Best Tracker

fyoung1111 Posts: 109 Member
Jen0414 asked via MFP mail which of the trackers I have used was the most accurate. This was my reply which I decided to recycle and share with this group:

Well . . . that would depend almost entirely on your definition of accuracy. Sleep monitoring? Calorie counting? Step Counting? It also depends on what you do for exercise and what you do for fun. Then there is fashion to think about. Do you care about how it looks? Where you wear it? Are you iPhone or Andriod? What other apps do you use for fitness and/or weight management?

There is an imperfect perfect match for everyone. Accuracy per se is probably one of the least important features as any one of them will be consistently inaccurate. What is more important is did you take 1,000 steps yesterday give or take 100 or did you take 10,000 give or take 1,000. Did you burn 1,500 calories give or take 150 or did you burn 3,000 give or take 300?

Any of them will almost certainly change your behavior for the better. Based almost strictly on the criterion that a tracker should be worn 24/7/365 (as much to keep from losing it or forgetting to put it back on as for complete activity quantification) I currently like the Vivofit. If all of your exercise consists of walking or running, a Fitbit Flex is a good choice if you can remember to put it back on after its weekly charge.


  • Jen0414
    Jen0414 Posts: 466 Member
    Thank you so much!!! This was very helpful. For me the Vivofit seemed like the best bet!
    I have ordered it and it should be here next week :)
  • ann121212
    ann121212 Posts: 290 Member
    I do a lot of travelling so the 12 month battery life was the winning point for me. Nothing worse than being caught out with a flat battery, no where to charge it and lose 20k of steps :(
  • maryleere
    maryleere Posts: 3
    I had decided to get the Fitbit Force and found out they were no longer available. I liked the idea of having the numbers on the band and not having to go online to see them. I liked their page on Facebook and decided to wait it out until I figured out they had no idea when the next generation Force was going to be available. I started researching some more and found Vivofit. I was worried as the online reviews were all over the place. I decide to chance it and I am glad I did. I think the number one advantage is not having to charge the battery. I am glad this group is here as the one on Facebook is not very active or helpful.
  • fyoung1111
    fyoung1111 Posts: 109 Member
    Welcome MaryLeere. If you use the VF in it's simplest mode, it's all very straightforward. Apart from occasional syncing problems, you have a better solution that a Force. I had one of those and liked it but this is better.

    When you start recording multiple HRM paired non-step activities every day and things like that, some of the reports on Garmin Connect start to fall apart.

    Anyway, however you use it, we are here for you and we are WAY smarter than the Garmin Support people. For entertainment or aggravation, call them. For answers, ask us :).
  • ann121212
    ann121212 Posts: 290 Member
    Hi Marylee, glad you found us :drinker:
  • fyoung1111
    fyoung1111 Posts: 109 Member
    Jen, Got your VF yet? All going smoothly?
  • Jen0414
    Jen0414 Posts: 466 Member
    It was suppose to be here by today.. I really hope it comes!!!!!!!!
  • Jen0414
    Jen0414 Posts: 466 Member
    Now I am getting worried, it was suppose to leave Florida along time ago but the shipping info has not been updated. They pretty much told me maybe they forgot to scan it.. I'm FRUSTRATED!!
  • fyoung1111
    fyoung1111 Posts: 109 Member
    That's all a little odd. I bought mine from Clever Training when they first came out and ended up changing my order to a bundle to get it quicker. Showed up about three days later. I have heard people reporting that they are back ordered in various places. Just looked at CT and they are showing back ordered until JUNE! Amazon seems to have plenty but they are full price. REI has all colors in both bundles and stand-alone bands. Best Buy has some colors.

    I would give Clever Training a call tomorrow. Phone (800) 577-8538 (727) 213-0008 Hours Of Operations Monday - Saturday: 10AM - 5PM ET. They were very friendly and helpful when I called them. Keep me posted. I hope I didn't steer you wrong.
  • aswearingen22
    aswearingen22 Posts: 271 Member
    I bought mine local, but just bought two for my parents with the premium heart rate strap for mother's day and father's day. Ordered them from (which is really I found a 5% code online which pretty much covered the tax as tax was charged for my state and got free 2 day ship (ordered on Wednesday morning and they were here Friday) and paid $363 total for the both.