How could you balance the macros?

How could you balance the macros? Especially, the Fiber- Carbs macros?


  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    I'm not sure I understand the question. Maybe a little more info as to what you need help with?
  • Merrylass4ever
    Merrylass4ever Posts: 17 Member
    Fiber requirements are based more on age/gender:
    Male (19-50) = 38 grams minimum
    Male (over 50) =30 grams minimum
    Female (19-50) = 25 grams minimum
    Female (over 50) =21 grams minimum

    The various low carb diets have similar macros but the % may vary between the Protein & Fat ratios. As examples:

    Low Carb (induction): 65% Protein, 30% Fat, 5% Carb (some diets show 60% Protein, 35% Fat, 5% Carb)
    Low Carb (not induction): 60% Protein, 30% Fat, 10% Carb (some diets show 55% Protein, 35% Fat, 10% Carb)

    Using the macro % above, for a 1,200 calorie target, you would have:
    Low Carb induction with 65% P, 30% F, 5% C = 195 gram Protein (780 cal), 90 gr Fat (360 cal), 15 gr Carb (60 cal)

    If you are counting NET carbs (i.e. Carbs - Fiber) then your total calorie intake would be slightly higher.

    Hopefully this makes sense.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    38g of fiber a day? I don't get that much in a week!

    Also, setting macros by percents is really not the best way to do it. It's better to set the goals by grams for each macro based on your needs for protein, max carbs, and then use fat to reach up to your calorie goals.

    Thirdly, even if you were going by percentages you've got the macro percents wrong. It's not 65% protein, 30% fat, 5% carbs. It's 65% FAT, 30% protein, and 5% carbs. 195g of protein?!?! On a 1200 calories a day diet? I would be eating nearly 350g a day by your reckoning. It would be 87g fat, 90g protein, and 15g of carbs.

    Still the wrong way to go about it, but at least the percentages would be right.

    Edit: I'm not joking about the fiber thing. I've had 27g total in the last 7 days. That was probably even a little higher than usual.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    Don't over think too much, Fiber for me is for cleaning up the gutter. I eat Psylum husk pills if I need Fiber. If you want Fiber, Chia seeds are excellent source of fiber, 3TB has 11 gm fiber and 2 additional carbs.