Level one - Day three

Claire594 Posts: 349 Member
Post here when done. I'll not be doing until later as on an early shift at work.

Good luck folks:)


  • hopperem
    hopperem Posts: 228 Member
    All done. Enjoyed getting up and getting it over with. Think I will have stiff thighs later!

    What weights is everyone using? I'm using 2kg and finding them just a bit too much for me. Also, how many rest days are you all going to schedule in?
  • LaraineET25
    LaraineET25 Posts: 16 Member
    Day three done, can really find my endurance building already.

    I'm using 1kg weights and find them tough enough although my arms are very weak! I'm planning on taking a rest day every 6th day so 1 day during each level and 1 day between each level.
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    What weights is everyone using? I'm using 2kg and finding them just a bit too much for me. Also, how many rest days are you all going to schedule in?
    I use 2 kg too. But I am getting into lifting so 2 kg is pretty easy now; I remember when I tried 30DS last year with 2 kg weights - I ended up using a single weight wherever I could get away with it haha.
    As far as rest days are concerned, I'm going to schedule just one. Due to lack of time (moving 2000 km away lol), I'm only going to be able to give a week to each level, instead of 10 days. I'm going to take my break after the 10th day.

    ETA: Level 1, Day 3 - Done!
  • caityouth
    caityouth Posts: 8 Member
    Done getting a lil easier even tho I'm even more sore today. I definitely love this program I'm scared of level 2 tho I heard there's planks and I am awful at them
  • Claire594
    Claire594 Posts: 349 Member
    Day three done. Definitely prefer working out first thing in the morning. 9pm is too hard. I was tired from working all day And I almost had myself talked out of it but I persevered and I did it.
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    Day three done. Definitely prefer working out first thing in the morning. 9pm is too hard. I was tired from working all day And I almost had myself talked out of it but I persevered and I did it.
    Good for you! :drinker:
  • megsterella
    megsterella Posts: 69
    Day three, done! It was still hard but I did much better than yesterday, and a million times better than Day 1.

    Is anyone else's quads killing them? I'm sore all over, but I can handle that. The front of my thighs have been aching something fierce, though!

    Anyway, good going, everyone!
  • megsterella
    megsterella Posts: 69
    All done. Enjoyed getting up and getting it over with. Think I will have stiff thighs later!

    What weights is everyone using? I'm using 2kg and finding them just a bit too much for me. Also, how many rest days are you all going to schedule in?

    Great going! I wish I could enjoy morning exercise! I have absolutely no energy in the mornings, though, and generally prefer working out in the evenings.

    I use 5 lbs dumbbells (2.2kg, I think?) and they murder my arms. Since I want to eventually move on to heavier weights I'm going to stick with them, I think.

    And I'm thinking of taking one rest day (Sunday?). I was planning on taking two but I really am getting better and I don't think it's necessary. My tune might change in level 2, though! I hear there are planks! *shudders*
  • Done! :)
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Level 1 days 1-3 all done.
  • spgebhart
    spgebhart Posts: 382 Member
    I didn't get in my work out yesterday but I was planning to take a rest day Sunday. I will skip that one and use yesterday as my rest day instead. I'll be a day behind the rest of you but I'm still shredding! :drinker:
  • Trackerfit2
    Trackerfit2 Posts: 19 Member
    Done too (forgot to post), although had to skip the cool down because of time-hopefully that's not classed as cheating:)
  • spgebhart
    spgebhart Posts: 382 Member
    OK I'm done with day 3, back on track but a day behind :)