
LolaBug85 Posts: 201 Member
I can't believe I am saying this, but today is my one year surgiversary! I can't believe it has been one year already! Time flew! I am living on cloud 9 right now about my health. It's fantastic!

I had my 1 year post-op appt with my surgeon (who I haven't seen since 1 week after surgery) and he walked in the room, stopped dead in his tracks, his face lit up and looked me straight in the eyes and said "Oh my god Laura, you look amazing. YOU ARE SKINNY!" I almost cried. Hearing that out of him meant SO much to me. I still get a bit choked up thinking about it! My appt went well, everything is looking great. My numbers are awesome too!

SW: 298
CW: 165

Body fat %:
Starting - 46%
Current - 26%

Upper arm:
Starting - 17 inches
Current - 11 inches

Starting - 56 inches
Current - 40 inches

Starting - 48 inches
Current - 29 inches

Grand total: 41 inches!!!

It's unreal! This has been a hard journey, but it has been worth every moment of it. Even though all these numbers are great, I think my biggest accomplishment is what came after I heard all these numbers. My surgeon says I have done such an amazing job with tracking my food, measuring everything I eat a week in advance, and my consistent kickboxing and strength training, that he asked me if I'd like to write my story so they can put it on their website along with my before and after pictures. AND he asked me to join his group of "successes" to start coming to the informational meetings so I can share my story there as well to all the people considering weight loss surgery. I NEVER expected something like that. Of course, I said I would love to. It's such an honor, I can't even believe it!

I am just so happy with all of this, it is truly amazing. Oh, and to top it all off! As some of you know, I have been training to become a strength training and kickboxing instructor at the body shaping facility I do all this, and I tested out last night AND I PASSED! So I am now officially an instructor! I never, in my wildest dreams EVER thought I would be capable of something like this. It's very hard to grasp at times. When I was younger I always said I wanted to do something with my life that would help other people and help impact them for the better...I never thought it would be to share my story, help inspire people, and teach people how to get in shape. I am SO SO SO happy!

I'm done rambling now, I swear. I just had to get all of this out somewhere!


  • Holly_penguin
    Holly_penguin Posts: 149 Member
    YAY YOU!
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    Congrats! Sounds like you had an amazingly fantastic day. Very inspiring!
  • Tristaan
    Tristaan Posts: 126 Member
    You are so inspirational...and you look great! :)
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    You are an inspiration to the rest of us! Be very proud of what you have accomplished.
  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    This was so great to read. I am pre-op. We have about the same starting weight and my super secret goal is to weight 165. It is so great to see that a real person did this. Thank you for posting!

  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    So awesome!! Congratulations!!
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Well done and congratulations! You look fantastic - keep it going.
  • Stephaniev51697
    Stephaniev51697 Posts: 163 Member
    What an amazing journey you've had! Congrats on your success!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    That is an awesome journey! You have done fantastic! So happy for you, not just the weight loss, but to be able to help others be healthy and fit! Great job!
  • sue100194
    sue100194 Posts: 129
    You have so much to be proud of, including your role as group moderator for this very supportive group of people. You are an inspiration and touchstone for all of us. Thanks for sharing and congratulations!
  • Mell0566
    Mell0566 Posts: 9 Member
    To see what you have done motivates me to keep pushing forward
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Congrats! You earned it all!
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    I am so glad to "know" you!! You are inspiring people throughout your community and right here in this group! So happy for you and grateful that you share your story with us!
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
  • rubisliprz
    rubisliprz Posts: 139 Member
    So good. I am so proud of you, and your goals that change with your progress. I have seen you move your focus from weight, to strength, to giving back. Which in fact circles around to your weight and your strength. Blessings to you!
  • jackierhof
    jackierhof Posts: 17
    Such an inspiration and so wonderful!
  • sadiegirl32
    sadiegirl32 Posts: 181 Member
    You Rock Girl!!
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    Congrats!! Great job!!! :love:
  • joshua771973
    What an amazing story!!! Such an inspiration. I finally have a surgery date of 7-28-14 and can't wait to start this new journey. Nervous as all get out but excited for what this change will bring. It defintely helps to see such success stories on this blog.
  • JreedyJanelle
    JreedyJanelle Posts: 645 Member
    Congratulations you are a rock star!