =
    04/27/14 =
    04/30/14 =

    Last week I wrote "Broke down and overate last night (Chinese) and lost 1.5# WTF???? It'll probably come back (sigh) but it was there this morning, so it's mine!" - Well it did come right back, but over the last week it has disappeared again. So this looks like a "Stay the same" but it was actually booking a solid loss.

    I hit 179.75 on Friday (into the 170's OMG!) but it was back to 180 Saturday. If there's a loss, it'll get captured next week.

    Best wishes to all!!!!!!!!!
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    SW: 337.8
    CW: 331
    GW: 321
    LTGW: 158?

    Weigh-ins: Mondays
    04/07/14 - 326.6 (-3.4)
    04/14/14 - 322.0 (-4.6)
    Total for the Month: -8 lbs

    My calves have evened out to be the same size, but did not decrease. I lost in measurements everywhere else though of at least 0.5 inches, except my hips. I think I have finished my second TOM in one month, yeck.

    E. Maelyn
  • Wolfmother61
    Wolfmother61 Posts: 62 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 286
    CW: 233
    GW: 225
    LTGW: 135

    Weigh ins: I will weigh in on Mondays in April
    4/7/14= 233 - off to a slow start. I was down lower last week but back up over the weekend. Hoping for better things in the coming week.
    4/14/14= 230.4 - down 2.6

  • tbaneg
    tbaneg Posts: 2 Member
    Hello I'm just starting . Currently I am just being honest about my food intake and exercise to get a good picture of what I'm doing wrong. But I will soon be starting my real diet. Any suggestions for good meal and snacking ideas. Is anyone doing any specific program?

    SW- 230
    CW- 232
    GW- 220
    LYWG - 110

    Thanks T
  • Canuname
    Canuname Posts: 182 Member
    Real Name: Russ

    Start of Challenge Weight: 259.8
    Challenge Goal Weight: 244.8
    Working to Lose (lbs): 15

    .__SW: 360.2
    _CGW: 244.8
    LTGW: 175

    Weigh ins: Monday
    04/07/14= 256.5 lbs
    04/14/14= 253.6lbs
    04/21/14= lbs
    04/28/14= lbs

    Challenge Total = __6.2 lbs
    .__Total to date = 106.6 lbs
  • Canuname
    Canuname Posts: 182 Member
    Etherlily1 said:
    SW: 337.8
    CW: 331
    GW: 321
    LTGW: 158?

    Weigh-ins: Mondays
    04/07/14 - 326.6 (-3.4)
    04/14/14 - 322.0 (-4.6)
    Total for the Month: -8 lbs
    Great loses. Way to go!!!
  • Canuname
    Canuname Posts: 182 Member
    808malia said:
    My Numbers:
    SW: 250
    CW: 228.2
    GW: 220

    Weigh ins: Fridays
    4/4/14= 226.2 (-2) BOOM! There are no words to explain how happy I am about this!!! :noway:
    4/11/14= 224.6 (-1.6) Simply ecstatic!!! :bigsmile:

    Great job!!
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    Hello I'm just starting . Currently I am just being honest about my food intake and exercise to get a good picture of what I'm doing wrong. But I will soon be starting my real diet. Any suggestions for good meal and snacking ideas. Is anyone doing any specific program?

    SW- 230
    CW- 232
    GW- 220
    LYWG - 110

    Thanks T

    Welcome to the group! Being honest with yourself is a great starting point. I'm not following any specific diet plan as most are simply out of my price range. For exercise I am following Rockin' Body from Beachbody. It's about a month long program. It's had a big impact on me already with a total of 15.7 " lost all around (arms, neck, thighs, waist, etc.).

    @Russ - Thank you.
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 375
    CW: 281
    GW: 270
    LTGW: 200

    Weigh ins: Monday
    04/07/14= 281 lbs
    04/14/14= 280.0 lbs
    04/21/14= lbs
    04/28/14= lbs

    Hey...a loss is a loss! I will take it and say thank you!

    Continuing to feel stronger and more flexible. My fitbit step count is set to 15000 and it is mostly a matter of finding the time for the walkies, not the energy.

    All is well.
  • andreaamak
    andreaamak Posts: 42 Member
    April Numbers:
    SW: 277
    CW: 245
    GW: 236
    LTGW: 160

    Weigh ins: Wednesdays
    4/2/14 = 244.2 (-.8)
    4/9/14 = 241.6 (-2.6)
    4/16/14= 239 (-2.6)
    4/23/14 =

    Not sure if the scale is playing tricks on me... easter candy has been hanging around lately more than I'd like - but I'll take the awesome loss! Now to make it through this weekend...
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 264 (278 was my original starting weight)
    CW: 227.6
    GW: 222
    LTGW: 150

    Weigh ins: Wednesdays
    4/2/14: 227 (-.6 pounds...that seems to be my average)
    4/9/14: 226 (-1 pound)
    4/16/14: 225 (-1 pound...my NEW average, but I'll gladly take it!)
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    There are some really good losses posted so far. I have a good feeling about this month!

    And Andrea...you are crushing it!!
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    My Numbers:
    SW: 308
    CW: 289
    GW: 284
    LTGW: 156

    Weigh ins: Thursdays
    4/3/14 = 289.6
    4/10/14= 289.0
    4/17/14= 289.0

    I am the same! Given my past few days that's okay with me!!! Hospital and fast food just doesn't help!
  • MichelleLee1978
    MichelleLee1978 Posts: 55 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 296.6 (highest was approx 340lbs June 2010)
    CW: 254.8
    GW: 244
    LTGW: 150

    Weigh ins: Friday

    4/4/14 - 253.4 down 1.4
    4/11/14 - 250.9 down 2.5
    4/18/14 - 249.8 down 1.1
    4/25/14 -

    Since I was up 3lbs after last weekend, I'm pretty excited to record a decrease. Now to survive a roadtrip to see family for Easter. Good luck to all this weekend to stay strong and keep everything in moderation. :)
  • katjohn83
    katjohn83 Posts: 119 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 322
    CW: 296.0 - 3/28/14
    GW: 289
    LTGW: 199

    Weigh-ins: Fridays

    Week 1: 4/04/14 = 295.6 (-0.4)

    Week 2: 4/11/14 = No weigh -in

    Week 3: 4/18/14 = 292.4 (-3.2)

    Week 4: 4/25/14 =

    This month has got to be better.
  • 808malia
    808malia Posts: 631 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 250
    CW: 228.2
    GW: 220

    Weigh ins: Fridays
    4/4/14= 226.2 (-2) BOOM! There are no words to explain how happy I am about this!!! :noway:
    4/11/14= 224.6 (-1.6) Simply ecstatic!!! :bigsmile:
    4/18/14= 224.6 (-0) :huh:
    4/30/14= Final weigh in for the month
    I think I finally figured out how to keep losing weight and not sabotage myself every weekend :happy:Great losses so far, keep it up! We are killing it this month :drinker:
  • emmerin78
    emmerin78 Posts: 311 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 379 (July 2013)
    CW: 294
    GW: 279 (don't know if I'll make it, but would love to get to my 100 lb. milestone this month!)
    LTGW: 160

    Weigh ins: Fridays in April
    4/4/14= 293 lbs (-1 lb.) Really hope this doesn't portend another slow losing month - yikes.
    4/11/14= 293.6 (+.6 lb.) Given all the salt I had this week and the change in the weather, it's no wonder. Need to get lots more water and walking in this week! :)
    4/18/14= 291 (-2.6 lbs.) Finally a decent loss - might be seeing a light at the end of the stall tunnel!
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    My Friday Weigh In:

    My Numbers:
    SW: 266 (highest was 310 pregnant)
    CW: 240.3
    GW: 231.5
    LTGW: 145
    NSG: wear my wedding rings

    Weigh ins:
    4/4/2014 - 238.6 (-1.7)
    4/11/2014 - 243.8 (+5.2) I didn't log this last week, I was so embarrassed by how much I gained. Then as I'm logging yesterday's weight I realized that this is what it's about. Being honest with myself and my MFP friends and being accountable for the gain.
    4/18/2014 - 240.4 (-3.4) Back on track, even though I'm not where I started the month or where I thought I'd be, however, I will finish strong.
    4/25/2014 -
    4/30/2014 - last day of the month falls on a Wednesday, so I may have this as a 'bonus' weigh in
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,746 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 317 (March 2013)
    CW: 181.5 (03/31/14)
    GW: 177
    LTGW: 140

    Weigh ins: Saturday's
    04/06/14 = 180 (-1.5)
    04/13/14 = 180 (0)
    04/20/14 = 180 (0)
    04/27/14 =
    04/30/14 =

    I've been at 179 all week then it went up to 182 then back down. It's under 180 right now, but only by a smidgeon.

    There's no bariatric-surgery effect anymore. I can eat whatever I want now. Control now depends on good habits learned.

    I've been on the precipice of carb-craving-crashes but not succumbed yet. The only time I want to have to fight is to avoid overwhelming danger. The rest of the time, eating should feel like a simple natural enjoyable lifestyle.

    It all depends on the lessons learned. protein, water, limited-carbs, vitamins, exercise, tracking, accountability, support and good friends.

    Thank you,
  • Singularity84
    Singularity84 Posts: 98 Member
    My Numbers:
    SW: 333
    CW: 309.8
    GW: 299 - A bit ambitious, but I'm hoping with the weather getting nicer and my dance group starting back up, I can amp up my exercise and leave the 300s behind.
    LTGW: 165ish

    Weigh ins: Fridays
    4/4/14= 311.2 (+1.4) Sodium fluke...I was back to 309.6 by the next day.
    4/11/14= Didn't weigh in this week.
    4/18/14= 307.6 (-2)