


  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    Hey Maree, yes, the mojo is so important. Best to just back off, get it back and then go forwards. I think all of us in the past would have just thrown up our hands and given up the whole enterprise. I know I've done that :(

    Indeed, I've never been more discouraged after a good run, when the next one was hampered with some thing that prevented a step forward. It's like I wanted to be happy to have an excuse to give it all up. The few days I've had to pull out of a run because of muscle soreness, or exhaustion, or disbelief in myself, have felt like massive failures. But really, they're only failures if they stop you having a crack in a few days, even at a lesser pace/distance/whatever.

    We may be in a 5km group, but our successes are really measured in the persistence of hauling our arses out the door, finding time when we have kids, commitments, injuries etc. I really think we are moving forward in jagged steps, rather than smooth lines.

    Keep it up, team!
  • FocusKimFocus
    FocusKimFocus Posts: 124 Member
    I've been off MFP for about a week - so great to catch up with everyone! I've done a couple runs this past week and a 1.5 hour hike with some jogging yesterday. I'm ready to keep on keepin' on towards 10k goal by June!
  • gretagirl2013
    Hey Maree, yes, the mojo is so important. Best to just back off, get it back and then go forwards. I think all of us in the past would have just thrown up our hands and given up the whole enterprise. I know I've done that :(

    Indeed, I've never been more discouraged after a good run, when the next one was hampered with some thing that prevented a step forward. It's like I wanted to be happy to have an excuse to give it all up. The few days I've had to pull out of a run because of muscle soreness, or exhaustion, or disbelief in myself, have felt like massive failures. But really, they're only failures if they stop you having a crack in a few days, even at a lesser pace/distance/whatever.

    We may be in a 5km group, but our successes are really measured in the persistence of hauling our arses out the door, finding time when we have kids, commitments, injuries etc. I really think we are moving forward in jagged steps, rather than smooth lines.

    Keep it up, team!

    Well said! I went this week from having the best run of my life to a horrible one yesterday where it was all I could do to put one foot in front of the other. In the past, I would have quit but I made myself go the 30 minutes as much as my head was swearing at my body the entire time. Torn between feeling extremely proud of myself for persevering and completely discouraged that it was so difficult. Felt like I was back at the beginning of C25K again. I keep reminding myself that I am doing this for health and strength, not for speed, a bikini body, or even a particular weight goal. Upcoming 43rd birthday and being a mama brings wisdom that I didn't have in previous attempts at fitness. Proud of everyone here!
  • mel521
    mel521 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm sorry I disappeared. It's been about 2 weeks since I showed my face here. The first week was spring break for my son, so we had fun hanging out. The second week I was upset with myself because I "couldn't" run the last week of c25k. I would start, then get frustrated and just quit after 10-15 minutes.

    I almost didn't go to my scheduled 5k on Saturday because I was so mad at me, but my husband was super encouraging. He reminded me how far I have come and all the hard work I have put into this. He went with me (he didn't run) and told me how proud he is of me.

    My goal was to run the whole time and finish in less than 40 minutes. I ran the whole race except for two 10 second intervals. I'm not going to beat myself up about that. And I finished in 39:30.

    My goal now is to continue running 3 times a week and I'm going to add in some strength training. I'm looking for another race to sign up for so I can do my best to continue improving.

    Thank you all SO much for your support since February! This has been a great journey with you all!
  • gretagirl2013
    Awesome job!! I am soooooo proud of you!!!! We have come such a long way since week 1. I still have two weeks to go before officially completing c25k (due mainly to motivation issues early on!) but I feel privileged to have been on this journey with you. Many congrats on your first 5K, Mel! Here's hoping we have laid the foundation for years of strength and health! xo, greta
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    Hey Greta, Mel, Maree, Kim, Deb:flowerforyou:

    You guys ROCK :drinker:

    I myself have been chilling out with my perpetual bum toe (nail injury last summer, never healed, then cellulitis a week or so ago), but today did do the "Run" on the C25K app again today (the dreadmill).....I should say I tried to do it, I did have to walk a bit at the end and not sure if I was just tired from working all day, or I was going too fast (4.5-5.5 mph setting) or I was just outta shape, lol, from not doing much running of late (had done a few incline runs at park with my long walks but was trying to not stress out my big toe). Worked up a heck of a sweat though (not sure how much was actual exertion vs it just being warm in the house)

    Glad I wasn't the only one struggling though. I do think soon it will be too hot for me to do much outdoor afternoon running.

    Run on my friends, run on....
  • FocusKimFocus
    FocusKimFocus Posts: 124 Member
    Mel - Woot! Woot! Good job for going to your 5k and doing it!
    Airangel - good luck with the indoor exercise time of year.
    Greta - You'll get those last 2 weeks. Just keep at it.

    I have been doing longer walk/jogs, but not following the app anymore, at least for now. I've been really enjoying the trails and some walk/jogs with my husband without the "stress" of feeling the need to run a set time before walking.

    Wednesday I did a group trail run with a running club for the first time in my life. It turned out to be a 10k (I had no idea!) with the entire first half up hill. I walked with a couple other gals for most of the first half, then jogged the downhill return. I was bummed that my knee (IT Band) started hurting towards the end - an old injury I thought I had overcome. Well, that's what I got for overdoing it I think.

    Keep on keepin' on!!
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    I'm sorry I disappeared. It's been about 2 weeks since I showed my face here. The first week was spring break for my son, so we had fun hanging out. The second week I was upset with myself because I "couldn't" run the last week of c25k. I would start, then get frustrated and just quit after 10-15 minutes.

    I almost didn't go to my scheduled 5k on Saturday because I was so mad at me, but my husband was super encouraging. He reminded me how far I have come and all the hard work I have put into this. He went with me (he didn't run) and told me how proud he is of me.

    My goal was to run the whole time and finish in less than 40 minutes. I ran the whole race except for two 10 second intervals. I'm not going to beat myself up about that. And I finished in 39:30.

    My goal now is to continue running 3 times a week and I'm going to add in some strength training. I'm looking for another race to sign up for so I can do my best to continue improving.

    Thank you all SO much for your support since February! This has been a great journey with you all!

    Such wonderful news! Isn't it just so easy to feel defeated and give up the entire thing. Your husband sounds like a terrific support for you.

    I'm learning to not get too upset with the bad days, and to really enjoy the good days where I feel like I could jog for miles. I've cut down to running twice a week, which seems to help with the hamstring problems. In between, I walk the dog, go to the gym and take Pilates classes. I've started to do interval training on the exercise bike (yuck), but it's a time-efficient way of doing cardio without too much pounding.
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    I combined my posts.
  • maree142
    maree142 Posts: 82 Member
    Hey all,
    I also had disappeared from end April due to illness, my partner being away so was just really maintaining the house and work and kids (teens, not babies ) so didn't really run.
    I am finding it hard to get back to 30 / 35 minutes running, but have made myself stick to running 20 minutes, and then walk /run the rest of the ks. I have doing 6 ks and am trying to do this 3 or 4 times a week in May. Not sure how i will get back up to running the 5ks in 35 or 40 minutes or so but I don't want to get disheartened and stop...
    Hope you are all well.
    I might look for you all on the runners group now. Thanks all so much for your support. I am not going to stop running even though it is a longer journey for me......
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    I'm now using a Running for Weight Loss app by Red Rock, that uses high intensity intervals during a 40 minute routine. It's a combination of walk, jog, and very short sprints. Quite entertaining, and I do this twice a week. Other days I'm at the gym or taking Pilates classes.

    Sometimes I think it's going to take a limb amputation to budge the last few kilos. Grrrrr. I'm feeling pretty fit though, which I guess is the better outcome than a number on a scale, but I wish my body fat percentage would go down.

    Keep it up, team!