Welcome, Warrior Women!

suejoker Posts: 317 Member
Since you're all my friends, I know that you are amazing! Since some of you may not know each other, please introduce your awesome selves. I thought, since you all jumped at the chance to exercise 24 hours in the next 2 weeks, that Warrior Women was an apt name. I'm open to alterations, of course. For those of you not familiar with The Walking Dead, the picture for our group is one of a character named Michonne, who is the most fierce woman on the show. She can take out 30 zombies all by herself!

Also, feel free to invite other Warrior Women on your own friends lists. The only qualification is that they are strong & determined to get healthy & fit. This is a public group, but I want it to be full of fierce, supportive women.


  • LosingItWithGod
    My name is Tammy. I live in Carthage Tn. I'm 35, married. Weigh 441 lbs and going down :o) Working my butt off YAY Thx Sue for being a pusher.
  • LosingItWithGod
    Yay I was trying to figure ticker thingy out lol
  • LosingItWithGod
    Had to figure that out lol
  • Peacockbutterfly
    Peacockbutterfly Posts: 90 Member
    Starting this group was an excellent idea Sue! I am very happy to be a part of it. My name is Rachael. I am 31, living in Pennsylvania and have been at this for just a few months. I am happy to say I have found a great success getting my once lazy butt moving. I am originally from New York City where I did a great deal of walking as a child and started out with walking being my main form of exercise to loose weight. I take a few 1-2 mile walks a day with my dog name Tad (who is my whole world) and have started going to the gym 5-6 days a week. I also work in retail and tend to be on my feet all day so that helps. I have a Fitbit and track all of my "active minutes" through that.
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Hey! I finally ordered my Fitbit One and am anxiously awaiting its arrival.
  • LosingItWithGod
    Let me know how you like it I am thinking about getting one at some point
  • amethyst70
    amethyst70 Posts: 68
    I'm Tonya from Kansas. Almost 44, and a pessimist by nature. Tried many times to keep my weight under control but always fail. This time I am approaching it with the never quit attitude. I am also learning as I go, and my attitude about life in general seems to be changing a bit.

    I really dislike exercise. LOL. I like walking once I get going but its taking that first step that gets me. I love lifting weights after I get through the first set, but again, it is dragging my butt to do it that sucks.

    I have young kids ages 4-10 and school ends this next week, so add in another "challenge " for me to find time to walk/lift.

    I have a husband that is a pain in my butt but I love him. My kids are special little delicate flowers that need me every minute of every day which makes it very difficult to find a way to squeeze in ME time.

    I can find any excuse not to do something or be straight pissy about it. Yesterday, I had a child home from school and had to cancel on my morning walk with my BFF. The afternoon turned out to warm up enough, that I stuck her lil bum in the stroller and managed to walk 3.75 miles through town and back home. She complained the whole time. Leaned over sideways making the stroller near impossible to push straight, and the whole time I was thinking I should have just stayed home, but she and I struggled through it, and she got a nice ice cream cone out of the deal, and all I got was some sore glutes from walking 1/2 way uphill. I guess you would consider that a win/win. LOL.

    Ahh, the summer should be fun. I can't wait to hear the whining and moaning as I make my kids walk with me to town and back. The plus side is the 1/2 way point is the town fountain to play in, and a playground to play on, right next to the river, so the plan is to pack healthy lunches, walk to river, eat, play in the water, and the playground, walk 1/2 way back home, stop for ice cream and then back home. Maybe after a few times doing this, they will look so forward to the daily outing they will keep me motivated too. Wishful thinking. LOL.

    Anyways, Hi all. And let's do this, regardless of whatever obstacles we face!

    Thanks Sue for this group!! You are such an inspiration to me!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    This is such a great idea.

    Hi, all. I'm Stephanie, 44, in Chicago. At just over 180 now. I've recently been reminded that I really love being active, especially walking, running, and biking. For some reason it's easy for me to forget and think that after a crazy exhausting day in other ways I just want to veg--or maybe read a book--and I'm trying to remind myself that a lot of what is good for me and for losing weight are also activities I find relaxing and fun too. This group will be a great way to do that, and I look forward to getting to know the rest of you.
  • gunshyangel78
    gunshyangel78 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi all sorry for the late post, I tend to log into MFP from the app on my IPhone, so I can't get into the group of blogs from there. About me, I'm Lou, I'm 25, originally from London, but currently living in sunny Texas. I'm currently bouncing around in the 290's down from an all time high of 375lbs.

    I'm not really into exercise as of yet, I love to swim, but I'm still overcoming an ankle injury ( complete with nerve damage), that being said, I still do a fair bit of walking (the dogs) and I try to include activities around the house. I'm really into walk-a-dobics, weight watchers Punch and strength training.

    As for motivation, well I want to go on vacation to the Philippines and well I refuse to have to buy two seats on a plane, I would be mortified to be that person on the plane.... so that's my goal. To be able to fit comfortably on a plane. My next mini goal is 250lbs which I hope to hit sometime this summer.

    I'm currently battling a GERD problem, I'm a bit of a hippy chick and refuse to go the medication route, so I'm constantly tweaking my diet to find the right mix of foods that don't irritate my stomach and I'm trying really hard to increase my potassium as it's something I run constantly low on. So if you spot that I'm not eating or drinking my greens, feel free to call me out on it.

    looking forward to getting to know ya'll a bit better,
