Apri 18th - Weigh In

meganmoore112 Posts: 174 Member
Original SW: 149
Challenge SW: 143.3
CW: 144.6

4/11/14: 143.4
4/18/14: 144.6

BOOOOOO!!! I don't know what is going on. It's better than the 149 that I saw on the scale this past Monday. I feel bloated due to being mid-cycle, so maybe that's part of it.

I feel like I say this a lot, but I need to tighten up. I am weighing my food 80% of the time. Times when I don't are when I eat out or at my parents house, which is only a couple times a week at most. But some days I have extra bites of things here and there without remembering to log, so apparently it's adding up.

It's time to be completely honest with myself and with my logging ,extra bites and all. This week, I vow to meet my 10,000 step goal at least 5 of 7 days and in addition I will do at least 3 total body workouts.


  • KMasz
    KMasz Posts: 2,666 Member
    SW = 167 (01/2013)
    CW = 131.0 (04/04/2014)
    UGW: 120.0 (by 12/31/2014)
    Independence Challenge GW: 124.0 (7 lbs loss = 0.54 lb/wk)

    April Weigh-ins:
    04/04 = 131.0
    04/11 = 127.0 (4.0 lb loss)
    04/18 = 128.6 (1.6 lb gain)
    04/25 =
    April total = 2.4 lb loss!

    It was a bit of a gain as I had expected. I have been doing really well with my calories this week as well as my macros so this must just be water weight from getting back into lifting weights. not too worried about it.

    Good Luck this week!!
  • KMasz
    KMasz Posts: 2,666 Member
    BOOOOOO!!! I don't know what is going on. It's better than the 149 that I saw on the scale this past Monday. I feel bloated due to being mid-cycle, so maybe that's part of it.

    It's time to be completely honest with myself and with my logging ,extra bites and all. This week, I vow to meet my 10,000 step goal at least 5 of 7 days and in addition I will do at least 3 total body workouts.

    It's not much of a gain, so be sure to drink plenty of water the next few days and I'm sure it'll go away. Other than that you have a pretty solid plan for getting back on track! Good Luck! And just for Mule.... You got this!! :laugh:
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Thanks, yes I have it.

    At last, a true Good Friday! I broke the 190 barrier at last and came in at 189 on the scale (-1.5 for the week). NSV!! Considering I ate an entire bag of M&M's during one of several binges, I'm quite pleased. The bad news is all the Easter candy is about to be released so that won't help much. Giving blood may have helped me this week, I claimed -685 calories from it whether it's valid or not. I sure felt it during my run yesterday--between tired legs from squats and being a pint low I was lucky to make the pace I made.

    I see some folks are making great progress, some are more on the fence like me. I am the first to admit my cheating. Yesterday I logged a cup of yogurt but the cup was heaped way over the rim and I had a spoonful here and there in addition. All those cheats add up to maintenance. Another week of self-confrontation awaits!

    Happy Easter Everyone!

  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    Challenge starte weight : 140.4
    4/11: 140.2
    4/18: 138.4

    Finally a yeah! The way I was going last week I would not reach my goal by July 4th. This week I ate most of my calories during the day and had a light dinner or just a protein bar for dinner. I think I will continue to eat this way this week and see if I get another good loss in. Happy Easter Everyone!
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Original start weight (Aug. 2013): 250.5
    Challenge start weight: 197
    April 11: 196.6
    April 18: 195.6

    I am down a pound for the week.

    I am okay with that progress as I also had one massive blow out day this week where I just gave up for an evening. (Fortunately, it was just a mild case of temporary insanity. :noway: ) I got right back on the wagon yesterday and did a 45 minute step routine with 5lb weights. And I didn't eat the fresh baked brownies that were tempting me on the table! :drinker:

    I hope this means that I am back to losing again, as this is my first real loss since the end of the April fools challenge. The mental game gets tricky when progress isn't obvious. I mean it is - I can walk 10km and not be tired or do that 45 minute video and be fine the next day - but sometimes those NSVs are harder to "see" than a number of the scale going down.
  • meganmoore112
    meganmoore112 Posts: 174 Member
    The bad news is all the Easter candy is about to be released so that won't help much.
    Happy Easter Everyone!

    I'm planning on limiting my Easter candy to this weekend only and will be doing a 1-2 hour run/walk both days to make up for it!

    What's going to do me in on Sunday is my homemade carrot cake with cream cheese frosting :love: :love:
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    SW = 135 (01/2013)
    CW = 134.2 (04/04/2014)

    April Weigh-ins:
    04/04 = 135.0
    04/11 = 134.6
    04/18 = 134.2
    April total = 0.8lbs

    Slower than I'd like, but seeing as I am on the low end of a healthy BMI, it's all I can expect while maintaining my health :) I am very pleased!
  • TurboTam
    TurboTam Posts: 174 Member
    I'm down .8lb that's almost a pound, I'll take it!
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    I'm holding steady at this weight since the beginning of April. However, I did my measurements today and I am down another inch in my waist, 1/2 inch in my hips and 1/2 inch in my legs. I can also fit into a pair of pants that I tried on last month and while I could get them zipped, they were tight in the hips with a little muffin top. I am proud to say that today, no tightness and no muffin top! I'll take it. :bigsmile:
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    Starting weight: 177
    Goal weight: 135

    4/4/14: 162
    4/11/14: 159.4
    4/18/14: 158.6

    Not very happy. At least I lost but more would have been nice and I'm quite annoyed that I've been stuck at 158.6 since Saturday. Oh well, I'm sure it'll come off eventually, it always does. I need to learn to stop stressing!
  • terriejones
    terriejones Posts: 518 Member
    SW: 194 12/7/13
    CSW: 129
    GW: 125

    4/4: 129
    4/11: 129 (0)
    4/18: 129 (0)

    No loss, but my pants are falling off, so I'll take that, as a victory!!! Feeding frenzy tonight so tomorrow, won't be so good!
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    Original start weight back in July 2013: 211

    Challenge start weight: 157
    April 11 loss: 5.9 - 151.1
    April 18 loss: 1.11 - 149.9

    Total April loss: 7.01 lbs

    Another really nice loss this week. I'm on fire. I am thinking I might meet my first UGW of 130! I can't believe it! I thought I was going to be stuck at 200 forever.
  • Shaky44
    Shaky44 Posts: 214 Member
    SW: 254
    GW: 235

    4/11: 252
    4/18: 254

    I was sick all week, unable to workout and with a lot of time to sit around and eat. What would have been a loss on Monday turned into a gain on Friday.

    Feeling better today . . . I've already been back to the gym and doing better with food.
  • LetiPla
    LetiPla Posts: 28 Member
    Good to see so much success...I didn't expect to lose anything since was sick all week and couldn't exercise. but I'm down 2 lbs since I kept under my net calories. Wow, this can really work when you find how many calories you can eat, I just didn't have these tools before.

    good luck all!
  • Frayde
    Frayde Posts: 321 Member
    Original SW: 229
    Challenge SW 4/4: 209.2
    Wt. 4/11: 207.6
    Wt. 4/18: 205.4

    Wt. loss in April: 3.8

    Goal for the Challenge: 185
    UGW: 145-150?

    Making progress!
  • racnsdd
    racnsdd Posts: 31 Member
    I gained the first week but I am lower this week. Still not at what I weighed at before starting the challenge. But nothing like bathing suit shopping (which I did today) to kick your butt in gear!
  • msmimi
    msmimi Posts: 381 Member
    SW: 215
    CSW: 215
    GW: 190

    4/4: 215
    4/11: 215(0)
    4/18: 215 (0)
  • cathy0536
    cathy0536 Posts: 137 Member
    SW: 192
    CW: 152.4
    GW: 142

    4/4: 152.4
    11/4: 151.0 (-1.4)
    18/4: 149.6 (-1.4)

    Not really been on track with good nutrition and exercise this week to be honest, but had a stomach bug and a day of not eating which has balanced the lack of exercise out. Did keep up with the couch to 5K challenge runs and am now back to turbofire and proper logging. Yesterday was a great day of exercise with a run, turbofire and a long walk in the country in the afternoon - if I can keep that up over the Easter weekend I'll be doing well...
  • cathy0536
    cathy0536 Posts: 137 Member
    Original start weight back in July 2013: 211

    Challenge start weight: 157
    April 11 loss: 5.9 - 151.1
    April 18 loss: 1.11 - 149.9

    Total April loss: 7.01 lbs

    Another really nice loss this week. I'm on fire. I am thinking I might meet my first UGW of 130! I can't believe it! I thought I was going to be stuck at 200 forever.

    MrsPoo you are doing really, really well - keep going :)
  • cathy0536
    cathy0536 Posts: 137 Member
    At last, a true Good Friday! I broke the 190 barrier at last and came in at 189 on the scale (-1.5 for the week).

    Mule this is really great! Keep being good :)