Papain Powder from Starwest Botanicals...

I hate tough meat, but love tough meat cuts...has anyone used Papin Powder to tenderize for a quick meal? Need some suggestions on how to use and if I should use it at all.


  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    Rather than use an enzyme to tenderize a tough cut of meat, I prefer to braise, marinate or "low and slow" cook it. But that's just me.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Agreed. And... nothing is cuter than a doodle puppy.
  • ellymaeclampett
    She is a doodle and thanks!
  • ellymaeclampett
    thanks for the reply! I agree, low and slow is best...but for a quick meal I was looking for a short cut. Sometimes Sirloin is a tough meat bit I love the flavor, I've used store bought meat tenderizer but it's always too salty. I'll just try to cook slower at a lower temp.