Who wants to do Ripped in 30 in May?

Hey everyone! Congrats to everyone who is still with us hanging in there! 9 more days left! A few either way for everyone else, keep pushing! I hope everyone is getting great results!!
ashleyjohnstonn1 had made a post about wanting to start ripped in 30 for may so i went ahead and made another group for May. I have never done this workout, but i have heard tons of good things about it. Basically a lot of people are saying its a better version of 30 day shred lol. They say better music, more stretching, and she took the feedback she got from 30 day shred and used the praise\criticism to make an updated workout! I also heard they don't repeat the strength moves twice to make the 3 minutes like they do in 30 day shred, i think she does 3 moves instead. That will be a nice change. Anyway ! anyone who would like to join is totally welcome, I will post the link below.
Anyone tried this dvd before? what are your thoughts?


  • michlou84
    michlou84 Posts: 34
    I'm in. Especially as I'm taking a break from the shred to allow my legs to heal as they just aren't getting better and I'm worried about putting myself out long term if I don't rest them and do some serious damage.

    I have tried the week one of ripped, I found it went quickly, I was all ready for the 3rd round of exercises then it stopped, turned out I had already done the 3 rounds but I thought it was only 2, always a bonus! The thing I did find though was the moves were more complicated, took more coordination so that might throw some people.
  • agent85
    agent85 Posts: 23 Member
    i'm in! :smile:
  • katya_be
    katya_be Posts: 227 Member
    Me too! I will be finishing up 30DS on May 1st (due to taking a few days off last weekend for Easter) but i will definitely be starting ripped in 30 as soon as I am done
  • TurboTam
    TurboTam Posts: 174 Member
    I'm in. I bought the DVD last night at Target, $9.19 if anyone needs to pick on up!
  • bobbietaylor733
    I am totally in! I have had the video since last year but never opened it, this would be the perfect occasion to do so!!!!

    P.S.Level 3 of the 30DS is INSANE!!!!!! It` gonna take me 10 days just to catch my breath!!!!!!!! :sick:
  • Apollo090
    Apollo090 Posts: 18 Member
    In! Super excited, especially due to positive reviews and this promised extra stretching time!
  • thanson563
    thanson563 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm in. I'm behind on 30DS as I've managed to catch a horrible cold and have no energy. Hopefully that will pass quickly. I feel awful for not working out the last few days!
  • agent85
    agent85 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in. I'm behind on 30DS as I've managed to catch a horrible cold and have no energy. Hopefully that will pass quickly. I feel awful for not working out the last few days!

    :frown: hope you feel better soon!
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    I think that I'm going to do this as well!
  • WordWhimsy
    WordWhimsy Posts: 254 Member
    I'll do Ripped in 30, but probably just 3 days a week. I got totally burned out on the 30DS.
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    I think I want to do it too but I might do alternating days with C25K.
  • Melissas9799
    Melissas9799 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm in! I actually ordered it off Amazon last night, will have it tomorrow :) It was the one Julian workout I didn't have, lol.