What about me?

I just joined the group last night and I could use some friends. I like some good banter,general hey jinx,maybe a bit of tom-foolery. I'm a super nice guy, single. Friend me up if you like.


  • morning_joy
    morning_joy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Hey there...I am going to get out of my hole and try to embrace you "general tom-foolery". What exactly is that made up of? Give me some ideas...help me become a fool.
  • Joshing,joking ,clowning around with each other. I cherish some good laughter material .
  • looklucklove
    looklucklove Posts: 128 Member
    Are you wearing a kilt in your picture? Is that some of your tom foolery? :smile:
  • It sure is a Kilt. Feel free to go to my profile and have a look. I won't bite hard.
  • Now,it might be considered tom foolery if I wore it to workout in. Hahaha!
    Also,the shirtless pic is not me,it's my goal pic . I'm getting closer everyday!!!
  • morning_joy
    morning_joy Posts: 1,064 Member
    So...do you wear that kilt in the true fashion?
  • Hahaha! I wear it in true fashion ,for sure. I've had people ask me what I wear under the Kilt... I tell them, my shoes ! You'll never see me getting hauled off to Kilt Prison for wearing it improperly.