about to start - need help finding everything

merecard Posts: 56 Member
I am going through this group looking for the helpful advice or the schedule of what to run with times and what not.. SOOOOOOOO many posts!! (That's a good thing, means that there is lots of people doing it!!)
BUT I can't find where to start stuff.
Someone please point me in the correct direction.
Thank you!


  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    There are tons of sites. If you want to use your smart phone just look for an app in the app store. Some are free, some cost money...all of them go towards the same goal: get you running 30 minutes non-stop in about 9 weeks.

    If you are more of a print out girl, meaning you rather have a sheet of paper in front of you then here:


    Some of those are links with phone apps.
  • merecard
    merecard Posts: 56 Member
    Wonderful!! Thank you so much!! I'll get started on those!!
  • Rushgirl82
    Rushgirl82 Posts: 223 Member
    I use the C25K free app on my iPhone.

    I do it mon wed fri usually. Sometimes I'll skip Friday and do it Saturday. It's a great app.

    There are good days and bad days...but mostly good days!

    I'm on week 8 this week so if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. :)

    Good luck,

  • bsesender
    bsesender Posts: 2 Member
    tried 2 days so far, would like to try tonight also but very discouraged. i can't even get through wk1d1. i can walk 5k and was doing that and low carbing but not losing the weight, so doc says i need to try running. well i am so out of breath in even 60 seconds.. i am trying this on a bridge which was where i always walked; but would it be easier if i just did a flat street?

    could my pace be too fast or my breathing incorrect? can you recommend a pandora music station or something that can slow me down to a proper beginning speed. i have never tried jogging before and feel i need oxygen after my second 60 seconds.. ugh

    any advice or assistance would be appreciated. i am overweight but only by about 15 pounds, i can walk long distances and not be tired; why is jogging for 60 seconds killing me?
  • Rushgirl82
    Rushgirl82 Posts: 223 Member
    I was super out of breath on week one. Keep at it. I promise you it will get better. If you need to repeat a week then do so. I advanced every week even though I didn't feel ready. I was gasping for air and feeling extremely doubtful.
    I'm proof that it works! You will feel your endurance increase quickly. And that's what kept me going!
    I myself would try flatter ground for now. Till your endurance increases anyways. Which it will!
    As far as breathing goes, that also gets better. It's a mental game. It's not natural for me yet. But I try to focus on taking a deep breath through nose and releasing through my mouth. This is hard to do. But helps. Helps with side stitches too which I get regularly.

  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    could my pace be too fast

    that's the usual suspect, so I'd suggest trying to keep your pace down.

    I used a C25K podcast and the music had a reasonable bpm that drove my cadence, so something like that might help you. I think it was about 140 bpm.
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    Wonderful!! Thank you so much!! I'll get started on those!!
    How's the reading going? Everything all right or do you have questions?