Trying to get back on track!

Hi everyone! I just joined this site today after stopping in the Bariatric office. I had RNY in 2008. I got down to about 140. Now I am up to 178! The past 15 pounds just jumped on without me seeing it happen. Yes, I have been making very poor choices in what has been going into my mouth, and not exercising! These 15 lbs have flipped my switch! It is time to get back on track! I started going to the gym 2-4 days a week. I've started drinking a protein in the am and cutting out the crap food! I'm going to try this on my own and if it doesn't work I will see a nutritionist. Does anyone have any advice? Should I just got back to liquid protein and cut out all food for awhile?

Thank you,



  • staceyhotmama
    staceyhotmama Posts: 98 Member
    I am in the same boat. I had RNY Dec 06. I kept my weight off quite a few yers but, old habits crept back in. I have cut all mindless cracker/ chip (anything crunchy/salty I love) and eating lots of protein. It is working for me, slowly but surely. Good luck to you! :)
  • Kim061865
    Thank you Staceyhotmama, and good luck to you! I've been doing really good so far! I'm under calories today though. Maybe I'll have an apple and peanut butter in a bit, or a protein shake!
  • mallysay
  • MaggyMaizy2
    MaggyMaizy2 Posts: 148 Member
    I'm only 16 months post -RNY, but for the past month I have made some REALLY bad food choices - stress eating! Today I'm up five pounds from my lowest weight of 142. I don't want to regain what I lost. I don't want to continue with these bad habits! I thought I had it under control, but I guess not! Any suggestions on how to let go of these old bad habits??
  • PheonixRizing
    PheonixRizing Posts: 131 Member
    You are definitely not the only one who has gained weight back after surgery. In fact, the statistics of those who do have troubles later on are kind of shocking. I don't have figures but I have spoken with and read about many many people who have gained some, all or more than what they lost back. Myself, I had RY done in 04 lost 237lbs and slowly over the last ten years have gained back close to 80 lbs. To date I have lost 40 of those lbs I gained back and am striving to make it to goal of 150 which was always the goal weight from day 1 and I never got there. Closest was 169. Don't feel bad about it because you are doing something about it. Life is going to happen you just have to roll with it. Good luck :)
  • marciamellow21
    Hello all. I am 7 yrs post surgery and I have gained back 100lbs. After surgery I truly thought my weight issues would be over. I am 61 and have had a lifetime of weight issues...Vomiting, compulsive eating, drinking, starvation, etc....The weight crept back a pound at a time over 7 years. Why? because I did not change my old life. I did not change my eating triggers, I did not set boundaries with my Mother and my family... I let all the old insecurities and childhood pain come back and undermine me. I know where I have gone wrong, but I still just rode that pony all the way back to 240 lbs
  • marciamellow21
    wow, this thread is really many people having trouble post surgery...I was in therapy for 2 years after my surgery and I felt I was ready to take on the world and any stressful situation...I was wrong
  • traerjudy
    traerjudy Posts: 36 Member
    I, too, have regained much of my lost weight back. Had my surgery in 03 weighing in at 297. Got down to 140 and proceeded to go back up to 223. It really, really sucks.
    I've lost a bit over 7 pounds and hope to get to 150 eventually. I haven't had any bad side effects like so many of you. I should be grateful.
    My husband will be retiring in a couple of months and I want to be fit enough to enjoy the last part of our life together.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    ITs hard to admit it , and even harder to admit we know why we gained, how we gained, and that we chose not to fix it earlier , I am glad you are here, and wish you well on your journey .
    keep logging it, and you will be able to watch your own progress.
  • smwiller
    smwiller Posts: 11
    You know, I remember them telling us that you could regain your weight, but in the euphoria of finally losing the "X"s from my clothes, I guess I got complacent. The weight came back on a little at a time until I I could say I was still 100 pounds down from the day of surgery, but just! My hubby had lap band last week and that helped me get back on track--I have an appointment for followup with my hospital's bariatric clinic, I intend to go back to support groups something I didn't do the first time out and exercise. My hubby and I joined Lifetime Fitness. Hopefully we can support each other to get back on the road to a healthy weight....
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    the complacency happens to a lot more pople than they care to admit, the thing is , it has now become my opinion that for about 75% of patients it does not last, when i had my numbers they told me like less than 10% of people regained at 3 years, ( i had mine in 04) and 20% in 5 years, and they had no data beyond that....

    well... now i do math
    10%+20% means that at LEAST 30% regain in 5 years ...
    Ive been over to the OH ebsite, and there are like 7-8 groups each with a couple hundred people who have regained ....

    now granted that might not be the most advanced sampling...
    but that based on who is all here.... seems like for a lot people they tend to regain...
    seems like there are two main subtypes, those who regain 20-40 lbs , and those that have regained 50 or more ...

    doesnt matter, why or how , its more important that we restart .
    Kay Bailey Hutchinsons videos and podcasts , and the 5 day pouch test... still good stuff!!
    i did it last month , and extended day 1-2 out to 6 days... it worked for me , good kick start...
  • MaggyMaizy2
    MaggyMaizy2 Posts: 148 Member
    Lately I've been falling into the mindset of "that little piece of chocolate (or three) won't hurt - I'll do better tomorrow." How dangerous to my health and well-being is that! I woke up this morning thinking that I might skip my exercise routine until later today when I might feel more motivated. Well, I'm motivated now. I come back to this particular thread often because it reminds me that this surgery isn't the answer - I am.

    Let's start today by making good choices - and end the day the same way!
  • dakiniverona
    I had the Fobi Pouch in 1999 I started at 275 got down to 189 and hovered there for a long time,, after 8 years it crept up to 235 so I got serious... got back down to 189 in 2010 but then, here I am in 2014 and found I was at 214.

    I have health issues, FSHD - a form of muscular dystrophy that keeps me from walking much, I wear leg braces, I was diagnosed with diabetes and gluten intolerance during my journey... and on Friday I was told I have candida...

    I found out about a five day pouch test.. it is a five day plan to re-boot your pouch.. to let you know how to eat right... I am on day 3 and feeling like I have control again. I have to eat like I did when I first had the surgery.. I went through a lot for that surgery.. .I paid in money and in pain.

    I tried counting calories .. .I tried weight watchers.. I tried hypnosis... I tried eating the every 3 hours bit. calorie counting helped a few years ago, but did not work due to the candida.I was eating 1200 calories and GAINING weight.

    I have been trying to eat past the pouch, eating sugars and carbs.. I forgot about the 4 rules:
    1. protein first
    2. chew chew chew
    3. exercise
    4. no snacking

    If you want to find out more.. look it up here:

    she also has a FB group and some books on Amazon.. I might get the cook book, but for now.. I am on a new journey.
  • dakiniverona
    the complacency happens to a lot more pople than they care to admit, the thing is , it has now become my opinion that for about 75% of patients it does not last, when i had my numbers they told me like less than 10% of people regained at 3 years, ( i had mine in 04) and 20% in 5 years, and they had no data beyond that....

    well... now i do math
    10%+20% means that at LEAST 30% regain in 5 years ...
    Ive been over to the OH ebsite, and there are like 7-8 groups each with a couple hundred people who have regained ....

    now granted that might not be the most advanced sampling...
    but that based on who is all here.... seems like for a lot people they tend to regain...
    seems like there are two main subtypes, those who regain 20-40 lbs , and those that have regained 50 or more ...

    doesnt matter, why or how , its more important that we restart .
    Kay Bailey Hutchinsons videos and podcasts , and the 5 day pouch test... still good stuff!!
    i did it last month , and extended day 1-2 out to 6 days... it worked for me , good kick start...

    can you explain about how you extended the 5dpt?
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    sure , what i did is her 5 day test i just took each day and extended it out to 3 days, so day 1 i did for 3 days, day 2 i did for 3 days , day four 3 days ... etc . pretty simple really. and then didnt bother with "extending" days 4 and 5 because by then i felt more in control
    i find it a lot harder to eat larger quantities now
    Ive lost 13 lbs in the past month, so i know it worked for me
  • smwiller
    smwiller Posts: 11
    Same boat, baby! I lost 185 pounds after RNY in 2002, as of March 6 I was up 85 pounds...Yikes! I am happy to say I have let go of 22 of those 85 pounds since then. I joined my hubby in his lap-band pre-op diet from 3/6 to 3/19 when he had his surgery (kind of letting my pouch snap back a little from 16-inch softball size back to at least baseball size, I hope). And then started getting into the food choices for the long haul thing using MFP. I also made appointments for follow-up with a bariatric surgeon and intend to start back to support groups. Fortunately I still live close to the hospital where I first had surgery.Going on six weeks and I am getting in the habit of logging my food--before I put it in my mouth, which I think is a start! Also exercising, going to the gym.

    It sure helps watching my husband go through the same euphoric immediate post-surgical "shrinking" that I experienced 11 years ago. Brings me back....

    Anyway, a bit long winded, but welcome to MFP! We can do anything together...
  • erqueenie
    erqueenie Posts: 9 Member
    Oh I so agree and feel all our pain. Little angry with myself for sliding so backwards.How many calories are you eating a day. I am back to the protein shakes 1-2 x's a day also
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    i do them about 1x a day. others might use them more or less.
  • lynnski70
    lynnski70 Posts: 4 Member
    I had Roux-en-Y in 2009 and had been down to around 150 but gained about 20 back by mindless eating and bad food choices! Recently my husband told me I eat all the time and I realized he was right. My pants had also gotten tighter and I WON'T buy bigger sizes. So I decided I'd better get back "on the wagon". I am doing about 1500 calories now. How about everyone else?
  • Kim061865
    Kim061865 Posts: 13
    Well here I am again! This time I'm going to do this with the help of Skinny Fiber! It has stopped my head cravings and I'm back on track! Finally! I have done nothing but bloom out the past year! If you want details message me. I don't want to publicly post the info. Not sure if it is allowed.