Where it Starts



  • Chris_Pierce
    Chris_Pierce Posts: 267 Member
    I'm 5'10 186ish. My goal weight is 175-170, then I will bulk.
    Current body fat is in the high teens. I'd like it to be 10%. I lost my calipers though :(
  • littlemermaidleelee
    Current weight: 135 lbs
    Goal weight: 120-125 lbs (anywhere in this range will do)

    I'm a 20-year-old female, 5'4".

    I don't know my body-fat %... definitely too much though :(
  • JessicaKeating
    JessicaKeating Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'6".

    CW: 195

    GW (for now): 170 but ideally around 150-ish
  • Anya1982
    Anya1982 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am going on holiday on 4th of June:)) so 10lb down would be ideal:))

    I am 65kg=143lbs

    I would love to go down to 9 1/2stones= 132pounds = 60kg by the next few weeks

    I have stated Atkins induction 7 days ago and I have lost 4lbs so far.

    I try to excersice 1-2 times per day, short and high intensive workouts.

    Feel free to add me as a friend:)

    Love :Anya
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    5' 5''

    Starting weight: 177
    Current weight: 156
    Challenge goal weight: 146
    Initial goal weight: 135
    Ultimate goal weight: 130

    To be in the 140s by June would be amazing, that's my birthday month! I hated the pictures from my birthday last year.
  • cleocat01
    Rejoined again after good weight loss last year. CW 172lbs, GW 140lbs. My daughter is getting married in September and I don't want to look a frump :blushing:
  • timeapart
    timeapart Posts: 9 Member

    5 ft 3

    SW 144
    CW 139
    GW 129

    I've slacked recently, so hoping this will give me the kick up the backside I need!

  • jonesie32
    jonesie32 Posts: 7 Member
    CW 183
    GW 130

    Checked body fat awhile back and it was 29%
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    Ok heres the dirt
    CW : 230
    GW :150
    not sure about BF%

    Good Luck everyone!!
  • Amy510w
    Amy510w Posts: 17 Member
    CW = 190 (was last Friday anwyways - hoping for less by this Friday)
    GW = 150 for now...

    Not sure on the body fat, not sure I want to know.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Cw: 156
    Gw: 146 for challenge worry about the rest later...
  • mads_o86
    mads_o86 Posts: 43 Member
    SW 244
    CW 240
    GW 180

    What gets me motivated is to be able to do all the exercise I want to do without getting injured. Three-four years of working non-stop (in professional sports no less) has left me with no time to exercise or cook properly, but now I'm at it...
  • Nettajon
    Nettajon Posts: 4 Member
    SW= 268
    CW= 247
    GW= 175/180

    Not sure what BF% is at this time. Will update once I have info. Good Luck Everyone!!
  • JennyGOL87
    JennyGOL87 Posts: 20 Member
    CW: 140.8
    GW: 126-127 ish

    Aiming to be at my goal weight by June 30th.
  • DaddyBeejay
    Here we go!

    49 years young!
    199 lbs

    GW----170 lbs

    Best of luck to all, and as always, any one can feel free to add me as a friend!
  • jewol
    jewol Posts: 74 Member
    I'm 5'8" and 60 years old.

    CW = 196

    GW = 170*

    (* It depends on how much muscle mass I have. The last time I was in shape -- about 20 years ago -- I weighed 170. But I may have had as much as 15 pounds more muscle mass then than I have now. So, for now I'm going to shoot for 170 and, once I get there, reassess whether I need to go lower.)
  • Cval31
    Cval31 Posts: 7 Member
    Cindi CW =211
    Ultimate GW = 150
  • starkiss100
    starkiss100 Posts: 235 Member
    CW = 157
    GW = 140
  • ketowerdefense
    ketowerdefense Posts: 397 Member
    5'9, 26 y.o, female

    SW: 260
    CW: 249.6

    Goal weight for the challenge: 239-point-anything. I just want to hit my first goal weight of sub-240!
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 491 Member
    5'4", 51 y.o. female

    SW 204
    CW 200
    UGW 135-145 range

    Have been losing and gaining the same couple of pounds since the 1st of the year.(hormones?:huh: ) I really need to change up what I'm doing. As for body fat %, when I weighed and measured at Curves almost a month ago it was ridiculously high... I'm not sure how accurate it is but they have me at 41.5 and BMI at 33.3. I know a lot of what I need to change, it's a matter of motivation.:embarassed: