New to Group and looking for friends

After a long cold winter, I'm working on getting back into shape and running again. Now being in my middle 40s, it does seem harder to lose weight. I signed up for 5K this month and one in July. Looking forward to getting healthy and meeting new people working towards same goal.


  • gitnfit2
    gitnfit2 Posts: 203 Member
    Nice way to set goal races and push yourself right from the start. Starting to gear back up for marathon training here for my first full in November. Let us know how you do on the 5k. oh and feel free to add me if ya want.
  • notime2run
    notime2run Posts: 3
    Good luck with your marathon. I ran the Delaware marathon last year. We met this guy in his 70 who has run over 1,000 marathons. I thought if he can do that many than I have nothing to complain about my third marathon.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    You and me both. This winter was brutal. I've already signed up for a half marathon in November and just got done with a 10 miler race in April. Feel free to friend me.
  • Angelmom919
    Angelmom919 Posts: 16 Member
    I am starting again too! Add me if you like too!
  • skutnikj
    skutnikj Posts: 11 Member
    I love seeing runners here !!! Feel free to add me as a friend - I am 42 and a runner as well - Ive done a bunch of marathons 1/2 marathons and an ultra...

    The goal races you have are sure to help keep you motivated :)
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,687 Member
    Hi, I'm fairly new to this group and a runner as well. Feel free to add me.
  • DaniMerc72
    DaniMerc72 Posts: 188 Member
    I don't run--seriously, if anyone ever sees me running, they had better run too because it means something bad is chasing me--but I am always looking for motivation, so feel free to add me as a friend! I'm almost 42, live in Delaware, and I'm tired of this fat *kitten* sp I need all the help I can get!