General chit chat part 3



  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    So I made quinoa brownies this weekend and they were I'm unique! You couldn't really taste the quinoa but I didn't cook it soft enough and they were a bit grainy! So next time i try baking with quinoa I will cook them a lot more!

    Long week than Easter! I have a dr weigh in on Tuesday following Easter so it should keep me good anyways lol!

    Well I am finally feeling more like me I hope this keeps up for me!
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Holly, I posted a recipe on my blog for Chocolate Oat Energy Bars. They are so yummy! My skinny "loveband" even likes them.
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Okay my post from yesterday didn't make a lot of sense!

    I hope my brain is working better today!

    I found out something yesterday about the promotion I didn't get that makes me very concerned for the division I applied in and glad I didn't get the promotion. I still don't want to be here, but I wouldn't have been able to work out there either! I think it's wrong when people don't play by the rules!

    Well another long work day, I really want to take a personal day and just stay at home and do nothing but that's exactly what my Niece does all day and I don't want company for my personal day! Can't wait for everyone to move out of my house!
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    @Holly - You could lock yourself in the bathroom with some salts, bubbles, candles and tell everyone else to go to a filling station if they need to use it!
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    That sounds nice bath! But it will have to wait for a little while longer!

    On Tuesday my little guy cut open his head and got a concussion! We sat at emergency room all Tuesday night! He is miserable and I am tired but thankfully it's a long weekend so he only missed two days of school and by Monday he will be able to go back!

    Hope everyone is having a fantastic Thursday!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Thanks, for the support guys! I'm still pouting a bit... I want the 222 back. :sad: lol! I'll get there but it's thrown me. I've upped my exercise and a watching my consumption closer. It's creeping back down. :ohwell:

    Holly, sorry about your little one. Hope he's coping ok. Still what a way to go into Easter weekend. :tongue:
    Paula, I looked into the GPS ones... they're very cool. But I do a lot of steps that don't take me far. If I manage to start the C25K, I might consider it.

    Have a great Easter weekend everyone!!!
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Thanks my boy is feeling better now and his cut is healing up! We can start cleaning all the glue out now which should be fun!

    Well Happy Easter, or just happy Sunday which ever you all believe!
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Oh Monday!

    I think today was meant to be a day at home in bed!

    But I am at work so I might as well make the best of my day! This is my daughters last week of cheer for the summer, and my sons head is almost healed up and it's not freezing cold out so I may be able to enjoy some outside walks this week! I think I am going to let my boy ride his bike on our walks! Or maybe I will get brave enough to try and borrow my daughters bike and try some bike riding myself??? I would need a helmet too I don't have one because I'm terrified to ride a bike again mostly because I'm 50 lbs heavier than the last time I rode a bike lol!

    Anyways I should get back to work I hope Monday treats you all well :)
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    Oh Monday!

    I think today was meant to be a day at home in bed!

    Holly, that is how I feel!

    Today has been a $#!% storm at work. I'm over this work day!

    However, it is so beautiful out, I think I will work in my flower beds this evening when the twins go to bed. This will give me a an hour or so before the sun goes down. I wonder how many calories I will burn pulling weeds...
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    I really miss having a garden, we rent our house and although he really doesn't care what we do, I think digging up half the back yard might be pushing it! I am considering some options for a box garden but I am not sure if we will try this year! I hope Crystal that you did get to garden and relax last night!

    I am only working 4 hours today so I am going to have a nap before work I think! I am so tired the past few days I have been looking forward to this, and the house is finally empty :)
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    So I figured the one perk of being fat, was that my size 3 daughter would not steal my clothes! But she does, not my pants but she steals my shirts all the time! I am 3 times her weight and she still steals my clothes!

    The joys of being a mom!
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    @Holly - I've been on the opposite end of that. I remember one year I asked for some sweaters for Christmas. After about a month I noticed I couldn't find them. A week or two later I found them in my grandmother's clothes with her claiming I never wore them anyways. She'd take other items of my clothing as well, that I won't go into... She'd take my make-up and ruin the lipstick, take some of it with her to work, and so forth. The really frustrating thing at the time was how she would constantly remark as to how she was so much smaller than me when she was wearing my clothes when I was 15-17 at 5' 6" and she was in her 60's at 4' 11".
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Wow Etherlily, With family like that...:noway:
    Holly, I don't have to worry about that yet... thank goodness. The kids are too small. lol! I think you should go bike riding. We don't really forget... it comes back really fast. I suggest short distances at first, it came be uncomfortable till you get used to it. Hope you're getting the rest you needed!
    Crystal... so jealous that you're working out in the garden. It's raining here and our backyard is a bit swampy right now. lol!
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Wow Maelyn, sounds like she may not have dealt well with things.

    Pixy: thanks I did get some sleep last night but I am still not sleeping well! I am always tired and my doctor believes it is mostly a weight thing! Because I'm so heavy I have sleep apnea! I can't sleep with the mask thing I tried a few years ago and I just woke up at night panicked and ripping it off! The cure is to loose weight!

    So I missed my weigh in today and I don't want to tomorrow because my schedule will be so off but I am going to Saturday morning! I know that it's almost the end of the month too and I am so close to the 20 lbs mark!!!

    I tried eating differently yesterday and I ended up over eating! I have fairly low calories during the day so I was trying to spread it out better but I failed lol! Today I went back to my usual! I feel better for it and I hope tonight i don't miss my target!

    It's pouring rain here so we won't be going for a walk tonight either!

    Anyways time to get back to work
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    Holly - I was able to get some weeds pulled, but it started to rain - go figure. I understand the not getting enough sleep. I wear a mask at night for my sleep apnea due to my weight. I cant sleep without it. But nothing is more attractive than wearing a 'snufflelufugus' mask at night. It took some getting used to, but I'm a volunteer firefighter (used to be full time firefighter) and wear SCBA's so I'm kind of used to masks.

    The only nice night here was Monday, the rest have been cold and rainy. I want to get the dirt ready to plant flowers, even though I wont be able to plant until end of May.
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    I decided I am not going to garden this year but I am going to spend a lot of time at the farmers market! My kids want to learn how to make their own pickles this year and I would love to make some apple butter from our apple tree! So I going to invest in canning stuff and a lot of pickling salt and vinegar lol!

    And yay it's finally Friday! My daughter has her final cheer competition on Saturday and than we are done until September! One more year till she can drive and take herself to cheer!

    Well back to work for me!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    I can't wait to start gardening... I already have my seeds. I'll probably be starting some of them inside next week. I'm going to try to grow some asparagus this year. A lady on another forum raved about it. I am so happy spring is here though it's really damp right now. I need to go do more raking and do some cleanup... probably this Saturday! YAY!

    Everyone have a great weekend!
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Good afternoon,
    I am at home in bed today! I just couldn't keep up with my stress so I skipped work called in sick and am napping and laying in bed! My husbands parents decided to get divorced and he is just wrecked! He couldn't stay home today though he had a deadline.

    I didn't get my weigh in on the weekend but i will for the end of the month!

    Okay nap time again!
  • hollyla9905
    hollyla9905 Posts: 508
    Oh thank goodness Tuesdays work day is almost over! I woke up feeling worse today than I did yesterday! Since I don't want to miss to much work I came in anyways! Hopefully after another full night of sleep I feel a bit better! I really started to walk a few days a week again and don't want to be stopped!