Before photos

wimom35 Posts: 20 Member
Well, I did a hard thing this morning: I took "before" photos of myself. I've been avoiding cameras for the last 5+ years. Of course, I've seen myself in mirrors, but there's something brutally honest about a photo. I'm torn between saving them for a "big reveal" after weight loss, and just posting them now. Maybe having to embarrass myself by putting the photos out there for the world to see will make me take weight loss more seriously. I'm so upset with myself for letting it get to this point. :( On a positive note, though, I've lost 2 lbs. Not much, but I'll take anything at this point!


  • marilync1266
    marilync1266 Posts: 67 Member
    Great Job! 2lbs is a lot of weight!
  • Good job!
  • BCham25
    BCham25 Posts: 48 Member
    It takes a lot of courage to do something you don't want to do. But...nobody here is going to judge you! We are all here to lose weight and get healthy. Losing 2 pounds is awesome!!
  • stechan07
    stechan07 Posts: 7 Member
    Fantastic on doing something you don't want to do! You've motivated me to do the same thing this weekend!

    2 lbs is going in the right direction!
  • WarriorBill65
    WarriorBill65 Posts: 277 Member
    Great positive step taking those, " before Photos !!! " Congratulations, on the 2 lb. loss, keep up the good work !!!!
  • wimom35
    wimom35 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks, everyone. :) I think I'm too chicken to post them online - yet. For now, it may be a good idea to post them on my fridge. ;) Maybe with an older, "thinner" photo of myself to remind me of my goal. What's really sad is that I was unnecessarily self-conscious about my weight back then - I was never happy with my body; I always thought I could stand to lose a few pounds. Man, I wish I could go back in time and slap my skinny self! LOL
  • Ziki252
    Ziki252 Posts: 6
    I have gained 40 lbs in the past 8 months. My father died, and eating a pie a day, seemed like a good idea at the time. I understand what you are saying. I wish I was the same weight I had been, when I used to think I was "fat". I went from 130lbs to 170lbs. I think I may be down one pound, so thats nice. One pound, or two, doesn't seem like a lot, but it is all the little victories that add up to what we want. Rome wasn't built in a day, and I didn't gain 40lbs in one day! I won't lose it in one day either.
  • WarriorBill65
    WarriorBill65 Posts: 277 Member
    Ziki252 - Sorry about the loss of your father. Sounds like you're ready to turn things around, a pound is a good start. Keep a positive attitude, and think how great you're going to look and feel, when you reach your goal !!!
  • wimom35
    wimom35 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that. :( I sometimes try to find comfort in food, too. And you're right - 1 or 2 pounds is great! Slowly but surely. I just have to be patient , because I have a tendency to expect results overnight.