Starting tomorrow! :D

I just got a gym membership, so re-starting c25k! Excited but terrified, I've quit soooo many times because I get shin splints whenever I run.

Anyone starting? :) It'd be awesome to keep each other motivated! :D


  • pmur
    pmur Posts: 223 Member
    Good Luck! You can do it. Follow the programme, it does work. If you follow the programme without jumping ahead or doing too much, you will stay injury free. I did get shin splints when I did two days back to back without a break in between, so take the break day and do something else on that day.
    I hope you got fitted for proper running shoes, that's what helped keep me injury free.
  • Started last week, but I do repeat days so I'll be on week1 day 3 probably tomorrow or Thursday
  • craigbowers1
    craigbowers1 Posts: 5 Member
    Good Luck. I am starting today also.
  • SameMe_JustLess
    SameMe_JustLess Posts: 245 Member
    I am re-starting tomorrow! Let's do this!
  • greentree0
    greentree0 Posts: 40 Member
    Come and sing of your successes on the daily check-in thread - there are people in all of the weeks so you can hear what's ahead and know that someone else will be running some part of the program the same day you are!