How are the cuts going?



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    So - doing more reading on the "whoosh" effect- I know loss isn't linear- but as I have never paid this much detail to it- I hadn't really known it to go up or down or drop sporadically- I just never cared enough to pay attention.

    But now with the fact I'm trying to drop for a meet- I'm much more attentive- and I can tell I've been holding steady right around 170- and hoping that I'm going to dump about 5 lbs in the next 2 weeks- I dropped calories by 100 to accommodate my 10 lb loss. I'll eat at maintenance probably second week in May up till the meet- and then just go back to a more moderate cut after the meet- this year's goal will be closer to 145- which seems like a long long way away!!!

    steady as she goes though!!!
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Cut is still going really well, in fact probably going to reverse back into maintence here soon; maybe another 2-3 wks. I can tell when I'm getting lean enough when my top 4 abs come in and quite frankly it's not my cup of tea anymore. Have some goals I want to kill strength wise in the coming mths and being pretty lean doesn't align with them. Calories still around 2100 for a cut and stength has not decreased, I've actually PR'd on bench at 140lb last week and my deadlifts are almost to my max of 235lb in the 8r range, today I did 4x8x215. Squat goes up every week in the 6-8r range too so I'm happy with my progress. I will return to some pure strength ranges in the summer so I am keeping my plan as is for now. Cardio is still minimal, sprints once a week for 10-15m and 1 barbell complex thrown in when I can. No complaints here except I don't like dealing with hunger at times but then somedays are a struggle to even eat with work etc.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Stalled out. Who'd have guessed that stress and mental fatigue is really bad for adherence. >.>

    So I've decided to give 6:1 a shot, somehow a full day of fasting is hell of a lot more manageable from purely psychological PoV for me. Just need to find a good fast day placement within my weekly schedule so it doesn't impact the training too much.
    Good luck with 6:1! I hope it's what you're looking for.
    Cut is not going, for me, now at all. Dropped 1.8 the first week then no drop on the scale since, in fact, I've all but gained the first loss back :/

    I've been over most days but just averaged things out for the past fortnight and it works out at 1730. Sticking to this for one more week then I'll need to get more drastic, I think. 6:1 sounds interesting, hishtagat - might try it too. On the plus side, I haven't noticed a drop in strength yet.

    Fingers crossed for one of these 'whooshes' you speak of.
    Fingers crossed for you! I would try and avoid going too drastic though - you don't want to lose what you worked hard for in the bulk!
    But now with the fact I'm trying to drop for a meet- I'm much more attentive- and I can tell I've been holding steady right around 170- and hoping that I'm going to dump about 5 lbs in the next 2 weeks- I dropped calories by 100 to accommodate my 10 lb loss. I'll eat at maintenance probably second week in May up till the meet- and then just go back to a more moderate cut after the meet- this year's goal will be closer to 145- which seems like a long long way away!!!
    Good luck with the 5lbs! Sounds like you have a solid plan going forward.
    Cut is still going really well, in fact probably going to reverse back into maintence here soon; maybe another 2-3 wks. I can tell when I'm getting lean enough when my top 4 abs come in and quite frankly it's not my cup of tea anymore. Have some goals I want to kill strength wise in the coming mths and being pretty lean doesn't align with them. Calories still around 2100 for a cut and stength has not decreased, I've actually PR'd on bench at 140lb last week and my deadlifts are almost to my max of 235lb in the 8r range, today I did 4x8x215. Squat goes up every week in the 6-8r range too so I'm happy with my progress. I will return to some pure strength ranges in the summer so I am keeping my plan as is for now. Cardio is still minimal, sprints once a week for 10-15m and 1 barbell complex thrown in when I can. No complaints here except I don't like dealing with hunger at times but then somedays are a struggle to even eat with work etc.
    I have no doubt you will hit those goals! You are a good example of how if you keep eating sensibly and working hard then a cut doesn't have to equal strength loss. I agree though - being hungry sucks.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    It's starting to get itchy for some pictures!
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Alright. Gave myself a week break to eat at maintenece if I was feeling it (did for 3 days out of 7) and now I am back to it until June. Hopefully I won't have to go that long but that's as long as I am willing to cut.

    Anyway, still no scale loss. Cant seem to budge past 130.2. Whatever- I'm not concerned because I did lose another .5 inches off my waist. Something is working! I would ideally like to lose .5 inches more off my waist to bring back to where I was pre-bulk. Everything else is looking good! If it doesn't happen, then whatever. I tried!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Meet got pushed back till July. half of me is mad- half of me is going WOOT WOOT.

    I was going to maintenance for May- but I'm going to hang around 1600-1700- which is only a 2-300 calorie deficit and move forward at this pace. gives me almost 2 months to drop more weight but not sacrifice lifts.

    Upside- BF hadn't seen me in almost two weeks- and I got home from work-he came outside to great me and even with jeans with armor and the armored jacket on- he picked me up and said- jesus you've gotten lighter. So YAY. Secretary was out for just over a week and said I looked smaller too.

    YAY ME.

    Having a harder time eating protein- I'm averaging 100- wish it was higher. Carbs are crazy since I have the muncies and a sacrifice calories for sugar treats LOL- still doing okay numbers wise- but I'm doing a mediocre job with macros. Meh- whatever. I'm not incredibly considered- I feel pretty good so I'm not going to sweat it too much.

    Weight has held steady at 170. grumble grumble. Should do pictures soon for an update. and measurements- I think I missed my May 1st measuring deadline. Oh well.

    :) izokay- I'm okay with it. I'm focused on lifts right now- the cutting is nice- but it's a second priority.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member

    :) izokay- I'm okay with it. I'm focused on lifts right now- the cutting is nice- but it's a second priority.

    I love this and you just described everything I've been feeling lately.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    yeah- seems like the general focus stays the same- but priorities and intent shift a little bit- which gives variety so you don't feel like you're CONSTANTLY hammaring calorie deficit or whatever.

    it's nice to just have one something in CLEAR focus- and the other is in the picture- but's a soft focus.

    Definitely helps keep sane. :)
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Soooo...I quit! Something triggered in me and I can no longer cut. Ha. Don't know why I'm having such a hard time where as last year I remained in a deficit for 12 months straight! Anyway, I'm over it. Sure, my waist isn't as tiny anymore and yeah, there are no abs to be seen. Meh. I'm 130 now. No more 120s for this chick. I ready to go back to PRs and not wanting a nap right after lifting! Cut officially over. :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Maybe go for maintenance for a time period?
    Cutting is just hard- it's a game of will's- so sometimes it's necessary to take a mental break.

    The closer you get to that target goal- the harder it is- I have no problem personally oscilliating between a very small deficit- so maintance is 1900- and I am shooting for 17-1800... and then doing 2 months at a full 5-600 calorie deficit- then going back up to a zero- or small deficit.

    how much weight/size/inches (or method of lose are you using) did you drop for this cut?
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    So my "cut" seems to be "maintenance" right now - weight has shifted very little for the past month (staying around 136, which is down 6 from max bulk weight). I'm actually ok with that. I don't want to go much lower than my current intake (2000), can't be bothered to do much cardio (I'm just really out of love with it) and I know that as the weather warms I'll be outside and working in the yard and cycling more so will naturally burn more. In the meantime my gym performance is great (a bunch of PRs this week!) and my summer clothes fit well enough. If I drop a couple more lbs gradually over the summer I'll be happy but not really too fussed about it.
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Jo- Started cut at 136ish. Lost it all (water weight) in the first week. I've been stuck at 130.2 since week 2 of my cut, moving up and down the scale, gaining and losing the same water weight over and over depending on time of the month. I just got to the point where I'm over it! My waist went down almost 2 inches, which is where most of my weight seemed to land during the bulk, so that's something. I'm back down to about 20% bf which is where I was when I started bulking, but would have liked to be around 17% like I was last summer. I added back in running 3x week and a day or two of yoga and pilates when I'm feeling it. Additionally, sticking with my 3 lifting days. Dropped cals slowly until I was -500 TDEE. Weighed and measured everything as usual, no days over cals until my recent stint of a few days in maintenance. My arms, back and butt look a million times better than last year, so I accomplished something good. Just resting in that for now and craving some PRs in the gym again more than abs. Got to a point where I was too tired to carry on. Maybe I will revisit in a few months, but since we aren't going anywhere this summer that would require me to wear a bikini in front of strangers, I'm not as motivated to continue on!

    I won't lie, I'm feeling a twinge of defeat/guilt for giving up 11 weeks into my cut, especially considering how dedicated I was last year when cutting. But, I gotta listen to my body and right now it says- chill the F out, homegirl. So, I am. :)
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Just wanted to say I'm totally stalking this thread and have joined this group.

    I haven't done an official bulk (unless you count a baby as bulk? no? okay.....:)

    But I am currently trying to drop body fat and keep my precious baby muscles. So I feel like I'm cutting rather than "ZOMG GOTTA GET TO 120lbs!!" (<--not even realistic for me)
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    But, I gotta listen to my body and right now it says- chill the F out, homegirl. So, I am. :)
    Good for you! I think listening to what our guts/bodies are telling us is so important.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member

    I haven't done an official bulk (unless you count a baby as bulk? no? okay.....:)

    This really made me laugh.

    I'm struggling with cutting as well. I was really hoping to drop a few pounds before I leave for Mexico on Sunday. And may have, sort-of, dropped a lb. I bounce back and forth so much it's hard to tell.

    So vacation is obviously a diet break, not that I've been managing that very well, and after? Well, I may drop my cals a little more, I may just decide to maintain and continue to recomp over the summer. Like others, I actually look better this year compared to last, so that's something.

    When I had my bodpod a couple months ago I came in at 18.9%. Would love to be 17%, but I don't know if I have the discipline to manage it.
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Oooooh, where in Mexico are you going? We usually go in June to celebrate our anniversary but decided to skip this year and double down on a longer and more luxurious mexico Vaca next summer. I'm jealous!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member

    I haven't done an official bulk (unless you count a baby as bulk? no? okay.....:)

    This really made me laugh.


    I'm jealous of your vacation! I'm so ready for one. We have family vaca planned for the beginning of August and I have a girls trip (bach party) planned for the end of this month. Definitely have the travel itch right now!
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    Oooooh, where in Mexico are you going? We usually go in June to celebrate our anniversary but decided to skip this year and double down on a longer and more luxurious mexico Vaca next summer. I'm jealous!

    Playa del Carmen. My husband and I went in January and loved it. We stayed at an all inclusive then and decided this time to stay at a smaller hotel in the city. My son just graduated high-school, so this is his graduation gift (and a gift to meeee to!)

    I prefer PdC over the Baja side. It's also a direct flight from KC, so that helps.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    ooof- I need a sunny vacation somewhere!!!

    BF and I are starting to talk living arrangements and potential co-habitation. Both of us know that's mostly not happening with out some sort of engagement/ceremony deal... so I'm a little excited that there is a potential real- actual get away in our near future (near- probably 2 years LMAO). I'ts been a long time since I went somewhere sunny with crystal clear water and white beaches.
    <le sigh>

    I hope you have a good time!!!

    In other news.
    166-168- didn't weigh this AM- but average this week were those two numbers. Happy Jo is Happy.

    pulled a new PR dead lift yesterday- and while I'm definitely feeling beat up this morning- I'm feeling strong in general. Program is really working- which I'm excited about.
  • yogaga1
    yogaga1 Posts: 182 Member
    Ooooh love PDC! We usually go down to Akumal but are thinking of PDC next summer. Have a great time!!

    Jo...possible engagement up ahead? Pre- congrats! ;)

    Well, I finally dropped a pound...on maintenence. My body is such a troll!