Introduce Yourself



  • stechan07
    stechan07 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone! This may be the challenge I need! I was unemployed 4 years ago, and because I had "free" time, I started running. I lost 40 lbs! Looking hot, I "ran" into my now husband. We were both fit and loved running together. We got married, nested and continue our office jobs. Now, almost 3 years, later, I've gained the 40 lbs I lost. I love my husband, love my job, but don't love the weight that I've found, or that has found it's way back to me!

    I just bought a new road bike and started running, and with summer coming soon, I am motivated to move. I hope with the support of MFP friends, I can meet my goal by the end of this 90 days.
  • ArtsyAlexis
    ArtsyAlexis Posts: 29 Member
    Hi everybody! My name is Alexis and I love sitting. It is my weakness.

    My weight gain followed with me through my life up to this point. I'm 21 years old and I need to lose weight not only for the joyous times ahead of me but for the joyous times later in life.

    I'm at 220 right now and I need to lose a lot of weight. My short term is to be 200 by July. My long term, to be 115-125. I have wide set hips and my chest is, to put it lightly, huge. I have no clue what I will look like by the time I reach my goals nor do I really know what would be healthy for my body type.

    I'm a fun person with so much going for me. Weight is only one of them!
  • anastasia1807
    anastasia1807 Posts: 5 Member
    Great start!!!
  • anastasia1807
    anastasia1807 Posts: 5 Member
    My name is Anastasia. I have a trip scheduled in August and would like to lose 12 lbs by then. I am trying to log in all my calories and add some walking. The winter was so tough that I still struggle to find energy to exercise more.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Hi! My name is Kristal. Since joining MFP last December, I have been totally committed to my health. I eat decently most of the time (always trying to get more protein), and I exercise 4 - 5 days per week. The old me probably would have given up months ago, but this new me is in it for the long haul. I have no quit in me.

    For this next 90 days, I want to set some realistic mini goals that I can commit to working towards, and I believe this group will be perfect for me to do that.
  • Hi everyone...I am 30 and a mom to 3 kiddos. The youngest one is a year old now :( Pre pregnancy weight was 165 and I was a size 8. I loved the way my body looked, and I am on the muscular side, so i have never looked my actual weight. I started at 232 for my second pregnancy and upon delivery I was 243. Ended up 224 after delivery and such. Had my 3rd baby and went down to 220, only to turn around and gain another 12 lbs. I found this app on my phone, and went down to 197. I have now bumped to 206, and I am finished!!! My husband just got me a gym membership and we are both going on a healthy eating, exercising binge. I hope to stay that way. My tubes are tied, and now I am ready to start this new chapter in my life. I would love to get down to 160, which is 46 lbs, but really, I want to wear a size 8 pant. And I want to be healthy. I need all the help and encouragement a person can get. And I want to be that for others as well. Good luck to you all! I know we can all do it!
  • Northern_Girl12
    Northern_Girl12 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm 38 and need to lose over 100 pounds. I've been at it for 3 weeks and have lost about 8 pounds. I'm doing well on watching what I eat but have yet to achieve my exercise goals on a regular basis. I'm hoping to focus on that in the coming weeks. It would be great to drop 30 pounds in 90 days but if I can work out 4 days per week while continuing to meet my calorie goals then I will consider it a win.

    Best of luck to all of you. I will try to lend help and support as much as I can. :smile:
  • 153lbs916
    153lbs916 Posts: 1
    Hello Everyone,
    I am new to MFP. I am exciting to start this challenge. I am going to lose 12-15lbs at the end of this challenge! Good luck everyone.
  • jandy180
    jandy180 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everybody,

    I'm just getting started with MFP, so the timing is great for me with this challenge. I'm 41 years old, father of six year old twins, and motivated to live a healthier lifestyle to keep up with them. Challenges include a high stress, mostly sedentary job that consumes me 24/7. I feel guilty exercising as that time should be for work or my sons. I'm going to make time, though, as it's important to stay healthy for my future and theirs! My goal is to drop two pounds per week through this challenge. I've had previous success with Weight Watchers--dropped 45 pounds only to gain it back. That was some time ago, though. We all can do it! Good luck to all.
  • mrsvjdavis
    mrsvjdavis Posts: 1
    Hello everyone. I'm Lisa and I'm new to MFP. I'm 40 and fabulous, except this extra weight I've been carrying around. 2 years ago I lost 35 lbs by counting calories and moderate exercise. Then I had surgery and never regained my momentum. Seems like I have this on again off again relationship with my healthy lifestyle which has shown in my weight. Time to get on and stay on! I have gained back 25 of the 35 lbs I lost, so I'm back up to 210. My goal is to get to a healthy weight where I feel good and look good and have the energy to do all that I have been created to do, probably around 150lbs. I don't expect to lose 60 lbs in 90 days, but I do expect to get myself on the right path and lose the 60 by the end of the year. Thanks for the forum of support.
  • aidenandabelsmommy
    aidenandabelsmommy Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Girls(: My name is Diana. I am a mommy of two beautiful boys, a 2 1/2 year old and a 2 month old. Im 5'1. Before i had my first baby, i weighed 96 pounds. I was a size zero. and now I'm 124 pounds and i wear a size 7/8. i don't want to go back to 96 pounds but i really do want to get fit and live a healthy lifestyle. I've tried many times to get fit but i never had much support and just ended up eating a bunch of junk food and would stop working out. at one point i lost 6 pounds in 1 week but i gave up because i felt like i had no support. so I'm glad i found this group. i hope you ladies can give me the support i need and ill do the same in return. (: Much love and good luck (: for it is time to change for the better (:
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    Hi. I got injured at a Gwar concert and it put me out of commission for a bit. I'm working on regaining my aerobic capacity. It's summer now, so I can get back into outdoor running safely (it rains all the rest of the year here in Oregon) without fear of slipping up and re-stressing my ankle.

    I'm in college and sometimes I live off of peanut butter, ramen, and hot dogs. That's just life. I know it's not the most nutritious or ideal, but I'd honestly rather be fat than starving. I don't care about my weight as long as I don't have to buy new clothes often, but my fitness goals, heart health, and lung capacity are important to me. I think I can last 90 days being mindful of my heart health.

  • Hello team, my name is Champagne I need your support on this journey to loose 30 pounds..
  • rosating
    rosating Posts: 1

    My team is Kathrine, im from norway and i have two goals this year. the first is to loose 25kg befor the year is over. and the other one is to run a half marathon (ive already bought my ticket to the run, its 1 november).

    I found that its easier to do stuff like this, loose weight and such, in a biger group with other people that are trying to do the same.

    ive started my challenge this monday. i plan my whole week, what to eat and when to work out, then i do the shopping for the whole week so i dont have to go in the middle of the week and end up buying stuff i dont need and shouldt eat.

    so far so good :D
  • Robinmacmillan
    Robinmacmillan Posts: 11 Member
    Hi. I'm Robin. I used to lose weight so easily, but now that I'm older it seems impossible. I am stuck in the 150's and should be in the 120's. I want to lose 8 pounds for an upcoming wedding on June 14th, and 25 pounds for my 40th High School Reunion in a few months (not sure of the date yet). I just need to get out of my own way and focus on healthy diet and a workout plan! Looking forward to the next 90 days.
  • Jlmjaatvedt
    Jlmjaatvedt Posts: 14 Member
    Hello Im JodiLynn, I am 39 years old and have struggled for years with my weight. I know work in dietary department in a care center and it has encouraged me to want to get my nutrition on track. I am tired of being sore and tired all the time. I have been changing what I eat and increase my activity and starting taking Vitamins... I don't mind my age numbers going up I just don't want my body to hurt and feel the age increasing lol... I have three beautiful kids 2 young ones home and my weight has limited our fun together. I want to have more energy and enjoy them while they are still young and I am still young. .....where do you get one of this tickers you have on here?
  • Hello,
    I weighed in this morning at my highest weight ever. It's time to get in control and commit to healthy changes in my life.
    I have two children (my daughter is 7 1/2 and my son is 5 1/2) and am hypothyroid. I took synthroid for many years, but decided to switch to a more natural medication last year and we are still trying to fine tune the correct dosage for me.

    Besides the challenge of my meds and the resulting hormone imbalance, I've struggled for the past few years with sticking to any type of healthy eating/workout plans. I wake up with the best of intentions and psych myself up but end up giving up by later that afternoon--or after a couple days at the most. This results in a cycle of beating myself up, vowing to "start over tomorrow/Monday/the first of the month", planning out a new meal plan, and then giving up again. I am an EXCELLENT planner; it's STICKING to the plan that I repeatedly fail at.

    I am hoping that this challenge group will help to give me accountability to break this awful cycle and move on to a healthier lifestyle. I am really looking forward to getting to know others who are working on developing healthier habits as well.
  • gokari30
    gokari30 Posts: 112 Member
    Yes I can commit!! I am leaving the state for most of the summer for a fellowship study program and would love to start back up at school (teacher) with a weight and fitness level I'm happy at. I will be also planning my wedding, so I would love to just start maintaining when I get back into the grind.

    To me, fitness and health concerns are becoming more important than a far-away weight goal, so my current goal is simply to get ANYWHERE under 200 lbs (even if it's 199.9999, haha) and maintain it for the rest of the year. I've yo-yoed so much in my life that I really need to do something to stabilize myself. If I work hard, I could almost be at that goal at the end of 90 days.

    Right now, I am doing strength training with a personal trainer 1x a week, yoga 1x a week, light interval training (walking and very short jogs) throughout, and a day of rest. This summer, I won't have access to a personal trainer, but I will have full access to a gym.
  • daisy7870
    daisy7870 Posts: 14 Member
    I am ready for a change! I have tried numerous times to loose weight, and the best way for me is to be accountable. I am hoping to kick start a healthier lifestyle over the course of the next 90 days!
  • smsavoy
    smsavoy Posts: 103 Member
    Hi my name is Serena, I am a little nervous about joining this group, but i need some motivation and accountability. This is my second go around with MFP, the first time I lost almost 40 pounds, about two years ago. I have since gain those 40 pounds back plus 10. I am ready for this new start. I not only want to do this for my daughter, who is 16, but for my health. Doctor told me a couple of months ago, I am borderline diabetic, and keep having the same knee injury (facing my three knee surgery in less than a year and half next month).

    I need to love a minimum of 70-100 pounds to be at a healthy weight. Joining this 90 day challenge, will hopefully keep me motivated. Good luck to everyone, I know we can do this if we support and encourage each other. Here is to losing 2lb a week for the next 90 days.