April Exercise Challenge (read first post)



  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    @Star - I love the new pic, Star. I agree with everyone, you are looking smokin'! I hope the dating is going well. He sounds really nice.

    @Skittles - Wow! Big difference in your pics. You are the incredible shrinking woman! You will be riding those coasters soon. It took me about 50 - 60lbs gone before I noticed it in my pics.

    @Sadie - I think scheduling in exercise is a great idea. It is something I have to do. I've been letting it slide recently.

    @Unknown - Lol! I love calling your son a pastafarian! I hope things are improving with you and your family.

    I've been lurking but not posting. Easter has been rough. Lots of family visiting and stressing me out. I am so wiped out all the time that I'm like a zombie (lol!) dragging myself through the day and not doing any exercise, so I have to give myself a good shake and get back into a routine no matter what.

    Skittles - I really miss horse riding. And just being able to do things without being exhausted afterwards or being able to get down on the ground and being able to stand up again without feeling like I'm having a heart attack, or be able to climb a ladder or climb up on things to reach stuff (coz I'm short). Can't do that at the moment, because my tummy gets in the way.

    I wore my jeans and new (3 years new!) top at Easter and my sister took a video of me doing agility with my dog in the garden. The outfit looked pretty but I moved like an old woman. I'm only 33, I don't like walking like a 90 year old!

    Anyway, I'll go back to lurking until I am more cheerful. Keep it up, ladies, you are all doing awesome and you are an inspiration. :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Hello ladies!!

    Skittles - wow that photo is awesome! Shows how far you have come! I love it! As far as me, I have had the same partner forever and ever....although we do try and go on date night once in a while :tongue:

    Star - I hope I did not offend you with my question, that was not my intent, I just wonder about sites that are so specific like that, if you are offended, I apologize

    Zombie - sorry Easter was so rough....things are ok here, just teenage daughter stuff....I am telling you, teenage girls are different species

    The two first things that popped into my mind that I miss are, not being able to go up the flight of stairs to my apartment easily....it takes me longer and I am SO out of breath, and forget about carrying anything even semi heavy.....and being able to sit on an inflatable tube in a lazy river type place.....I remember last time I tried to do that I kept falling over, about three times before I realized I was too heavy and that sucked.....

    It SNOWED here today.....ugh, really Canada? LOL
  • SadieRose07
    SadieRose07 Posts: 104 Member
    Unknown, I too am in Canada and luckily it didn't snow in my area, thank you mother nature!

    Zombie, I'm so sorry you had a rough EAster. Let's get back into a routine together. :-)

    Skittles, you're so right. Even 10 minutes counts, I'll schedule something no matter what it is! Have fun at Zumba.

    K, now I'm off to go collect the garbage. What an exciting night! LOL

    See you all tomorrow!
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Quick chevkin cuz I'm sleepy and I'm doing it from my phone which is always a PITA! LOL. Really good day...not perfect but I would give myself an 87%! I DIDgo to the gym and got a solid workout in. Did the elliptical and had it on level 15 most of the time. GREAT cardio!

    Also...UNKNOWN...wasn't offended at all! I just didn't see your question originally...had to go back to find out what you were referring to! Lol. And yeah, there are people from many races on BPM...but not in large numbers. I often wonder how they do on a site that IS so specific. I have dated white men, Asian men, Latinos...a little bit of everybody...but I'm on BPM for a SPECIFIC reason. I think of it as I wouldn't go on Christian Mingles if I were an Athiest...lol. but that's just me. I have no problem either way.
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Btw...Russell Peters is HA LARE EE USSSS!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,597 Member
    Zombie my cuz has horses and I am so scared to get on one because I think I'll break its back lol so when I am 200 lbs I am going to ride one lol. also its sad but I have to look at the photo to tell I lost weight, I just don't see it when I look at my self but its there lol

    Unknown I can't wait till I can go up steps with out being out of breath, I still am a little bit. I also want to wear a swim suit that isn't a skirt lol, I had them stupid skirts but I don't want to show my thighs because they are so big. but we will get there and be able to enjoy the things we once did.

    Sadie you got this. I know its hard to work and work out at the same time. keep your head up and things always work out in the long run. maybe at work I hear some people do 5 squats before going to the bathroom, or while sitting if they get a phone call they do some arm raises. because I talk to a few that have desk jobs. I'll ask them more what they do and share with you.

    Star WTG getting a killer work out, I tried doing the elliptical on 15 once and only lasted like a min or two so WTG with that. you are for sure being sexy back..

    today I am pushing my self because of my fitbit I am in 5th place and want to get to 3rd by the end of this week. so I am going to try and shoot for 25k in steps today. I also notice I still eat a lot of french fries on my chicken salads ( it's a PA thing we do here lol ) so I decided to cut fries out for a bit. and see how that goes. and I want to try and up my fruit more, I love fruit I just don't eat it enough. so thats my place for the next few days.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,597 Member
    I'm at 12k in steps. I walked for 85 mins. and I am now in 4th place on my fitbit
  • SadieRose07
    SadieRose07 Posts: 104 Member
    Got my exercise in and I'm gonna run to the grocery store for a rotisserie chicken.

    Skittles, tks for all the suggestions. :-) You did an awesome walk today! 4.0 is fast!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,597 Member
    WTG Sadie for the walk. I think it always takes me to a better mood.

    well I just got back from my class tonight and let me tell you I thought I was going to die lol, Our teacher got this bright idea to have a relay race so 6 on my team and 5 on the other team, but the teacher went on that team to help. so here is how it started lol. she put 2 aerobic steppers together long ways. and we had to do up and down squats across them going sideways, then next was hops, 10 push ups, 10 crunches, lateral hops and 10 MT climbers with the last thing was picking up a 6lb medicine ball and running back town to tag your team mate to start and running it back down were you got it. not fun, and while your teammates were doing the course you had to do jumping jacks, wall sits, knee lifts and planks. we went two times thought the whole thing. plus had to run around the court and do sit-ups and other things that I'm not sure of the name lol so I was dripping in sweat tonight but I'll keep going back lol. now off to take a long shower and the hubby is taking me out to dinner tonight, he also got me some really pretty flowers for no reason at all which was super sweet. so everyone enjoy your night.
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    @skittles: GIRL YOU ARE KICKING BUTT AND TAKING NAMES!!!! That workout sounds SUPER HARD!! I think I would pass out! LOL. That is SOOO awesome that you are hanging in there. Every time I hear about your workouts I just think about how much STRONGER you are getting and how much STAMINA you are gaining. I am sooo proud and in AWE of your efforts!! Great job lady. You are really doin' it!

    @Sadie: GREAT JOB getting back on track!!!! You are on a roll Lady! I love it!!!

    Ate well today, have a tennis date with a meetup group tomorrow. I usually play tennis for at LEAST an hour so I plan on getting a great workout. AND I'm actually looking forward to it!! Tennis is my FAVORITE (only) Sport to play. The only bad part is that it is supposed to rain tomorrow. IF it does, then I MAY go out for a jog...if not that then I'll hit the gym.
  • SadieRose07
    SadieRose07 Posts: 104 Member
    Skittles, all I've got is ditto what Star said! She said it perfectly. :-)

    Star, so jealous! I love playing tennis and rarely have anyone to play with. :)

    Just popped in here to say hi to my peeps, and now I'm off to walk the dog. Love rotisserie chicken - easy meal and I have tons leaftover for salads. Guess what I"'m having for lunch?! :-)
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    GREAT day!! Passed up the chocolate chip cookies at work today!! LOL...I walked to the kitchen and then just turned around and walked out. YAAAYYY MEE!!

    Also, did I mention that the guy that I've gone out with a few times is a FRICKIN BEAST (I may have to include a pic later...is that weird?? I swear though...he is so hot to me!)???????? We met for a Gym date and he KICKED MY BUTT!!! I started out with my regular cardio...well, INSPIRED BY SKITTLES I kicked it up to 4.0...which turned out to be a jog. It was AWESOME!!! so I did that for 30 minutes and then he and I did some weight training which I TOTALLY NEED. O....M...G!!!! I think I'm SORE ALREADY!!! I would have been MUCH HAPPIER just watching him workout....(he has an AWESOME physique) But yeah, He PUSHED me. It was sooo good and exactly what I needed to get my *kitten* in gear. We are going to work out twice a week. Ahhhh...crap! Anyway, after our weights we got on the bike and did a "cool down" for about 15 minutes but it wasn't a cool down! we had a "race" which was pretty funny. Anyway. We'll see where this goes but I like him and I like working out with him. Tomorrow we are supposed to go for a bike ride but we'll see how sore my thighs are!
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Star - wow! So impressed with your workout date. You have to post a pic of your man. He sounds great.

    Sadie - you're doing great. I did some walking and strength training today. First time back to the dumbbells in 2 weeks. Went up to 30lbs and was able to reach lower in my dead lift so really pleased.

    Skittles - OMG! You are a beast, Skittles! That workout must have killed. So impressed. That's great you go horse riding too. I haven't been in years because I would have definitely broken the poor animals back!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,597 Member
    Sorry for being MIA this weekend. yesterday was my mom's 65th birthday and went out with her for the day, and today we went out with some friends and family again for her birthday. I haven't been eating a lot and I just feel bloated and it's because its that time of the month and it sucks. ahh I had a grilled chicken salad and it feels like I ate 2 whole pizza, I'm just so stuffed.

    tomorrow is the day for the dentist so I won't be eating a lot when getting the crowns down. ahh I'm not excited about this, plus I won't be doing any working out. unless I'm in no pain at all. then I'll go to my gym classes. but my doc apt it at 10:30 so we will see how I feel by tomorrow.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,597 Member
    well today is the day I go for the two crowns. I couldn't really eat, but I had some oatmeal and I know after I won't be eating much. I just want this over with.
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Good luck, Skittles! I hope it goes well and you have a speedy recovery. Hugs.
  • SadieRose07
    SadieRose07 Posts: 104 Member
    Star, that sounds so awesome - a hot guy who's willing to support and encourage you in your exercise. I'm melting over here.

    Zombie, how was your weekend?

    Skittles, hope you're not in too much pain today! The bloat was probably from sodium. Restaurant food is LOADED with sodium.

    I'm still on track. I have to go to my home city on Friday as my uncle had a couple of mini-strokes and is in the hospital. He's 99. I want to see him in case he doesn't recover. So I'll head out Friday afternoon and back on Sunday - it's a 6 hour drive. I plan to bring a cooler with healthy snacks.

    Walk today is done and eating my salad with ham. Hope you all have a great day!
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    I'm sorry your uncle isn't well, Sadie. :flowerforyou: I'm very impressed at his age! I hope the visit goes well. Good job on thinking of the healthy snacks.

    My weekend went ok. I'm feeling more in form for getting back into exercise this week. I started the 30 day shred today and I got my strength training done too and I did some agility with my dog. Now to continue at this pace for the rest of the week!

    Skittles, I hope the crowns went well.

    Star, how are things with you?

    Unknown, how is everything with you?
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,597 Member
    well guys I am back and going (beast mode today) I am not in 12th place on my fitbit. I was in 4th. but not really doing much work out the last 3 days. so today I will be.

    also Sadie I am sorry for your uncle. and like zombie said thats very impressive for the age.

    also i never thanked you all for the kinds words when I told you about what I did at my thur night class. it was hard work but I'm glad I went.

    Zombie I'm going to start the 30DS today I was going to only do it 4 times a week but I'm going to do it every day. for a month. so I picked today because I leave May 30th and won't be able to do it that day.

    Star I'm kind of jealous you and your new man work out together. I wish my hubby would with me. as I been losing weight he has been gaining it and I am worried. but he tells me he doesn't have the time. and he is so picky with food he won't eat anything good for you. :(

    well today I am going to have my breakfast and do the 30DS and walk and zumba tonight. I'm shooting for 20K in steps
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,597 Member
    I just did the 30DS its been over a month and wow it was hard again lol. I was able to do them all but I'm killing a sweat now lol Ill be having lunch in a bit then off to walk