Introduce Yourself



  • buzzardsrule
    buzzardsrule Posts: 183 Member
    Hi I'm Nadine. I've been on MFP for a couple of months now and it's really helped me start shifting the weight after yo-yo-ing for so long. My weight has held me back and affected my confidence for too long. I want to increase my fitness and look and feel healthier.
  • jolene_CO
    jolene_CO Posts: 48
    I am a runner in Colorado who recently succumbed to my family heritage: I'm trending toward becoming diabetic. I've not met the criteria for diagnosis, but I'm dealing with symptoms that are serious red flags, including weight gain. It was terrifying and frustrating last year when I was running 30+ miles per week, keeping my calories in check, and gained 30 lbs in 3 months.

    I'm working with an endocrinologist to get my weight back down and adjust my diet.

    I still run. I am training for Ragnar Trails Relay in June and plan to run another full marathon in October (Twin Cities Marathon). I telecommute as a report analyst for an insurance company, so it's easy to fit my exercise into my day.

    I look forward to getting to know the rest of you over the next 90 days!
  • jolene_CO
    jolene_CO Posts: 48
    Hi, Serena
    I am in the same boat as you with becoming pre-diabetic. It presents some unpleasant challenges with losing weight, but can be done! And we will do it!
    Looking forward to working with you in this challenge.
  • jolene_CO
    jolene_CO Posts: 48
    Hi, Katherine
    I LOVE HALF-MARATHONS. Seriously, that is my favorite race distance. I'm happy and proud of you for making that commitment. Nothing compares to finishing a long race like that.
  • jenmello1
    jenmello1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am Jen. I am 33 with a 21 month old son. I have gradually gained weight over the last eight years and want to get down to about 128-130, a weight loss of about 40 pounds. My problem is motiviation to stick to exercise and eating right!
  • telepneff
    telepneff Posts: 71 Member
    I hope its not too late to join!

    I'm Eleanor, I haven't got too much to lose and I'm in no rush to lose it but its all about consistency and perseverance so thought this group would be a good tracker of those things. Plus I'm going through a phase of trying different activities to see which will stick so would be nice to have a record of what I've done (I'm not very active online so wouldn't post it if it without this group)
  • BCham25
    BCham25 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi everybody! My name is Brandy and something just clicked in me that this weight has to come off once and for all! I have finally found some motivation to do it and I will! My goal is to lose 100 pounds. A few years ago I lost 50 pounds in a Biggest Loser contest and I felt great...then it all came back, along with about 30 more pounds. I am so ready to wear cute clothes again. I am tired of being fat!

    We can all do this! It will take a lot of willpower, but we have to keep the end result in mind. Just keep thinking of all the compliments you will receive when you lose the weight.
  • titiantop
    titiantop Posts: 9 Member
    The timing of this challenge couldn't be more perfect! After stepping on the scale yesterday evening and seeing that I am scary close to 300 yet again, I decided it was time to get serious about tracking on MFP, following a low-glycemic index food plan, and pedaling my keester off 3x week in spin class. I am committed to releasing 100 pounds, once and for all time, never to see it return again!!

    I'm 58, happily divorced for 20 years, mother of two, grandmother of two, and live in West byGod Virginny.

    Looking forward to connecting with y'all over the next 90 days!
  • bradie79
    bradie79 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I have a 7 week old son and would like to tone up and either slowly lose or maintain my weight while breastfeeding. I am looking forward to getting my energy back :)
  • wimom35
    wimom35 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, folks. I'm Laura, and I've been on a weight-loss/gain roller coaster for the last 6 years. I went though a major depression at that time. At first I lost weight (due to lack of appetite) and went from 150 lb. down to 114. I went on a med that increased my appetite but, sadly, did nothing for the depression. So, I was eating again ("emotional eating"), but sedentary. The pounds packed on - 225 was my high. I've half-heartedly done MFP off and on for the last 2 years. At one point, I lost 25 pounds - having to account for what I ate made a difference! I guess I just lacked the discipline to stick to it. Now, I'm mentally healthy again, and want to get back my healthy body! This time, I'm looking to join a few groups for support and encouragement! :)
  • bobobear27
    bobobear27 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    My name is Brittany. I feel like I can relate to a lot of people in this group. I've done the crash diets, "get fit for summer", Atkins, etc. You name it, I've probably looked at it or attempted it. Every summer since middle school I have tried to lose weight. For some reason I could never wrap my head around needing to change my lifestyle and not just do something extreme for a few months. Last summer I managed to lose 17 lbs, but when school started I basically gained it all back. I need to lose about 60-70 lbs total, and I know it will take some time. For these three months I want to focus on eating healthier (in a sustainable way), tracking my calories, and completing Insanity. I hope this group can provide some support.
  • PJB1980
    PJB1980 Posts: 4
    Hello Everyone, I'm Trisha. I have been up and down several times throughout my 20's to 30's. I started a diet in Feb. 2014 I was given a low carb diet because of Diabetes I have lost a total of 25 lbs. so far but I am at a stand still. I suffer from depression and ain't got much support at home. I am an emotional eater which makes it really hard for me. I think joining this group will help me move forward and get back on track. Hope to gain/give support during these 90 days. Would love to get my energy back as well as myself esteem!!
  • Robinmacmillan
    Robinmacmillan Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everybody! My name is Brandy and something just clicked in me that this weight has to come off once and for all! I have finally found some motivation to do it and I will! My goal is to lose 100 pounds. A few years ago I lost 50 pounds in a Biggest Loser contest and I felt great...then it all came back, along with about 30 more pounds. I am so ready to wear cute clothes again. I am tired of being fat!

    We can all do this! It will take a lot of willpower, but we have to keep the end result in mind. Just keep thinking of all the compliments you will receive when you lose the weight.

    I am SO ready to wear cute clothes again too!! I am sick of covering up in many loose layers. What kind of Biggest Loser contest? From home?
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    Hi, CJ in the house!! Homeschooling mom of three. I'm doing P90X3 for exercise, so it fits in with the theme. I eat the same breakfast and lunch for a few weeks then switch it up so I have less work figuring out what to eat.
  • IlluminatedMayhem
    Hi, CJ in the house!! Homeschooling mom of three. I'm doing P90X3 for exercise, so it fits in with the theme. I eat the same breakfast and lunch for a few weeks then switch it up so I have less work figuring out what to eat.

    I'm starting P90X tonight when its cooler and after the girls are in bed. I want to do it in the mornings but we went to the grocery store today. I'd wait until tomorrow but then the fact that I started a 90 day program the day after this 90 day commitment will bug me the entire time. I'm weird like that.
  • mkd1955
    mkd1955 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi All, I'm Kathy out here in New Jersey. I have been a type 2 diabetic for over 10 years and tried many different weight loss programs. I like this site as I can log my food from just about anywhere. I am on a 9 day streak and hope to add 90 more at least to it! :smile: I love to read the success stories of all of you out there, makes me believe that maybe I can have some successes!

    So here's to:
    1. Logging in everyday
    2. More Exercise
    3. Planning my meals
    4. Being happy in my skin!

    Hope to see you all in the coming months!
  • ChristinaMolinari
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Christina and I am a 20 year old college student. I started battling my weight in middle school, maintained a healthy lifestyle in the later years of high school, and then went to college. I thought the sayings about the "freshman 15" were myths. Let's just say that I proved them true and am working to get back to a healthy state.

    My hope is that I will be able to use the support of this group to motivate myself and keep me on track.

    Here is to the next 90 days!
  • BCham25
    BCham25 Posts: 48 Member

    There are so many cute clothes that aren't plus sized, that is another reason I am so ready to lose this fat off my body. I want to be pretty again.

    I think I did it back in 2009 and a girl from work was doing it with some of her friends and asked if I wanted to. There was a group of about 10 girls. It was a very close race between my friend from work and I. She ended up winning and I got second place. We all paid $100 to get in, so she won $1000. Money is a real good motivator!!
  • TaliaCarmella
    Hello Everyone!

    My name is Talia. I am a single mother, full time student and employee, and a cub scout den leader and live in Redmond, WA!

    I spend all of my time giving to everyone around me (I'm not being ungrateful!) and I need to give myself some happiness in the form of a healthy weight.

    CW: 224
    GW: 140 (I've never been this weight, so it's just a number from a calculator)
    Height: 5'3''

    I was successful a year or so ago when I was on here, but then didn't engage in building friendships so went back to my old ways. I'm looking forward to resetting these next 90 days, and my goal is to build some serious friendships on here. Not just for motivating me, but for motivating you guys.

    My weakness is the taste of food. I eat for enjoyment, not fuel. While I've incorporated more vegetables in my diet than ever before, I still eat like crap. I love working out, and will do it whenever I get the chance, but work out just enough to eat as much as I enjoy, which is seriously unhealthy.

    To be successful I need to bring meals from home instead of eating at the work cafeteria.

    Anyone interested in being friends and helping each other past these 90 days, i'd really love that!

    Thanks :)
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    Hey All!!!

    I'm Steph, and I have an ultimate goal to lose 170lbs, but I'm planning to take it one pound at a time, one day at a time. I have a hard time sticking to an exercise and eating plan. I'll do well for a couple weeks or until I hit a certain weight and then the weight will pile back on.

    I've been in therapy for about 9 months. My therapist is set to go on maternity leave come the fall and my personal goal is not to have to continue therapy after she leaves. In order to do that, I have to show that I am fully committed to a real lifestyle change.

    I have a lot of fitness goals for the summer: like hiking as many NH trails as I can, swimming in freshwater for the first time in years, and starting to walk/jog/run outside in preparation for some 5Ks I want to do. I'm hoping this group will help me stay focused and make and unbreakable habit of all of this healthy living stuff.