Week 1. Day 1 : SUNDAY APRIL 20



  • lizp114
    lizp114 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello everyone. My starting weight is 194 and my goal weight at the end of this five weeks is 185. My inspiration to lose weight is my children. Everything I do is for them. My pitfalls are late night snacking and emotional eating. Everyone please feel free to add me.
  • BreeeRN
    BreeeRN Posts: 38 Member
    1) I am currently at 202 (as of Thursday). I am hoping to be down 10ish lbs by the end of 5 weeks! (my goal is to be at 185 by my birthday on June 15th!) I started 6 weeks ago at 214.5.. so I think it's do-able! I just reallyyyy have to work hard at managing my calories and getting more exercise in!

    2) I have a really busy summer, and I am so sick of looking like a mess in tank tops. I want to be able to wear shorts again. I am way too self conscious right now. And lastly, for my health. :)

    3) I'm a student, and this involves tons of stress and studying and sitting. Ugh. It's hard to find time to be active, but the weather warming up will sure help.
  • heavenlyb14
    heavenlyb14 Posts: 303 Member
    1) I currently weigh 210lb. I want to lose between 10 and 14lbs over the next five weeks.

    2) My inspiration is to feel fit and healthy again for me and my children.

    3) My pitfalls have been poor health and lack of self esteem.
  • kamile83
    kamile83 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I'm currently the heaviest I've ever been and am hoping to lose 5 pounds. I need to lose at least 25 so that will be a good start. My motivation is health but I love clothes and hate buying bigger sizes.
    I do fine all day but then fall apart at night before bed. And if I don't see results on the scale I get discouraged and tend to give up. Oh and my husband is always buying junk and bringing it home so that doesn't help.
    I always loved to exercise but lately have no energy to do so.
    I think the Sunday weigh in will be good to keep motivated through the weekend.

    I'm happy to offer support to anyone. We can do this!!:smile::smile:
  • scrappinkar
    scrappinkar Posts: 26 Member
    I forgot to write that my five week goal is 15 pounds. The medicines that I take might make it tough, but I'm going to try really hard!
  • scrappinkar
    scrappinkar Posts: 26 Member
    1) I currently weigh 210lb. I want to lose between 10 and 14lbs over the next five weeks.

    2) My inspiration is to feel fit and healthy again for me and my children.

    3) My pitfalls have been poor health and lack of self esteem.
  • kiwigirl8133
    kiwigirl8133 Posts: 7 Member
    Just joined up today, so this is a good group to get me motivated!
    Starting Weight today 93.2kg (it was 97.6 at its highest recently)
    Goal Weight 70kg
    Mini Goal for the 5 week challenge is 3.2-4kg to get under 90kg's
    Feeling inspired after attending a recent health retreat, and plan to keep up the new healthy habits and portion control with the use of my "think slim" player to give me the extra kick in the bum everyday.
  • Mousie59
    Mousie59 Posts: 15 Member
    Good morning all, and Happy Easter!

    My current weight is around 218, but I did not pick up new scales yesterday so will give a firm weight tomorrow morning(have scales at work) My scales are not accurate.
    I hope to lose about 15 lb in this challenge.
    My motivation is the hope of losing some of the joint pain I'm having. Knees and ankles seem to take a real beating under my weight.
    I'm hoping to get out and walk a little each night.
    My real challenge is to make lunches for myself every night for the next day. If its not done then, I don't do it.

    Hope everyone is feeling positive about the next 5 weeks. I appreciate you starting this group :flowerforyou:
  • wootsmom
    wootsmom Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, thanks so much for starting this today it was just what I needed today.

    1. I am starting at 166 and would like to loose 10 lbs.
    2. I want to get back into my old, smaller clothes.
    3. I haven't been able to fit exercise in my schedule. I am keeping busier than before, I always have family obligations or projects at home that need my attention. I was hoping house cleaning chores would help but they are not burning enough calories. I also have almost an addiction to colas. Some days I can cut down the number and other days I just want them.

    Anyway, today is a new day! I am starting off good with joining this group and walking my dogs! Thank you.
  • been stuck for about a year, need to get a little more motivated, started today with a 3 mile run (first one ever) and I didn't die !! although it was really slow, but I did it !

    need to just have a little push, hope this group will do it, would like to just see the scales move for a change

  • 256...Let it begin...Good Luck...
  • H2Odaughter
    H2Odaughter Posts: 44 Member
    SW: 163.8 ~ my goal is to get rid of 5 pounds in 5 weeks

    I am inspired by MFPals who have demonstrated dedication and commitment through daily logging and regular exercise, that know there is no quick fix, and that this is a journey, not just for a while, but for life.

    I have never been able to maintain my focus on a diet, so I could go a week or two and then that was that. I am owning what I eat, every day, every bite, every sip! I am learning about my body, what it likes, what it doesn't (versus what my MIND likes!).

    Here's to a motivated and motivating five weeks!
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    166 lbs - five week goal 161 lbs so i want to lose 5 lbs in five weeks! :) good luck to everyone!

    workout 5 out of 7 days a week and try to eat out less!
  • sure2014
    sure2014 Posts: 18 Member
    I am 48 years old and 5'3'' in height. My current weight is 176.4 and in 5 weeks would like to be 169.0. I am stress eater and emotional eater. I love sweets. I want to lose weight as for last 24 years I have been obese and now I want to look slim, wear what I want to wear. All small sizes pants/tops are on sale always but I cannot buy any of them.
    I never exercised. I have been doing Leslie Sansone walking since December and lost around 15 lbs but now I am stuck at this weight for last 2 months. Lost my dad 6 weeks back and since then fighting hard to get back on track.
  • Hey all, JB here... After exploring the HCG diet for 6 years I am finally doing it. I am only 190# yes i know, but I have the chunky areas. I am riding my motorcycle home 800 miles away may 23rd and want to look sexy! 175 would be great. so I have set myself on a 1000 calorie track and am doing the HCG shots as well.

    I am just over a week done and only see a 2# shift fluxing so far. It has been pretty damn easy though! I hit the gym 6 days a week burning 30 minutes of calories for a few more justified calories.
  • Tylerhaar
    Tylerhaar Posts: 8 Member
    280 lbs start
  • xprincesspunkyxx
    xprincesspunkyxx Posts: 18 Member
    Ok here goes...

    1. 250 lbs is my starting weight as of today, I'd like to lose 14lbs during this challenge to bring me down to 236lbs.

    2. My 4 y.o little boy motivates me the most. I'm all he has and I need to be the best me possible for him! I'm also loving this boost of energy i've received so far! I've been so tired for the last few years due to poor diet.

    3. I lead a very busy life and don't have a lot of time, has always been my excuse. I found myself working out at midnight most nights any time i've tried to do this in the past. Learning to make time for myself has been the biggest obstacle through all of this. I've also used every excuse possible to get out of doing what I needed to do, knowing what is best for me.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what I can accomplish over this next 5 weeks. The sky is the limit and I don't plan on stopping there! :)
  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    Good Morning All! Happy Easter & Happy 5 Week Challenge!!

    Great day for me to start as I finally weigh under 300 pounds for the first time in a long time - this mornings weigh in was 299.6 and I have earned it. 20 days of logging my food and exercise!

    1. My goal is to log in every day and hit the gym 5 days a week. 3 days cardio and 2 days weight bearing exercises. The weight will come off if I do that - I can't control how much so I am not going to worry about it.

    2.On May 29th I am flying back home for a week to surprise my niece for her graduation. I want to be more comfortable in the airline seat and not have sore legs the whole time I am home. Alaska - Chicago flight.

    3. I am my own worst critic - I have always been a stress eater and will lose it on salty carbs. Pizza, pretzels, snacky stuff, and coke/pepsi are my downfall! I MUST be stronger than my emotions. Being in the early stages of menopause isn't helping - I seem to lose control of my emotions - hormones are wild and crazy things!

    I am excited to watch all of you on your journeys!

    Grace, Peace & Love ~ Sassy!
  • portia
    portia Posts: 7 Member
    I weigh 134 pounds. I am eating white meat, eggs and GNC Pro AMP Ripped 1 scoop,. My protein goal is 124 grams a day. Three things my Dad (the doctor) has always told me: (1) Stay away from sugar, (2) Corn is for cattle, (3) Potatoes are for pigs (because corn and potatoes are what they use to fatten these animals up for slaughter). My wise Mom always says, "The whiter the bread the sooner you're dead" and the same goes for rice. White bread makes you dead. So I am banning any refined sugar from diet, white substances etc.I am 57 years old so my metabolism is SLOW!!! I am lifting and doing cardio. We can do this.
  • Akashswar
    Akashswar Posts: 30 Member
    84.3 Kgs. Want to loose 4 kgs.