I'm Back

caribougal Posts: 865 Member
Ok, folks. Help motivate me.

I was pretty hard core Primal for 1.5 years. I loved it, lost 26 lbs, felt great, blah blah blah. I decided last July to eat whatever while on vacation. Then I came home and went into the stress of selling my home. Then lived through a flood that trashed my town the day we bought our new home. Had to move family into hotel, temporary apartment, excuses excuses excuses for not getting back to healthy eating for months. In all that time, I didn't really gain weight.

The addictive eating behavior came back full force about 3 months ago, and so did 15 lbs. Very quickly, and so annoying. It was like, one day... my *kitten* just exploded and all those jeans that I had been belting up for months were suddenly tight. F*@&!

I had a few false starts getting back to Primal, but I'm trying again.

I totally know what to do. Love eating this way as a lifestyle. Just need to get back to it.
Support appreciated!


  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    We're here for you. The first step is just making up your mind. :-)
  • MelanieSpicegurl
    MelanieSpicegurl Posts: 239 Member
    YOU were one of my MAIN MOTIVATORS when I first decided to try Primal last year ... :wink:

    I followed your lead and did well .. I lost 30lbs and was feeling great ..
    It was horrible to see you disappear due to all the crappy things life threw your way .. I'm glad you are back !!

    Around the early December Xmas parties I fell off the wagon too.. I ate whatever I wanted .. and I have gained back 5 pounds .. It started as 3 lbs for a couple months , now after March it's officially 5lbs .. I re-set my ticker and pledged to get my butt in gear ..
    BUT I've been busy .. ( EXCUSES RIGHT !!! )

    I NEED to do this too ..
    WE MUST just make the commitment to ourselves , as we BOTH did it last year .. So we KNOW WE CAN DO IT AGAIN !!!!
    We can do check in's or whatever you need ..
    I'm IN !!!!!

  • MENichols5
    MENichols5 Posts: 176 Member
    Life gets in the way sometimes but you can get back on track!!
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Thanks, everyone. Well appreciated. Sometimes it takes a public declaration to get going again.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    YOU were one of my MAIN MOTIVATORS when I first decided to try Primal last year ... :wink:

    I followed your lead and did well .. I lost 30lbs and was feeling great ..
    It was horrible to see you disappear due to all the crappy things life threw your way .. I'm glad you are back !!

    Around the early December Xmas parties I fell off the wagon too.. I ate whatever I wanted .. and I have gained back 5 pounds .. It started as 3 lbs for a couple months , now after March it's officially 5lbs .. I re-set my ticker and pledged to get my butt in gear ..
    BUT I've been busy .. ( EXCUSES RIGHT !!! )

    I NEED to do this too ..
    WE MUST just make the commitment to ourselves , as we BOTH did it last year .. So we KNOW WE CAN DO IT AGAIN !!!!
    We can do check in's or whatever you need ..
    I'm IN !!!!!


    That's AMAZING that you lost 30#!!!! Freaking awesome. Thanks so much for staying friends with me during my fall off the wagon.
  • MelanieSpicegurl
    MelanieSpicegurl Posts: 239 Member
    That's what we are here for ... Support ..

    Welcome back !
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Nice to see you back. :flowerforyou:
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    Welcome back!! I am back as well. I went through a phase where I ate whatever I wanted and gained back a LOT. I am pretty disappointed with myself. I am hoping to be fully back on the wagon soon. Maybe try another Whole 30. Anyways, it's great to see you :-)
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Nice to see you back. :flowerforyou:
    Thanks, Akima!
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Welcome back!! I am back as well. I went through a phase where I ate whatever I wanted and gained back a LOT. I am pretty disappointed with myself. I am hoping to be fully back on the wagon soon. Maybe try another Whole 30. Anyways, it's great to see you :-)

    Thanks! Love that dress in your profile pic.
  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    Welcome home
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I've fallen off a bit too. Haven't gained any weight from it, but I'm definitely struggling with more gas. :blushing:

    Well, after the breaded turkey breasts from my husband's hunt last week I'm having for breakfast, I'm going to start being more strict too! :happy:
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Welcome back.

    And Hey, we are all human and not expected to be perfect. The thing is you fell off the wagon, recognized it and now have dusted yourself off to go again.

    The only failure in life is not trying. :drinker:
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    Hi, I'm starting again as well and can use all the support a lapsed but repentant Paleo/Primal girl can get! What a great group.

    I've gained 7+ pounds due to adding in grains more and more as well as not getting the exercise I was getting (lots of excuses, some valid and some not.) My thyroid meds were lowered also. Jeans are a little tighter and I just feel blah.

    My goal is to lose at least 5 lbs by May 16 (son's grad.) I suspect a lot of it is water retention, so I'm feeling confident that it's doable.
    Mostly I want to feel as great as I did a few months ago when I was exercising regularly and sticking to a primal diet.

    We can do this!