Week 1



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    alright then I'll rely on my treadmill walk/run's to inform me distance.

    then on the days I walk outdoors, i'll estimate that from treadmill experience times.

    I'll try to report back daily.
  • sayray16
    sayray16 Posts: 62 Member
    Sounds great! Glad to have you be apart of the experience :)
  • chunt87
    chunt87 Posts: 161 Member
    Thank you for inviting me to your group! I used to run quite a bit and nothing happened for me, now I am trying to get back into it by doing multiple aerobics classes a week and trying to strengthen my arms and legs by weightlifting along with some running.

    My mile time is about 10 minutes and I want to improve that. I do try to walk/run/aerobicize 5 miles a day or more.
  • sayray16
    sayray16 Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you for inviting me to your group! I used to run quite a bit and nothing happened for me, now I am trying to get back into it by doing multiple aerobics classes a week and trying to strengthen my arms and legs by weightlifting along with some running.

    My mile time is about 10 minutes and I want to improve that. I do try to walk/run/aerobicize 5 miles a day or more.

    Hello! Happy to have you! Try reading this. It's really short. But it will explain how many calories you have to burn in order to lose a pound a week. I like numbers, so I like keeping track of how many calories I'm burning and eating. It makes me want to push harder to burn those extra calories so I can get the weight off. It's good that you are working on lifting weights because muscle helps bun fat. I only talk about my running experiences but I like to lift weights during the week in order to maintain the weight loss. I hope it works for you!

  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Thank you for the invite. I walked almost a 5k this evening before starting on this group.

    how do you know that? i only know how LONG in time I walk, not the distance in K's?

    I have a Fitbit and I know 5k is 3.10 miles and I walked just under 3 miles last night.

    Also my rec center has a outside walking path that is .56 miles or .9k so I just figure it out
  • Luv2h1k3
    Luv2h1k3 Posts: 66 Member
    Hiked just over 3.5 miles today. Couldn't resist getting outside in the beautiful Arizona weather!
  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    Not sure if I did 3.1 at once, but definitely walked that far overall today, with my hubby. ;)
  • Nige_Gsy
    Nige_Gsy Posts: 163 Member
    Thanks for adding me. I've routinely been walking 10k steps a day for quite some time, until a little medical "episode" halted my exercise for about 8 weeks. Now back into the swing of things, and have a daily target of 6500 steps, which for me is just a shade over 3.2 miles; all being well I can bust that every day :)
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    650 calories burned - Walking - 16,541 Steps, 8.11 Miles

    Starting C25K tomorrow. I have being planning this for a long time, so no time like the present as the weather is finally co-operating.
  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    Walked 3.1 tonight. Got home late and was tempted to blow it off but I'm committed so off I went! Strapped on the headlamp and got it done. I probably would not have done this today if I hadn't joined this group, so thanks again for the extra 357 calories burned! :)
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Thanks to this group I took my youngest in the stroller and walked 2.5 miles I did 1 mile this morning. So I hit my intentional 5k
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    5/7- Walked 3 mi
    5/8- Ran 1 mi, Walked 2 miles (3 miles total)
    5/9- Walked 2.4 mi
    5/10- Walked 2.7 mi
    5/11- Ran 1.5 mi, Walked 0.5 mi
    5/12- Walked 2 miles
    5/13- Walked 3 miles

    First week done! Didn't quite make the 5k a day cut, but I know I can do it next week now that I've gotten some practice in!
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Walked 3.1 tonight. Got home late and was tempted to blow it off but I'm committed so off I went! Strapped on the headlamp and got it done. I probably would not have done this today if I hadn't joined this group, so thanks again for the extra 357 calories burned! :)

    Just think how much better you felt afterwards. Well done
  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    walked 3.1 today, though not all at once. I walked to zumba class and back; round trip is 3.2.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    My weekly totals

    5/08 Day 1: 14,700 Steps - 7.33 Miles
    5/09 Day 2: 13,672 Steps - 7.93 Miles
    5/10 Day 3: 0 calories burned - Shopping
    5/11 Day 4: The Firm - Cardio & Weights (42 Minutes); HIIT - Lower Body (28 Minutes)
    512 Day 5: 16,541 Steps - 8.11 Miles
    5/13 Day 6: 16,213 Steps - 7.93 Miles
    5/14 Day 7: 14,848 Steps - 7.33 Miles

    My new week starts tomorrow - 05/15/2014
  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    3.1 done for Wednesday!
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    8.92 Miles - 18,217 Steps for 05/15/2014
  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    3.1 done today too! This challenge is pushing me to do just a bit more. :) Not sure how long I can go without missing a day but challenge accepted. :)
  • chunt87
    chunt87 Posts: 161 Member
    Ok heres my results as by inviting you got me going more theres a myriad of activities in there :)

    my results are in miles

    514-4.84 (I was feeling lazy)
    515- 5.02 (I feel whooped)
  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    I think we'll call today my rest day this week...was in the car all day and fit in a short walk when I got home. It's dark and raining now.