What did you do TODAY?



  • missy_girl001
    missy_girl001 Posts: 53 Member
    Today was another good day: stayed just under my food goal; went to the gym and did 30 mins cardio, 20 mins strength and 10 mins stretching and foam rolling. Hoping to keep this up.
  • mlh37214
    mlh37214 Posts: 517 Member
    Ate like crap...way over my calories, didn't work out. :( Attempted to sleep, but got woke up today by the landscapers. Not been a good week for rest. Brought a salad for work tonight and planning to eat better for the 24th. Plus, brought my workout clothes, so I can hit the greenway before going home in the morning.
  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    Today was a rest day. Took a nice hot bath and stayed under my calories. Feeling good!
  • manders0523
    manders0523 Posts: 15 Member
    I over ate today. It happens right. I almost talked myself out of going to the gym. I was tired from work and being on my feet, but I made myself go. I logged in 15 mins on the elliptical burning 175 calories. Then I did a bunch of weights. I like to go to the gym three to five days a week. Last week I went five times. One day I do 45 mins of cardio and the next I go I do 15-20 mins of cardio and then I do my weights. I had a patient give me chocolate today. It's hard to say no, but I ended up turning around and gave it to someone else. It makes me feel good that I can do that and not just pig out on it. New day tomorrow. Goal for self eat with in my calories. One day I hope to not have these numbers run my life.
  • manders0523
    manders0523 Posts: 15 Member
    @lwynd002 Great work on getting them numbers down! I know it's hard work and it feels so much better to have the numbers drop with your own hard work and not medications!!
  • sure2014
    sure2014 Posts: 18 Member
    Did yard work for 90 minutes! ate well.
  • kiwigirl8133
    kiwigirl8133 Posts: 7 Member
    I came in under my calorie limit for the 4th day in a row.
    I have now gone 10 days without coffee and mostly sugar free except sugar found in fruit, which means no more cravings for crap!
    Pretty impressed with myself!
    I do need to increase my exercise, as I slept in the morning and skipped my morning yoga/pilates session, I will go hard tomorrow.
    My mantra is drink more water, drink more water, drink more water - the more you drink the more you shrink (courtesy of a man named Mark Stephens who has soo many helpful sayings when it comes to weight reduction).
    Keep up the good work everyone :)
  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    Sounds like we had some great days yesterday!! Keep it up everyone! If you slipped a bit remember this is a lifelong process! Get back on track today!

    This morning I had a great NSV.....my pants are too big! Had to send back my new workout pants for a smaller size! So happy!

    Have a great day!

  • mlm5537
    mlm5537 Posts: 25 Member
    Yesterday went pretty well. I did have one piece of salt water taffy - but only ONE! Still can't seem to hit my protein goals for the day... i'm not a huge meat eater and adding nuts always seems to make me go over on my fat for the day. There must be a happy medium somewhere.

    Today is not going as well. I was feeling really nauseous this morning after my protein shake, so I had half a bottle of Sprite. Still feeling nauseous so my lunch doesn't sound appetizing. Will probably have the rest of the sprite and some cashews for lunch. (There goes 30% of my calories for the day!) Hoping to still get a workout in today, although right now I think I will vomit if I move too quickly.

    Anyone else have nausea after protein shakes?
  • mlm5537
    mlm5537 Posts: 25 Member
    @kiwigirl Nice work giving up the coffee and sugar!!! I too am about 4 weeks without regular Coke!! Hooray! It was sooooo hard at first, but man does it feel good now! And I actually think fruit tastes sweeter now, like my taste buds were being tricked by the Coke before. Keep up the good work, that is a hard habit it kick!
  • missy_girl001
    missy_girl001 Posts: 53 Member
    Another good day: below my food limit and went to deep water aquafit … I'm just hoping it'll show on the scale. :)
  • mlh37214
    mlh37214 Posts: 517 Member
    Under my calorie count today, for the first time in a while!! Workout was 30 minutes on the stationary bike (actually did about 34 minutes, but why not under estimate on here?)
  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    Under net calories - 32 mins on the treadmill, 30 mins treading water. Scale not moving but I feel SO much better and my body is morphing! I'll take it! Happy Friday all!
  • lreynolds2019
    lreynolds2019 Posts: 26 Member
    So today I have already not ate very well.. We are having our grand opening for my work and there are so many snacks! But I only had a few and am going to try to stay within my calories today. If I am strong enough!
  • AlyssaDarby13
    AlyssaDarby13 Posts: 158 Member
    Yesterday was our Easter celebration with the in-laws. And, even though we're both 27 (and my SIL is 30), his mom still insists on giving us HUGE baskets...filled with candy. Today...I have been mindlessly eating it. Way too much of it. I gave myself a tummyache and still kept eating it. *sigh* Oh, well. Tomorrow is another day, and I will do my best to take measures so this won't happen again. Like, you know, not having the basket full of candy right next to my workspace.
  • missy_girl001
    missy_girl001 Posts: 53 Member
    Today was ok. Haven't had time to go to the gym and I went out for dinner, but I think I managed to stay either just under or just over my calorie goal … hard to know for certain with restaurant food. I think I'll try to hit the gym tomorrow morning and go to deep water aquafit tomorrow night. I also have a session with a trainer booked for Monday morning, so I'm looking forward to that. Happy weekend and healthy eating everyone! :smile:
  • Watched the Wizards/Bulls playoff game and couldn't manage to put in a workout beforehand so I didn't do my daily workout until 10:30. I hesitated to workout so late but after it's all said and done, I'm glad I pushed myself and did it anyway. Any extra calorie I can lose is a plus for me.:wink:
  • scrappinkar
    scrappinkar Posts: 26 Member
    That sounds like a fun workout! Think, by the end of May what you did today will be easy! Great job!
  • scrappinkar
    scrappinkar Posts: 26 Member
    Under net calories - 32 mins on the treadmill, 30 mins treading water. Scale not moving but I feel SO much better and my body is morphing! I'll take it! Happy Friday all!

    That's the way to think of it, sassymomma~what you FEEL like!
  • scrappinkar
    scrappinkar Posts: 26 Member
    Today was day 3 of a Migraine. Completely unable to work out. Actually unable to get off of the couch, but I stayed under calories and ate GOOD foods! The weather is supposed to be good tomorrow, so maybe the Migraine will be gone (it's not completely gone, but much better as I'm able to be VERTICAL on the couch) lol! Hoping to get in a nice walk tomorrow and maybe start a weight routine.