April Exercise Challenge (read first post)



  • Stormykitty
    Stormykitty Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you very much for the input and website info. Great new my dad is sending me the money to buy a recumbent exercise bike- I feel so motivated.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,589 Member
    nice thats great news stormy

    also where is everyone at? Happy Easter everyone. I did 35 mins at 4.0 and later I want to go back up after Dinner and try and do another 35 mins of walking.as for tomorrow I think i have an apt with the Dentist to get my other 2 crowns done which I'm not happy about because I won't be doing any work outs
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,589 Member
    well I did great for Easter Dinner, I still measured everything I had and I didn't over eat. I also had some jello cake which cool whip it was good. also when my hubby goes to take his Gram home I'm going back up to the gym to do walking

    How was everyone else?
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,589 Member
    I think I'm talking to myself lol where is everyone at? I bet everyone was just busy with the holiday weekend. but its monday a new days and week so today I'm going to do some arm weights to get something in then off to Hell, I mean the dentist to get the crowns which I am not happy about because she told me it will take about 2 hours:cry: so I don't see anything else with my day. but on a plus note I lost 3 lbs so that was great. I am now 329. wow thats amazing to say that when I was starting at 370. I am so much closer to 300 then 400. :drinker: now I don't see my losing the 29lb by June 3rd but I do it see being gone by the end of July. It felt so great getting on that scale today and seeing that number.

    So what does everyone have planed for this week?
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,589 Member
    well I'm waiting in the waiting room of the dentist and the lady calls me over and says I'm early. Now my apt is at 10 and its only 9:50 so I said ok maybe I wrote it down wrong, what time is it. and she said 10:30 next Monday. man did I feel stupid haha I just laughed at my self and was like well you gave me the best news today. so my apt is next Monday. so I'm heading to my mom's to drop off some Ham for her and coming back did some walking and later tonight Zumba and my body pump class.
  • SadieRose07
    SadieRose07 Posts: 104 Member

    Happy Easter to those who celebrate. You're right skittles, i've been MIA because of the long weekend and we've been having decent weather. :-)

    That's too funny about your dentist appointment!

    I'm still on track. Another crazy busy week at work, but I'm taking my lunch for walks - will not work through them! That's all I've got...pretty boring life over here. :D
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Aye chihuahua!!!!!!!! Ok we won't even talk about the goings ons over on my side of town for the past week or so!!!! LOL. I mean I haven't binged out or anything but I've just been eating whatever the hell I want for the most part. I have to say though...in all honesty...I've done worse!!!! I've made a couple of "BETTER" decisions here and there but yeah...no bueno!!!! LOL.

    Also, haven't been logging my food or checking in! So my PERSONAL RECORD of something like 180 or so days of straight logging is no more. Back to square 1.

    Alright so I'm starting fresh for all practical intents and purposes and I have seven weeks until my birthday. I think I'm at something like 319 or so but I will weigh in officially tomorrow.

    My workout schedule will look like this for this week...starting easy just to get myself back in the habit of working out:

    Wednesday: 30 min treadmill

    Friday: 30 min treadmill or 1hr Tennis

    Saturday: 60 min walk/jog outdoors


    Check in here every day!!
    No outside food...eat only what I have in my house

    The other thing is that I've met a guy and I'm HORRIBLE at balancing dating and staying on track with my eating and exercise!! I tend to get consumed and unfocused!!! My goal is to either WORK HIM INTO my exercise routine (NOT like that you perverts!!! lol) or see him AFTER I work out. And also, DOING OTHER THINGS besides going out to eat on dates!!!! Go for a walk or shoot pool or bowling...tons of stuff to do besides eat.

    Ok, hope everyone is doing well! Welcome to the new folks!

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Hello everyone! I am here! I have had a few days from Hell so have not been getting on here much.....

    On the upside, my hand seems to slowing be getting better, not 100% or even 75% yet, but I can do some things I could not do a week ago, and the pain, while still there, is not as intense.....

    Skittles - that is way too funny about the dentist.....I did that a few weeks ago with a DRs appt.....I rushed in at 10am apologizing for being late, and my appt was at 2pm, lol

    Star - that is exciting that you are dating! Tell us a bit about him!! Where did you meet??

    Last time I posted was Thursday, so basically since then, Good Friday I fast all day, then I ate a plate of pasta and because sunset was so late, went to bed shortly after and woke up at 3am with wicked acid reflux and I am pretty sure I stopped breathing for a minute cuz I inhaled a small bit of whatever came up......was up for almost two hours drinking tea as hot as I could stand with my head hanging out the window choking up phlegm. :sick:

    By the time I got back to bed, my 5:30am alarm for work meant nothing, I woke up at 6:45, (I start work at 7), jumped out of bed, threw myself together, and then remembered I needed to get my turkey out for Sunday....right at the bottom of my freezer, with my gimp hand.....OMG, by the time I got to work, it was almost 7:30am. Was rushing at this point, and punched the wrong code into the alarm and set it off....had to call and wake my boss up at that time on Saturday and explain that I set the alarm off. :embarassed:

    Then while I was at work Saturday afternoon, my 18 year old daughter texted me at work to casually tell me she needed to go to the post office to pick up a package from a guy she meet over the internet, in the U.S. (we are in Canada), who has no sent her a pair of boots. :explode: I LOST MY MIND. I was freaking out like so full of adrenaline that I could not even think straight.....She is adopted (late at 10 years old), and even though I explained things to my kids eight thousand times, she makes stupid mistakes and seems to have no common sense at times. It is frustrating too cuz my son would NEVER do the things she does, so I know it is not me. I came right home after work and spent the next 5-6 hours in her room with her because she does not talk when things like this come up so it always takes hours and hours to discuss anything.

    So, that made the rest of the night tense and upsetting, all I ate that day was a single piece of toast and a cereal bar. I was going to eat lunch right about when this started, and went to bed without dinner when it was over because I knew if I ate at that point, 10pm, I would have over eaten and gotten sick again.....

    Easter - which is usually my favorite and biggest holiday of the year in my house, was a complete bust, again, for the second year in a row, (last year my best girlfriend of 20 years died a couple of weeks before Easter and obviously dampened my mood), this year I spent Easter day grocery shopping and didn't even make all the things I normally would for Easter as I lost an entire day in cooking time. We did not even eat together. If next year does not get better Easter is going to start feeling like Christmas, which I am not a fan of.

    Anyway, today life seems semi normal....which I would kill with to stay that way for a while....even though I cannot do weights or yoga for another week and a half at least, I am going to try and get out for a walk everyday that it is nice.....I cannot justify going all the way to the gym to just walk on the track or treadmill.

    Ok, thanks for listening to my rant.....have a good day guys!!
  • SadieRose07
    SadieRose07 Posts: 104 Member
    Star, you're so funny - I was totally thinking "like" that! LOL Good you on you for recognizing that you go off the rails and that you're trying to find a way to work this guy into your workout and changing up what dates look like. :-)
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,589 Member
    yay I have people to talk to and not just my self haha

    Sadie way to stick with it and go for a walk, I know it helps me to just clear my head and get some things out of it, Keep it up

    Star first I got to say Love the photo I swear you look like your 25, its amazing. and I'm glad your dating. I remember when I first started dating my hubby we would go to the park and walk around and bowling and mini golf. its always a fun time. keep us all posted.

    Unknown I'm sorry about your hand but I am glad its getting better. also Sorry your Easter wasn't great. I know we were having 8 for dinner and only me my hubby and his gram showed up because everyone else had a cold, or flu or something and no one is allowed in my house being sick lol. but it can be stressful when plans don't go the way you want them. I know when someone didn't happen for me I would go for food. Food was my friend and it never upset me. I now learn to try and deal with my issue or whatever with other things and not run to the food.

    today I have to run to the store because my hubby wants home made pizza tonight, I'm going to have my own pizza but its on the flatbread. its pretty yummy. well I'm going to do about 30-60 mins walking. I been shooting for 4.0 and I notice my breathing has gotten so much better which is pretty cool to me haha and I have zumba tonight. also my mom and friend yesterday told me they really are noticing how much weight I have lost. I still don't see it in, I sure in heck feel it, but I just still see fat. ahh I'll get there. 29lbs to be at 300 woo hoo
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    @skittles: THANK YOU!! Nope, secretly I'm an old assed lady! LOL. And yeah, TRYING to get myself out there....it's hard! But WAY TO GO on building up your stamina! I am SO impressed by you working out at 4.0! You are inspiring me to push myself harder! And also, it may take a minute for you to see your loss...I've learned that it's hard for us to perceive our own changes b/c we see ourselves every day. That's why it's SO IMPORTANT to take pictures!! There have been times when I get so discouraged b/c I couldn't see my loss (and apparently neither could anyone else!) and I would just take some pictures and compare them to my before shots and I would feel SO much better! If you haven't already TAKE SOME NOW...TRUST ME YOU WILL THANK ME LATER!

    @Sadie: HAHAHAHHAH!!! Seeeee?? I knew SOMEONE else out there was a naughty girl besides me! LOL. ;o)

    @unknown: Sorry to hear things have been rough!! Hope today is better!!! And I met him online on a website called "Black People Meet". He's tall, very funny and we've had some really nice conversations...we are both "thinkers" and so it's been nice to talk to someone about anything and everything. We'll see what happens. We are both just trying to take it slow.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Skittles - feeling less crazy now that you are not talking to yourself? LOL
    I am the same way about when I have a change in weight.....I literally gained like 100+ pounds before I noticed!! WTG walking at 4.0, I feel like I will never get that fast!!

    Star- I LOVE that photo of you, beautiful!! I hope all is going well with your date....sounds promising, what is most important was that you got yourself out there!! I have to ask out of pure curiosity, on a website like that that is so specific, is it seriously ONLY black people, or are their people of other races that want to meet black people too?? I always wondered that about J-date, lol. I am Italian, but my partner is actually Jamaican, we did not meet online though. My son is a JaTalian, lol, or Pastafarian as Russel Peters would say :laugh:

    My hand is feeling better everyday! I can't wait to see the DR next week to get the ok for weight lifting again!!
  • SadieRose07
    SadieRose07 Posts: 104 Member
    Skittles, that is awesome that you're doing 4.0 with better breathing. Don't discount that. You rock girl!

    Star, I do have a dirty mind. LOL He sounds promising! And I have to agree the new pic, holy smokin' hot, girl!

    Zombie, you lurking? How are you feeling?

    Unknown, sorry about your hand.

    I'm here, doing the same old same old. I do have to find a proper desk chair though. My back is killing me! Getting extra steps in today as tonight is chore night and I've been up and down the steps at least 10 times in 20 minutes.

    Have a great evening everyone!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,589 Member
    First I just have to say we are doing amazing. and I know we will keep doing amazing. I just got this great feeling. I know we all fall off but we get right back into it and move fwd.

    did some walking and zumba today. but at zumba class before class we all talk to each other and one lady says to me I keep wanting to tell you that your doing amazing and look great. she said she notice that I am losing. and others agreed with her, it felt great to hear. I also do take photos and I noticed one I'll add it tomorrow but I took a photo of me in the same shirt, I had it on xmas eve and I put it own two weeks ago and wow I now have a neck lol. I'll take a photo tomorrow with me in the shirt and post it on my profile to show everyone. but its crazy to see the change.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,589 Member
    Just have to throw this out and say I really miss roller coaters. I haven't been on any in years. and I miss water slide it says you have to be under 300 lbs so I still got a way and I don't think I'll go on any until I am at least 250 just to be on the safe side so prob not till next year. a friend of mine posted she can't wait till a theme park opens up here soon so she can go. and it just made me miss them.

    what are some things you guys miss doing?
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,589 Member
    I added the photo to my profile, I'd post it on here but I have no idea how lol
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member

    To post pictures you just copy the image's URL and then paste it in between [ img ] [ / img ]

    BUT TAKE OUT THE SPACES...it wouldn't let me show you the coding without the spaces. LOL
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Thanks Ladies for the compliments on my photos!!! I'm tryna GET MAH SEXY BACK!!!! LOL. I'm still a big dork, goofball, nerd but it's fun to pretend that I'm not for a few seconds (which is about how long I can hold being sexy! hahahha!)

    @Skittles: I LOVE your new pic...but you know what's TOTALLY AWESOME?? Because you are really working out hard you can TOTALLY SEE your 40lb loss! You are not only burning fat but you are building a lot of muscle so it really shows. GREAT JOB WOMAN!!! You ROCK MAH SOCKS OFF!!!!

    @Sadie: Yaaayyy! for getting more steps in!!

    Ate on track yesterday. Going to the gym tonight.
  • SadieRose07
    SadieRose07 Posts: 104 Member
    Skittles, you will get on those coasters soon. You are doing so awesome. You look great in your pic!

    Star, gawd, if you're what nerd looks like....LOL

    Zombie, worried about you girl, check in when you can. :-)

    I don't really miss anything persay, but I'd love to be able to do things like zip lining, which I couldn't do at this weight. I'm exhausted. Work is crazy busy. I have to find a better way to balance working long hours with exercising and eating well. Today is a bit of a fail, but I WILL NOT allow myself to fall off the preverbial wagon. I think I'm going to sit down with a time chart and actually schedule in exercise, then schedule it in my work calendar. No excuses, right?!

    Hope you lovely ladies have a great evening!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,589 Member
    Star thank you for posting the photo its funny but I keep saying I now have a neck lol, I even hated that shirt but it was the only one that fit me at the time so I got it for xmas lol and you have no idea how much of a dork I am it was my nickname in HS lol. so be proud to be a dork haha. and you are sexy you are rocking the look and I bet the new man is loving it. sexy was never my thing, i was like a tom boy with jeans and t-shirt type girl, I can't even wear heals lol i didn't for my wedding I had flats lol

    Sadie someone was telling me that when she works a lot if she can only get 10 mins in at a time like here and there it still adds up. I hope your able to get things all worked out. and I also want to try the zip line. My hubby and I are planing another cruise in Dec and it has a zip line at one of the islands but I don't know if I'll be able to go on it by Dec, I'll just have to kick some butt this summer and really work on things.

    Zombie how are things your way?

    Unknown how is your dating going?

    As for today I did some walking as always lol and zumba tonight. and I have't done my abs or squat challenges for a week so I'm going to pick them back up the first of May. and I think I want to do the 30DS again, but I think I'll only do it 4 days a week. well off to have some dinner and wait for zumba to start.