Introduce Yourself



  • Raymd5
    Raymd5 Posts: 4
    I'm Rick. I live in lovely Colorado and I am somewhat new to this site. I joined some time ago, but never really used it. Today I have now logged in for 21 days in a row and recorded in the food diary section. I have had some short term success, but temptation abounds! I find work is actually a help as I am often too busy to cheat with eating.

    Glancing at the fitness challenges here, I will definitely have a daily goal to shoot for. It may take me a while to get up to speed.
  • Jillong
    Jillong Posts: 61 Member
    Good morning all, from the sunny UK. I am returning to MFP after losing a lot of weight and putting half of it back on again. I turned 56 last Saturday and am conscious that if I don't reduce my weight, I am opening myself up to all sort of medical problems as I age. I need motivation - I joined a gym last November and have been only twice since that time. I live alone, now my children had fled the nest, and I miss having a gang of people supporting me. I know that you will all do that for me, if in return I work my butt off to help you too. :flowerforyou:
  • rana961
    rana961 Posts: 2
    Hello, I am Rana, I've always had MFP app, but always got bored after a week of logging my daily intake. This time will be different, as I decided to join a group for the first time. I recently gave birth to my second baby. she's now 7 months and i've been struggling to lose my extra 10 kgs. Today i decided to take action again, after settling in a new country and kicking off our daily routine. i also joined a gym, i am going 3 times a week, aiming to go at least 4 times. I will get the fitbit tracker this week. i don't drink water, so it's a challenge for me, more than restricting some food! my biggest weakness is carbs, i don't crave for sugar at all. with this group, i am hoping to get support to at least lose half my target.
  • jadzia11
    jadzia11 Posts: 17
    Hi, I am jadzia. I am new to MFP. I always struggled with my weight but this time it got worse because I had my final exams at university and weigh more than ever. I took action right after I finished my last exam. I do sports daily and I eat very healthy. I've already lost 4 kgs and I am looking forward to loosing another 36 ;)
  • lucylindabaker
    lucylindabaker Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! My name is Lucy and I've been a member of MFP for 2 years, but finally need a kick up the backside to get me to finally lose weight and keep it off! I'm an 18 year old student studying Environmental Geoscience in Cardiff, Wales, which makes it hard to eat healthily on a student budget!

    I'd love for anybody to add me as a friend to help give me motivation! It will happily be returned :)
  • tinuz
    tinuz Posts: 1,123 Member

    My name is Martijn,
    Live in the Netherlands, happily married and have two wonderful boys,relatively new to MFP.
    When i was 126kg i thought it was time for a change....did a crash dieet (Atkins) and lost 13kg in a flash....ofcourse i gained again and got a gym i'm struggling to get past the 110-112 kg hump....i'm stuck here for a couple of months now.
    Think this is great, thought at first i would get bored with this, but now i notice the changes and i really think about what or when i eat. (the daily dr.pepper i'm not able to give up though....)
    At my job (i work offshore and have a gym available 24hr a day) i try to exercise 4 times in a week. 2 days gym 1 day rest. when i'm at home i will hit the gym 3 time a the other days the kids are my workout sessions.

    Am curious to see how i do in this.......
  • joansteph
    joansteph Posts: 22
    I would like to welcome everyone to the group. Hope you all have a wonderful day today. Remember to not over do it. If needed modify your workouts so that they fit your needs. And always check with your doctor before starting any new program.
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    Hi I am Marie, I am 36 and will be married for 10 years this year I am a stay at home mom of two kids ages 6 and 4. I have been on MFP for the past two years.

    I enjoy the daily challenges.
  • dmarsh1018
    dmarsh1018 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm Denise, been on MFP since December. I'm 29 (30 in October). I'm engaged to be married next year, have two kids (4 yo boy and 9 mo girl) and work full time. I'm looking forward to this challenge as I'm not al that motivated on my own. I don't have a ton of weight to lose, and I'm hoping to meet my goal (losing 15 lbs) by the end of this challenge.
  • aworshipper41
    Hello everyone,
    my name is Makhonyola, married to a sweet lady, Marie who hopefully will be joining this with me. We have 4 boys and a very full/blessed life. About 4 years ago, I had a real "come to Jesus" meeting with my doctor that has launched me into a lifestyle of fitness and health. By enlarge, I have been able to stay true on the exercise side. I usually I'm able to work out for an hour 5-6 days a week. My struggle has been keeping a consistent and healthy diet. I am looking forward to this challenge as a way of logging in my food everyday. I am 6'2", circa 215 now and desperately want to be 175. Here's to the journey :)
  • Ada_Marie06
    Hi everyone I'm Ada. I have had MFP for some time but never really kept with it, but this time around it is going to be a different story. I am 26 years old. I have always had some extra weight on me but after I graduated college and got a desk job I have gained about 50lbs & I want to say bye bye bye to those pounds. I am leaving for a 11 month mission trip in Sept to 11 different countries. I want to be in much better shape by the time I leave for this trip. I look forward to encouraging each other through this challenge.
  • shredshredshred
    Hello, I am Jessie. I just joined MFP today and saw the challenge starting today which is great! I let my diet and exercise slip this past winter and gained nearly 20 pounds! I work as a heavy equipment operator and my schedule is very demanding 24 days on 4 days off and I'm often sitting up to 15 hours a day. I have about an hour of free time daily that I can spend exercising and now that it is spring it is warm enough for me to get outside again. I want to get my muscle tone back before summer and shed a few inches all over. Good luck team!
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    Hi all! My name is Gretchen, 32 yrs old, wife, and mom to 2. I have been an MFP member for over a year now. Have seen success, but then slacked off and still never got to where I really wanted to be. I have been struggling with getting to the gym, but then also being lazy and putting in the work at home like I know I can. Maybe this group challenge will motivate me to get back into it.
  • InevitableButterfly
    InevitableButterfly Posts: 340 Member
    Hiya, I'm Lauren. I've been on & off MFP since May-ish 2010. I've had failure and success in that time, and have lost the two people I loved most in the world (1 left me, 1 died). My highest weight since joining MFP was 446 lb in June 2011. My lowest was 343 at end of August 2012. Then in September 2012 my grandmum died and I fattened back up to 435 by May 2013,and I've been bouncing around since then struggling to recommit but my mind just wasn't in it yet.

    Then a salon trip this weekend gave me the last piece of my re-commitment puzzle. I caught a glimpse of my side profile in a mirror whilst sitting down. I started to cry and then repressed it. It was that moment I knew I had to come back here and get going again.

    This 40-week thing is perfect because I just made my weight chart yesterday and it has 40 dates, every Friday weigh-in date for the next 40 weeks. I weigh on Friday mornings, and that won't change. I'll just post my weight here on Monday's.

    My goal weight for my 16 January 2015 weigh-in is 315 lb. That would mean a 110 lb loss over 40 weeks (-2.75 lb/wk). I know I can do this. I've done it before.

    I look forward to getting to know the rest of you and to witnessing your success.
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    My name is Tiffany and I have been on MFP for a few years now. I lost 25 pounds at one point and then gained. Only to lose another 25 pounds and gain. I have since then (starting at my highest weight EVER) got pregnant, had a WONDERFUL son, and only lost about 10 pounds after gaining 30 pounds during my pregnancy. I am the highest that I have ever been and need much motivation and goals. My self control has gone out the window and flew to NEVERLAND where it seems to have found a very nice home and I haven't seen it since. Thanks for starting this Joan and I hope to lose the weight I need and meet more people like me who have the same goal in mind. I need to lose 55 pounds to get me to 140lbs. We can all do this, but we need the support of MFP! This is a place like no other!
  • TheHappyVirgo
    TheHappyVirgo Posts: 12 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Brittany. I've been on MFP for awhile but I've been getting my head back in the game since new year's eve. My heaviest weight when I started was 250 pounds. My current weight is 221 pounds and my goal for this 40 week challenge is to get to 150 pounds. I don't think I even remember ever seeing that number. It will be so great to lose 100 pounds. My ultimate goal weight is 130 pounds.

    My weigh-in days are own Wednesdays and I don't really want to change that so I'll post my Wednesday weight on Monday.

    This will be fun :-)
  • Tiabean86
    Tiabean86 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Krystina. I have two wonderful kids, an eight year old son and a two year old daughter (three in August). I'm 28 and engaged to a wonderful man. Our wedding is in December (12-13-14... how cool is that date?! :D ) and the thought of being a fat bride makes me want to cry. I've used MFP before and shed an amazing amount of weight. Then I fell off track and my father passed. I currently have gained all the weight I lost plus 30 extra pounds. I used to do pin up modeling but due to my size no longer get any contracts. I currently work part time in the evening and babysit two kids during the weekdays. I got some new work out clothes, a double stroller (not even babysitting can hold me back now!), and a renowned commitment to finally be healthy and do this! I plan to fully stick to the daily goals. I know no matter how much it hurts my body can adjust quickly. Most of my excerise will be coming from getting back into running. At the prime of my weight loss I did a 5K is 28 mins. I want that back!!! I also want to get contracts back lol.

    I am really looking for some active ladies to talk to and keep each other motivated! Please feel free to add me! :)
  • symphonika
    symphonika Posts: 107 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm Brittany a teacher living in Berkeley, California. I've been on MFP for a few years now and it's helped me in the past but I am almost back to my highest weight. I want to recommit myself to a healthy lifestyle and am looking forward to having the support and motivation from you all. I am looking to lose 50+ pounds, if your goals are similar to mine or if you think we can help each other please fill free to add me! I look forward to getting to know and working out with you all.
  • berrygirl2013
    berrygirl2013 Posts: 264 Member
    Hi! I'm Charlie (short for Charlotte). I've been using MFP for just a little over a year, and have had a few ups and downs with it. I joined a challenge group around this time last year and lost 20lbs..then lost motivation and slowly gained back half of the weight over the past 7 months. Anyways, I'm back on track now and want to go forwards, not backwards. Looking forward to doing this with you guys. We CAN do this! Feel free to add me as a friend! :)
  • adopp062715
    adopp062715 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi everone. My name is Amanda and I have been using MFP on and off for the past couple of years. I lost a bunch of weight about 3-4 years ago and it has crept back on slowly over the past year. I now need to get serious about getting rid of it for good. This looks like a great motivating group that will help me get back into exercise pretty regularly. I want to run another half marathon in the fall and losing the weight will definitely help with running. Good luck to everyone!