What did you do TODAY?



  • missy_girl001
    missy_girl001 Posts: 53 Member
    deep water aquafit + under on calorie goal = good day
  • bambi417
    bambi417 Posts: 9
    Worked out at the gym today feel great the scale still show no loss but no gain either which is good.
  • missy_girl001
    missy_girl001 Posts: 53 Member
    Just came back from the gym, which was necessary since I made some poor food choices for dinner. Good workout and managed to get back under my calorie goal … just.
  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    Last two days I have just been off - not feeling right - eating yuck. Blech! Anyway back on track today.
  • greensmoothie007
    greensmoothie007 Posts: 19 Member
    Fit in a super quick workout and haven been doing pretty well keeping my eating in check. Hope to see some movement on the scale this Monday :)
  • missy_girl001
    missy_girl001 Posts: 53 Member
    Ack! No work out today AND it was my grandmother's 80th birthday dinner at a chinese restaurant. I ballparked my calories … it wasn't good. Will have to hit the gym extra hard tomorrow.
  • mlh37214
    mlh37214 Posts: 517 Member
    So, I have been super lazy the last few days, with reason. I finally went to the MD to get my foot (that I thought might be fractured) checked out. Turned out that it is just inflammation. He put me on some meds, including steroids. Have to take it easy until those are gone. Needless to say, calories have been exceeded, and I chose not to weigh this week, b/c I don't want to discourage myself. Will be pushing extra hard after I can get back to workouts!
  • lwynd002
    lwynd002 Posts: 115 Member
    Today I packed myself and my son a lunch and went to the beach. It was beautiful outside! I walked the boardwalk while he rode his bike, and then we sat down and had a delicious lunch (my salad, apple, nuts, and his sandwich and chips)...I fought the urge to gobble his leftovers down as I used to do before this weight loss journey (so victory in that!). I treated myself to oreos and icecream for dessert this evening!
  • greensmoothie007
    greensmoothie007 Posts: 19 Member
    Last two days I have just been off - not feeling right - eating yuck. Blech! Anyway back on track today.

    Sassymama...Hang in there!! Are you back on track?
  • manders0523
    manders0523 Posts: 15 Member
    The scale has been playing the yo yo game with me this week. I have been staying under calories and working out everyday and I am gaining weight. How can that be? I hope it's just bloating. I know the weekend is going to be hard. Going to a friends cabin. The food part isn't hard to track it's the drinking you do when you're at the cabin. I am going to assume the scale is going to say I gained by Monday. Just means I gotta work harder next week to get back on track.
  • greensmoothie007
    greensmoothie007 Posts: 19 Member
    Manders, same boat. Up a pound after 2 days of perfect eating:( i know I haven't been drinking enough water, that may be part of it. Plus, women rarely lose linearly bc of hormones so i can't let the scale psych me out.

    That said, I woke today feeling a little sorry for myself and promptly ate leftover noodles and 2 tamales leaving me with only 100-200 for the rest of the day. Ugh. Time to get it together!
  • missy_girl001
    missy_girl001 Posts: 53 Member
    My weight has been going up and down all week too! It's super annoying. Hopefully today's workout at the gym will balance out lunch out.
  • bambi417
    bambi417 Posts: 9
    went for a 40 minute evening walk with my daughter it felt good.
  • missy_girl001
    missy_girl001 Posts: 53 Member
    Today was painful! I felt super lethargic and was dragging myself around the gym tonight without any motivation. This is something I usually won't allow myself to do. My usual approach to the gym is that if I've managed to make it there, I'd better make my work out count or I may as well have stayed home.

    Since today has been so blah, I've decided to set myself a mini workout challenge/goal for the rest of the week. I'm aiming to go to:
    - deep water aquafit (Tuesday/Thursday)
    - gym (Wednesday)
    - yoga (Friday)
    - something, perhaps a long walk along the seawall (Saturday)
  • mlm5537
    mlm5537 Posts: 25 Member
    @ missy - I am totally guilty of the gym wandering. Once a week sounds manageable though! Good luck - let us know how it went on Friday!