What did you do TODAY?

izu87 Posts: 267 Member
Each day matters.

So I think each day we should post here what we did. The good stuff - working out, eating properly, and the bad stuff - binges, lazy days, and so on.

No judgement allowed.

Only support and friendly 'poking' if we see someone is getting off course.

I think that being honest with yourself is so much harder than being honest with other people, so if we are honest here it will be much easier to stay on track and make it to the finish line with heads held high.

So, what did I do today?

I overate. I wanted to stay away from Easter cakes and yummies, but I couldn't. I ate all of my 'dinner' calories and some over. But I worked out extra hard - 40 minutes stationary bike moderate speed, my Body Revolution workout video #6, and then 2 videos from Fitness blender, all summing up to burning off around 700-800 calories according to my heart monitor. Hopefully I balanced it off. We will see what the scale says over the next few days. :)

So, what did you do today?


  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I went for an hour long walk. It wasn't a very good idea as I injured my knee last week and I thought it was well enough to walk today, but apparently not! But at least I got the walk in before it got really bad. I also enjoyed Easter dinner with my family, including a delicious Pavlova and half a Cadbury's Easter egg.
  • Each day matters.

    So I think each day we should post here what we did. The good stuff - working out, eating properly, and the bad stuff - binges, lazy days, and so on.

    No judgement allowed.

    Only support and friendly 'poking' if we see someone is getting off course.

    I think that being honest with yourself is so much harder than being honest with other people, so if we are honest here it will be much easier to stay on track and make it to the finish line with heads held high.

    So, what did I do today?

    I overate. I wanted to stay away from Easter cakes and yummies, but I couldn't. I ate all of my 'dinner' calories and some over. But I worked out extra hard - 40 minutes stationary bike moderate speed, my Body Revolution workout video #6, and then 2 videos from Fitness blender, all summing up to burning off around 700-800 calories according to my heart monitor. Hopefully I balanced it off. We will see what the scale says over the next few days. :)

    So, what did you do today?

    I can't help but feel like I am somewhat to blame for making day 1 of our challenge on EASTER, lol, Sorry! Don't be hard on yourself though! 1) It's a holiday and I always feel we should be able to indulge a little on special occasions (key to long term success is not restricting, but adapting!) 2) Always better to eat a little more earlier in the day, so you have plenty of time to work it off, as you seem you're doing a great job of! and 3) Studies have actually concluded that people who ease up a little bit on their diets over the weekend (but get right back on track on Mondays), generally are more successful in losing and maintaining their weight loss.

    Thanks for starting this thread!
  • izu87
    izu87 Posts: 267 Member
    Oh, Zeal, careful with the knee! I can recommend you some exercises - low impact, for strengthening the knee muscles, and some knee stretching exercises as well. *went through an injury as well*

    Cali, thanks for opening this group :) Annnnnd yes, I know... holidays happen quite rarely, so it's not a big deal if you overdo it a bit. But... I broke my plan and I don't like when my plans get ruined xD
  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    Only 11:45am here in Alaska so my day has been weigh in (finally out of the 300's) - log - iced coffee & peanut butter toast for breakfast and watching a bunch of shows about Hawaii! We will be heading to the gym shortly and then out to dinner. Already logged the meal I plan to order so I know I have enough left over for a split dessert and a Hard Cider later! Life is good!!
  • Today I went to the restaurant to eat breakfast with my mom for easter. I also went on for a run. But the truth is that I just can't wait to sit on my couch, watch a movie and eat all the chocolate I got for Easter... I know I shouldn't so I think I'm just going to control how much chocolate I eat but still eat some anyway because I know that if I don't, I'm going to go crazy with sugar later ;)
  • sure2014
    sure2014 Posts: 18 Member
    I did 350 jump ropes in 15 minutes. Did 3 mile walk of leslie sansone. Not sure how many calories I lost. Ate around 1400 cals.
  • sbart269
    sbart269 Posts: 3 Member
    Yes I did overeat a bit today. Not as bad i as thought but still..... I did some yoga this morning and started cooking dinner. I did run around after the grandkids a bit so I am counting that as exercise :ohwell: Looking forward to the nice weather that is forecasted for tomorrow to get in some much needed walking.
  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    Decided to trade in my Angry Orchard Cider tonight for a slice of the most amazing bread with awesome butter with dinner. So worth it - still came in under calories for the day! Feel great!

  • bambi417
    bambi417 Posts: 9
    I think overall today went well. I managed to stay in my calorie count goal. Had a wonderful day with my family. Went for a short walk after dinner. Burned some calories earlier getting things ready for the Easter celebration. The weather was gorgeous, enjoyed eating outdoors. Knowing that I had started this weight loss goal helped as a reminder to watch my portions and snacking which I struggle with. Feel optimistic.
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    I actually just spent some time musing along this very line of thought...

  • missy_girl001
    missy_girl001 Posts: 53 Member
    I overate, but not so much that I'm freaking out about it. I knew it would happen, so I made sure to work out extra the previous days and will spend some extra time at the gym tomorrow. :)
  • So, I officially started the challenge today. I didn't want to start on easter, because i knew it wouldn't end well. lol. Currently eating a 400 calorie breakfast of 2 low cal scones and pineapples.
  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    Officially down 10 pounds this morning - feels great! Trying a Special K flatbread breakfast sandwich this morning. I always like to have eggs for breakfast - seem to keep me full longer. Tonight at the gym it is treadmill & swimming!

    Have a day full of great food & fitness!!
  • izu87
    izu87 Posts: 267 Member
    Congrats, Sassy! :)

    For me today was a day off work (still Easter holiday over here - yay), so I slept in, had a nice lunch, followed by a yummy smoothie snack, and now I'm prepping for dinner. Workout-wise I did my Body Revolution cardio2 video and after that I did T25 cardio - and omg, those two together left me drowning in sweat. Feeling great right now.
  • m3bfs
    m3bfs Posts: 7
    Illness reared its ugly head so was in bed all day. Just got up to have some toast n light spread. Last night I was all fired up to get going again today. But never mind can start on Tuesday 22nd April (never say tomorrow as it never comes) xx
  • lizp114
    lizp114 Posts: 202 Member
    well on Easter I ate so much that my stomach started hurting my best friend made two of my favorite dishes sstuffed cabbage and pasta salad and I pretty much ate until I was super full. so yesterday wasn't the best day also I didn't really exercise like I should have yesterday but today was much better my eating was pretty good and i burnt my 500 calories which is my daily goal. II wish I could have went to the gym though cause I know I would have burned way more
  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    Officially down 10 pounds this morning - feels great! Trying a Special K flatbread breakfast sandwich this morning. I always like to have eggs for breakfast - seem to keep me full longer. Tonight at the gym it is treadmill & swimming!

    Have a day full of great food & fitness!!

    Love the Special K egg and cheese s/w!
  • missy_girl001
    missy_girl001 Posts: 53 Member
    Today I dusted off my Flat Belly Diet Cookbook, not because I believe in diets per se, but because it's full of great recipes and meals under 400 calories. And I find I eat better when I've planned my meals for the week. I also went to the gym and did 30 mins of cardio and another 20 strength training, followed by 10 mins of stretching and torturing myself with a foam roller. I may try to squeeze in a post-dinner walk if the rain holds off.
  • heavenlyb14
    heavenlyb14 Posts: 303 Member
    Today I ate a lot of vegetables! Stayed within calories, walked, walked again and dusted off the Zumba dvd.
  • Today, I have stayed within my calorie limit and I haven't really been that hungry. I also did my 10 minutes of aerobics.