Welcome and Introdcutions (Apr 29)



  • sashiibunz
    sashiibunz Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Suhedy. I've been struggling with weight all my life. I'm currently 70lbs over weight & have high cholesterol plus a fatty liver, so I'm doing this for my health. 10 lbs is a great start
  • JessicaKeating
    JessicaKeating Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a returning member after being away and off track with fitness and good health for about 6 months. I've realised I need to get my act together and would like to feel more confident in myself come October when I start university. I need a challenge with accountability to keep me pushing and working towards my goal, especially during exam season!
  • jonesie32
    jonesie32 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all. I'm trying this again after a long break. I have been working hard for a week with no results yet. I need some new friends for motivation!
  • MscGray
    MscGray Posts: 304 Member
    Hiya Everyone, I'm Missi - I would be super stoked to lose 10 by June 1...I finally feel like I have a handle on this weight loss journey, and am ready to kick it up a notch! Good Luck everyone! Hope everyone reaches their goals!
  • Amy510w
    Amy510w Posts: 17 Member
    Hi I am Amy, I finally made it back here to track my daily eating (I journal on paper - WW, but I don't think that's quite getting it for me - I need "see" more of what I eat, etc.) and exercise. I am trying to eat better with what I can and exercise more. Exercise is the key as I had gotten down before (2 years ago) and I know I can do it again. So, a small goal of 10 pounds (if not 7 pounds for sure) by June 1 is perfect for me. I need something to motivate me.

    Good luck to everyone, we can do this!
  • BuckTheBMI
    BuckTheBMI Posts: 106 Member
    Well hello there! My name is Eric but you can call me 3LB. I joined MFP about three weeks ago but my scale has been moving in the opposite direction since joining! It is my fault though. I would like to lose more than 10 pounds by June 1st but 10 is a nice reasonable goal. If you want some motivation and some laughs you can add me as a friend... I may not be losing weight yet but I stay pretty upbeat!
  • momofthreeinwis
    momofthreeinwis Posts: 21 Member

    I just rejoined MFP a few days ago... I am also working with a Personal Trainer but I am not logging my exercise because she told me not to because I would throw off my calories! Anyway, I log every day, Cardio 6 days per week, Weight train 3 days per week. I stay at about 1500 during the week and eat mostly what I want (in moderation I guess) on the weekends! I would love to have more friends on here for inspiration. Thanks!
  • Southpaw_Stef
    Southpaw_Stef Posts: 8 Member
    Hey all!

    Name's Stef, I'm a boxer and I just joined MFP today as a way to track my food intake. I have a fight at the end of June and I am 14lbs out of my weight class! Oops...

    So doing lots of running, watching what I eat... no beer :ohwell: seemed like this was an appropriate goal, and it's always nice to do stuff in groups, right? So good luck everyone - let's do this!!
  • katbragg130
    katbragg130 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm Kat. I've lost 27 pounds this year but I've stalled and need a jumpstart. Looking forward t my first challenge.
  • merecard
    merecard Posts: 56 Member
    Hey everyone!! I have lost almost 50lbs and looking to get at least 10 lbs off by June!! That's a tall order - but I hope I am up for it. Current weight is 196
    Hoping to be at 186 by June 1 I hope to be at least 189 for my Birthday in May!! That would be great!!

    I workout everyday - doing something.... Curves, kickboxing, aqua fitness, home DVDs and home equipment.
    I have a two year old and that keeps me busy as well. I would like to loss another 26-46lbs total.

  • FoodFighterXS
    FoodFighterXS Posts: 2 Member
    I'm going for 20 lbs, but for short-term goals, 10 is a good start!
  • merecard
    merecard Posts: 56 Member
    I think the trick is to add your food first and THEN your exercise. So you should always add your exercise but AFTER you log your food for the day because it will change your totals. That's what I do. I add my food then add my exercise to make sure that I am staying under/at my goals for the day. Because as you loose weight - exercise doesn't have the same value. When I first started my 60 minute kick boxing class would register in at about 1100 calories burned, but now it's only 903. So that will also make a huge difference. I can see what your trainer is saying, but also it's important to log your exercise correctly as well.
    For instance, if you attend a 60 minute class - but don't sweat or give it your all - maybe only log in 45 minutes. Especially if time is taken to learn something new or breaks or long stretching at the end. (my class is 60 minutes + stretching so I add 60 minutes unless I didn't give it my all then I add 50-55 minutes)
    So I always try to over estimate my food (although for the most part I measure and weigh everything) and under estimate my movements for the day. BUT find what works for you. But it's always nice to see your exercise for the day, I know that I personally LOVE to see the number go up and up for the calories burned. BUT I also only put it in at the end of the day after I log my food. :) Keep up the great work!!
  • dann29
    dann29 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! Im Dawn and I would LOVE to lose 10 pounds this upcoming month. I just ended the first week of T25 (Alpha) and starting to track my calories. My husband and I are on this weight loss journey together, and we're very excited. I just got him to join MFP to help motivate/track. My plan is to watch what I eat and continue with the next 4 weeks of T25.
  • Stay2theC
    Stay2theC Posts: 22 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Stacy. I need to lose 10 lbs this month for two reasons: my birthday is June 23rd & going to San Diego in July. My main plan is to up my exercise. If I spent more time exercising or being active than watching tv then I bet I would get out the 180s & 170s. My weight has been fluctuating between 176-180.

    Feel free to add me! More friends are wanted for motivation & inspiration!

    We all can do it!
  • Cval31
    Cval31 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Cindi, according to my cardiologist I need to loose enough weight so that my blood counts are in the normal range. With that being said, I would like to loose at least 60 pounds.

    I'm lucky enough to have insurance that covers a nutritionist and I need to loose a pound a week. She wants me to loose a pound a week. Hopefully joining a monthly weight goal group this is something I can do each week.

    “HOO RAH”
  • ketowerdefense
    ketowerdefense Posts: 397 Member
    I'm super excited for my first month-long challenge! I've started my lifestyle change FOR REAL on April 2nd. In April I dropped 10 pounds, and I hope to do the same in May!

    Female, 26, 5'9
    SW: 260
    CW: 249.6

    Hitting sub-240 in May would help me reach my first goal! Feel free to add me.
  • 1crvygrl
    1crvygrl Posts: 503 Member
    Losing 10 pounds in May would be great...after the year I've had so far even 5 sounds good.
  • Dee9394
    Dee9394 Posts: 155 Member
    Hi All,

    Surprised at myself for joining a group, considering how private I am! I joined MFP in 2012 (I think) and fell off the wagon because I restricted too much, really wanted a double cheeseburger and coffee doesn't taste the same with Splenda! I wasn't REALLY ready! I became insane and started eating once a day (fast food mostly) with some snacking (a bag sour gummi worms a day/every other day...kinda miss them ) and quit exercising. I knew I was gaining weight, but a pic of me put the bullet in my butt to get back on the right track. I was known for being thick and sexy! Anyway, I found my way back to MFP at the beginning of this year and so far, so good!

    Age: 39 Height: 5'4
    SW: 212
    1st GW: 175
    2nd GW: 160
    UGW: I'll know when I get there.
  • KatVarley
    KatVarley Posts: 534 Member
    Hi I am Kat. - excited about joining a group. Looking forward to an awesome May. I am a runner - messed up thyroid and depression caused a sudden gain of 30lbs within a short amount of time and then I let it stay. Now it's time to say goodbye and get back to feeling like Kat again
  • pluckykat
    pluckykat Posts: 80

    I'm excited about this challenge. I'd love to lose 10 lbs in May. I am looking forward to all of the motivation and support we can give each other. Good luck, everyone!