What Is your plan to stay on track this weekend?

newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
Weekends are tough ! Does anyone have a specific plan on how you will stay focused with eating/exercise this weekend?
I plan to go to the park and walk in the morning. I have also planned breakfast and lunch for Saturday.


  • wimom35
    wimom35 Posts: 20 Member
    Planning meals is a huge help for me - even if it's one day at a time. I can be see how many calories are in what I'm planning to eat, and make changes if necessary. Much better than eating first, then logging and realizing "Crap! I only have 200 calories left for dinner!" LOL I'm going to be doing a lot of landscaping/gardening this weekend, so that should burn some calories.
  • Adpalangi
    Adpalangi Posts: 349 Member
    Yes, I like to plan the day out in the morning too, it is better than getting to the end of the day and noticing can't have dinner. I need to plan ahead like that to be sure I'm getting my protein too.
    Tomorrow is my grandsons bday party, which means cake - my difficult one. I made tomorrow a maintenance day, and kept my calorie intake around 750 - 900 everyday this week, so I have some calories banked. But I really want a good week, so I'm gonna try real hard not to over do it and stay below goal.
    As for exercise, I hope the three grands will keep me running, because I STILL haven't added any workouts to my days. :(. I should be ashamed of myself I'm coming into end wk 5. Any tips on motivating myself?
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Weekends can be tough, but I generally make Saturday a free day, which means I can go over in calories IF I need to. It's my day of worship, and I lIke to have a tasty meal after church, but I never overeat. On Saturdays, I always moniter my portions and drink my water. Sundays are a normal day for me. I eat within my calorie range and exercise the majority of the time.

    The most important thing to remember is to plan accordingly.
  • My weekends don't line up with everyone else's. My difficult days are hubby's nights off. For me the trick is saying no to some of the things he offers me and budgeting in the rest. And saving up enough calories to have a beer.
  • hamo1987
    hamo1987 Posts: 65 Member
    I have a weekend full of yard work ,new fence, painting my deck again, and playing with the kidos so no time for failure this weekend lol
  • daisy7870
    daisy7870 Posts: 14 Member
    I work Saturdays, so I plan my meals ahead of time. I always pick up a pizza for dinner on the way home, so I usually have that logged in the morning. Which, by the way, I only had two slices! I usually can eat three or four, but tracking really helps me to see how much I don't need to eat.
    Sundays are my free day, but I still try to stay within my calorie limit.
  • KreeativeKat
    KreeativeKat Posts: 27 Member
    I've planned all my meals. Because it's great weather here in England we'reg going to bbq. I'm having very low calorie breakfasts and lunches and trying to save most of my calories so that I can indulge in a couple of yummy salads. Yesterday I put together a skinny Waldorf, which was delicious.

    Yesterday I spent around 2 hours working in the garden, so that has given me a bit of a buffer in case I slip over my calorie count.
  • jolene_CO
    jolene_CO Posts: 48
    Weekends are, blessedly, easy for me because on Saturdays and Sundays I get in my longer runs. During the week its all 5k, 8k, and the occasional 10k. On the weekends I get in 15-29k runs so my options for food are more open, although the 130g carb rule is still in effect.

    There's just a lot of salad and chicken on my weekends. I'm currently on a mission not to eat out as I save up money for an extended trip to London in November. That commitment really helps with mitigating calories and quality intake.
  • gokari30
    gokari30 Posts: 112 Member
    @jolene_CO---so impressed with your runs! hope to be there someday.

    I make sure to eat a regular breakfast and lunch, on both Sat and Sun, which helps me stay on track. My weigh-in day is Monday morning, so being off track during the weekend can lead to my weigh-in not accurately representing all the good eating I've done during the week!
  • Jen11051981
    Jen11051981 Posts: 17
    It's tough, for the weekends but I am gonna try and stay on track!
  • JudyKB41
    JudyKB41 Posts: 15
    I stayed on track pretty well yesterday. Actually posted on my food tracker and did my breakfast today. Filled water pitcher with filtered water and infusing lemon /strawberries to help get in all my water. I do Atkins/Wheat Belly. Restarted yesterday and feel
    that maybe on the right track this time. Had a long talk with husband and think he is understanding what needs to be done to get this weight off. Hope to see fantastic results by 8/15/14.
  • k92648
    k92648 Posts: 6
    Ugh yesterday I was at a seminar, with preset meals...had I known when we bought the tickets that I would be watching what I was eating, I would have opted for the vegetarian plate (which actually looked pretty good). However, I chose beef. And, funny enough the beef was fine, as were the steamed veggies and mashed potatoes. The problem was the stupid little crappy salad. I LOVE salad dressing, so that one little wilty nasty salad was more calories than the rest of the entire meal haha. On the upside, my husband bought me a gorgeous old style cruiser bicycle in blue, pea green and cream, with white wall tires, and pea green rims..with a basket haha...it is sooo cool looking. I plunked that poor dog in the basket and rode for an hour this morning....