Some advice and motivation needed ladies.

fatie304 Posts: 2 Member
Hey girls
I'm new to the group. I've been on the t25 journey for 5weeks now. To be honest I haven't got the results that I though I would get off this programme so far.

My weight hasn't budged and my body composition hasn't changed much apart from my upper back looking alittle defined.
I've been eating between 900-1100 calories.

I feel tired and bloated all over.
I should be eating 1600kcal according to the programme but the thought of eating that many calories automatically makes me think I'm gonna put weight on.

I'm scared to eat more.

Has anybody else experienced this??

I'm looking for advice and support for any ladies who have maybe been through something similar and my upping calories did it help on weight loss??



  • DoubleA89
    I had the same anxiety at one point with my weight loss. I thought the less calories I ate the more I would lose. However, it doesn't work that way. You feel tired because your not eating enough calories. I then started eating between 1500 to 1600 a day and the weight finally started coming off. The less calories you eat the more your body is going to hold on to the weight. Eat more calories but the good kinds. Hope this helps. :)
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    It's true. Eating at that low of calories repeatedly sends your body into starvation mode and it will just hold on to the pounds and conserve energy wherever possible... thus your metabolism will start to dip too. You would be better off eating at least 1400 cals or even an alternate day fasting program. Also, you don't mention what you are eating - that could be why your tired and bloated.

    I can't imagine you would have the energy or strength to do these workouts taking in only 900 cals...

    Try it for a month a see what happens... ultimately losing weight requires a calorie defecit, but there are different ways to produce that and maximize results. If you aren't seeing results clearly you need to make changes, give it a few weeks, then make adjustments. If you're not losing going even lower may initially produce a loss but then when that doesn't continue, then what? Less calories??!

    Look at the diaries of those that are successfully losing weight.... you might be surprised...
  • ldocampo
    ldocampo Posts: 34
    I agree, I'm a panic dieter, I think eating less is going to help me lose faster. It's not less, it's what you eat. I'm eating a high protein low carb diet. I'm hitting the 1200 calorie goal MFP sets for me, and lost three lbs this week doing nothing more than a half hour run three times a week. Eat more, you're body will work better. Also, be careful what you're eating. I know I thought I was eating right until I learned the difference between a carb and a complex carb. Complex carbs make your body work harder to break it down so you burn more calories when you eat it. Brown rice, whole wheat anything... basically anything that's not white. White wheat (white bread, "normal" pasta etc) have been bleached, and stripped of anything in it that's beneficial to your body.

    I highly recommend GNC total lean 25 shakes, 25 grams of protein + 8g of fiber keep me full for hours, gives me a great energy boost and they taste fantastic. I do two of those a day and a normal portioned lunch + a clif bar before a work out.

    Best of luck!