Update on my appointment

JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
Hello Friends!
I had my appointment yesterday with the Metabolic Doc, I need to do additional labs in a week , due to get this, HIGH Calcium! :laugh: He needs me to monitor that I am not taking in more than 1200mg a day which I know I am because my daily vitamins (that I have taken religiously) add up to 1200 alone without food intake. So if a keep a close eye on it get my labs done in a week I should have my referral to the surgeon in about 2 weeks!
I brought up to the doc that I would be interested in RNY if I would be allowed (I have about 80 pounds to lose, not the 100 I have heard they are preferable to) Basically it will come down to the conversation and decision the surgeon himself and I come up with.
I am NOT knocking Sleeve at all and if that's what I end up with great, I WILL make it work and I know it will work. But having the education I have through my classes and through all of you and your experiences, I still think I myself would benefit even more so from RNY. But we shall see.

I have already changed my food diary to keep track of calcium, other than that everything looks good. I told him well, you're proud of me for taking all my vitamins consistently though right!?! lol

He highly suggested almost insisted that I get the book "The End of Dieting by Joel Fuhrman and to watch the movie Forks over Knives. Any of you read and watched either of these??

Another plus this week, I have had no trouble with my knee following my hour long walks this week. I can't believe how long it took to recover from falling on my knee! My head wants to walk AND JOG, but not yet. Don't want to do anything that will cause me not to be able to keep walking/moving at least 5 days a week.


:heart: Jena:flowerforyou:


  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    Sounds great! You educated yourself and decided what surgery is right for you. That's all that's important. It feels so great to finally make that choice doesn't it? I went back and forth between the sleeve & RNY for months during my classes, etc, and only decided on the sleeve a little over a month before my surgery. It was a great feeling to know what was likely going to happen.

    We all have our reasons for choosing our surgery types. I didn't get that you were knocking the sleeve at all, BTW.

    Before long you're gonna be "on the other side"! Keep us updated :)
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    First off, I've NEVER heard of calcium being too high that it would interfere with surgery. Just not something that I can even see as an issue. Potassium maybe, or phosphorous if there are cardio, kidney, or liver issues. ??? Have you had your appointment with a cardiologist and stress tests?

    As far as the weight indications for RNY, I only had 60-80 to lose and my insurance (which happened to an HMO of Texas Medicaid) and I was approved for ANY of the surgeries. Not understanding some of the things doctors test for. I had tests for heart, liver enzymes, a complete blood panel, a gastro nasal test to test for bacteria in the stomach, etc. and completed 6 months of dietary classes and a psych profile. Oh, I do have a 4 year degree in dietetics....Still really not understanding the calcium issue. Protein and calcium should be high prior to surgery. ????
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    He only wanted to be sure it was due to intake and not something else.
    Yes I have had all the required classes, psych eval, chest xray, ekg, and blood panel. ALMOST THERE! :bigsmile:
  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    Sounds great. You are getting closer every day. And great news about your knee!

  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    Yeah, the calcium being high doesn't seem like it would be much of a concern. I do remember a conversation with my doctor about calcium at some point though. He mentioned that the calcium blood level is not a good indicator of bone strength. He mentioned that calcium levels could be high to calcium actually leaching out of the bones into the blood stream. So, maybe that is why it is concerning?

    And while we are on the subject of calcium, don't that you need to take it 2 hours separate from iron. The two cancel each other out due to chemical interactions.

    It's funny how different the testing requirements are for surgery. For example, I never had a x-ray, but I had to have a abdomen, chest ultrasound. Mainly checking liver size. I did have to do multiple sets of blood work, 6 months of classes, and the psych eval though. Along with a sleep study (that I failed). Ended up with a stupid CPAP for 6 months then got to drop it 3 months post-op. LOL.
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    It's funny how different the testing requirements are for surgery. For example, I never had a x-ray, but I had to have a abdomen, chest ultrasound. Mainly checking liver size. I did have to do multiple sets of blood work, 6 months of classes, and the psych eval though. Along with a sleep study (that I failed). Ended up with a stupid CPAP for 6 months then got to drop it 3 months post-op. LOL.

    Yeah and my insurance refused to pay for a sleep study!
  • risskie
    risskie Posts: 203 Member
    I have no background knowledge to share or specific advice regarding these findings to offer. I'm writing to support you in your journey. My hope it will all work itself out and the path to the best surgery will be evident and clear. You know the group is with you, Keep us updated. Best of luck.
  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    It's funny how different the testing requirements are for surgery. For example, I never had a x-ray, but I had to have a abdomen, chest ultrasound. Mainly checking liver size. I did have to do multiple sets of blood work, 6 months of classes, and the psych eval though. Along with a sleep study (that I failed). Ended up with a stupid CPAP for 6 months then got to drop it 3 months post-op. LOL.

    Yeah and my insurance refused to pay for a sleep study!

    Mine did, however my wife and I paid through our teeth for health insurance that year. We both knew we wanted the RNY surgery, so when open enrollment for 2012 came around we shopped the insurance options that we had available, and enrolled in the higher level plan that covered bariatric surgery. For both of us, with all the studies and everything we spend about $2500 for both of us to have surgery, excluding insurance premiums. CareFirst has always treated us right since then. We've bumped down our plan level, but it may have been the best decision to shop around, and read the fine print that they do cover the cost of the surgery. It made it easier since we were both morbidly obese with at least one co-morbidity each.....
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    Thank you all for yoursupport I just want to get my DATE! :laugh: :happy:
  • LolaBug85
    LolaBug85 Posts: 201 Member
    So glad to hear things are going well! I am very excited for you. Whichever procedure you end up having, you will be happy! It's a long road, but well worth it!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    There are 5 different weight loss surgeries, and we each need to pick the one we feel is best for us. You educated yourself and made your choice based on what you feel is best for you and I say "Good Job"! I wish you all the best and look forward to watching your success!