What did you do TODAY?



  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    Had a great day! Friend that is getting married and merging households gave us a sofa, chair and some tables that we needed. Work was good and we had hawaiian plate lunch for dinner - and though that put me 45 calories over for the day - I am still significantly under for the week. Feeling good about my plan!
  • lreynolds2019
    lreynolds2019 Posts: 26 Member
    Today is a better day than this weekend! I am so far sticking to my diet! Ive had my granola for breakfast and lots of water! Time for my packed lunch soon!
  • missy_girl001
    missy_girl001 Posts: 53 Member
    Eeek! Today feels like it's been a bad day … I didn't plan my meals well, I stayed under but I don't feel great about my food choices. I also had a quick session with my personal trainer this morning, but we were focused on trying out some new weight training exercises to add to the routine, so it felt like an easy work out because of all the demos and talking. I got home later than normal and felt tired, so I didn't head to the gym again, and I feel so guilty. But tomorrow's another day ...
  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    Very intense workout with trainer yesterday. Had to walk out of training room after 2nd circuit just to catch my breath - finished up the 3rd circuit. Told my trainer he was horribly mean. Came home and died. Feel GREAT this morning!

    Hope everyone has an awesome day!

  • lreynolds2019
    lreynolds2019 Posts: 26 Member
    I did not eat a great breakfast but I am staying with in my caolories. I almost went out to eat lunch but told myself NO! I have to tell myself NO out loud a lot! One day I wont even temp myself! I have stayed far away from the kitchen so no snacks but I have drank about 50 oz of water so far and only had black coffee no sugar or creamer!
  • lreynolds2019
    lreynolds2019 Posts: 26 Member
    Very intense workout with trainer yesterday. Had to walk out of training room after 2nd circuit just to catch my breath - finished up the 3rd circuit. Told my trainer he was horribly mean. Came home and died. Feel GREAT this morning!

    Hope everyone has an awesome day!


    Love it!!! Good job!!!!
  • AlyssaDarby13
    AlyssaDarby13 Posts: 158 Member
    Today I expended almost all of my energy clipping my dogs nails. He is only 13 pounds, but he acts like I'm trying to murder him. I have done pretty ok in my eating so far. I allowed myself to indulge in a couple of pieces of Easter candy (I am tempted to throw it away, but I am so broke that just the thought of that feels like throwing away money to me...) without binging on it. Hopefully I can keep that up until bedtime. However, my TOM is on its way and it is making me uber cranky and really pained.
  • lreynolds2019
    lreynolds2019 Posts: 26 Member
    I have ate almost all my calories for breakfast today :( I have been pretty good with staying pretty close to my calorie intake over the last few days but today will be hard.
  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    Yesterday was a rest day - decided I wanted pizza so ordered a small pizza and salad from our normal large pizza/wings/pop place. Split the small pizza and salad with my husband. It was ok but not wonderful and I didn't feel good after eating it. Had some watermelon afterward to settle my stomach. Was over about 175 cals - not worth it.

    Today is trainer day again.....should be horrible :) as usual!

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • mlm5537
    mlm5537 Posts: 25 Member
    Decided at the beginning of the week to eat no more than half of the calories I earn working out. I was afraid I would lose the motivation, but I haven't yet. Had a great workout Monday and Tuesday night. I've been very occupied at work, so it has been easy not to snack. AND TODAY... someone at work noticed that I have lost weight!!!!! Best feeling in the world!! She said she could tell in my face!
  • manders0523
    manders0523 Posts: 15 Member
    This week has kind of sucked for me. Monday I weighed myself and I shouldn't have. I put on two pounds. Not sure how since I didn't over eat and I cleaned all weekend for working out. It's probably that I was not feeling good last week and still feeling like crap this week. Yesterday I overate by a lot. I was just hungry. Now I just feel horrible about it. Because I know the scale is gonna tell me something I didn't want to see and it did. So I am up three pounds from our first weigh in. I didn't work out as hard as I should have Monday, but who can blame me with not feeling well. I didn't go yesterday because my head was just killing me. Lets hope I can make the three I put on go away by Sunday. I need to hit the store to pick up more foods to choose from. Kind of hard when you are broke!! So all I really have left is carb foods....ugh. Is this week over with yet?
  • bambi417
    bambi417 Posts: 9
    I thought by cutting my calories way down to compensate for the two overage days would help but it puts you in starvation mode so I will stop doing that and eat a little more today. I am still struggling to find my balance. I need to get to the gym on a regular basis too.
  • mlh37214
    mlh37214 Posts: 517 Member
    Today was a really bad day for me. This whole week has not been good, but today was the worst. I started ok, bringing a salad to work for my first meal of the day (I work nights and log midnight to midnight). Then I went to the grocery on my way home. I bought junk (Easter candy was discounted) and proceeded to eat junk! As I sit here typing, I just logged all the things I stuffed in my face and I'm over my calories by over 2000 - on the way in to work tonight, I thought 'what the heck, I've already blown the day' and stopped at McDonald's, despite bringing healthy food for my overnight/am meal. I forced myself to do 10 minutes on the stationary bike, making that the only positive of the day. Doing much else hurts too badly (I've scheduled an appt with my MD for Friday morning to get my [IMO stress fractured] foot looked at). Ugh...another hour and 1/2 until it's a new day...gotta be better.
  • Kimmylosingit
    Kimmylosingit Posts: 12 Member
    @mlh37214 We all have bad days...some worse than others so don't beat yourself up. Don't fall for the oldest trick in the book however; when you mess up, it's not ok to wallow in your misery and think you've already failed so you may as well continue to overindulge. Your success will be based on a series of choices, not one bad/good one so keep making the best choices you can and when you fail just learn from it and keep going. Wishing you all the best!
  • Kimmylosingit
    Kimmylosingit Posts: 12 Member
    Today wasn't such a great day for me- diet wise. May be PMS, I really don't know but I indulged a bit and luckily for me, I only exceeded my calorie requirement by 154. I'm happy I logged so I can avoid the excessive guilt and tendency to feel discouraged. I really hope I see some results on Sunday.
  • Kimmylosingit
    Kimmylosingit Posts: 12 Member
    We all have bad days...some worse than others so don't beat yourself up. Don't fall for the oldest trick in the book however; when you mess up, it's not ok to wallow in your misery and think you've already failed so you may as well continue to overindulge. Your success will be based on a series of choices, not one bad/good one so keep making the best choices you can and when you fail just learn from it and keep going. Wishing you all the best!
  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    Today wasn't such a great day for me- diet wise. May be PMS, I really don't know but I indulged a bit and luckily for me, I only exceeded my calorie requirement by 154. I'm happy I logged so I can avoid the excessive guilt and tendency to feel discouraged. I really hope I see some results on Sunday.

    Great - when we log it we own it!
  • missy_girl001
    missy_girl001 Posts: 53 Member
    Meh, today ended up better than I thought it would. I was feeling so blah and unmotivated today. I think my saving grace was being run off my feet busy at work, aka too busy to go find snacks, and Netflix wasn't working tonight, so I dragged myself to the gym. Got in a decent workout. Stayed under my calorie goal. Hopefully, I feel a little more motivated tomorrow.
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    Today I ended a frantic and very emotional dress search for my stepson's graduation. I was frustrated and in tears because despite my loss, my size hasn't really changed and I am not into the dress I had set aside for the trip. Finally found something today.

    My weight has stayed still this week. I've been skating and I know it. I will be traveling tomorrow to FL for a few days so I've got to be ready. Our hotel has a gym room so I'll be on the treadmill when I can be, so I'll have some calories I can eat back if I need to. Honestly, I don't know if I can expect to do more than maintain this week, but it beats gaining.
  • greensmoothie007
    greensmoothie007 Posts: 19 Member
    Butt bible and I ate pretty well. Still need to step up in the veggie dept. feeling great!