Why is everyone so anti-vegan on the rest of this site?



  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member

    interesting article about butter alternatives!
  • holliehatesyou
    holliehatesyou Posts: 85 Member
    Someone in the main forum told me riding (cycling) 10,000 miles last year has no fitness benefit. :noway:

    Haha! Well, some of those folks sure do seem to know everything about everything, so I would just stop cycling IMMEDIATELY and go, oh I don't know, sit in a corner and eat bacon, I guess!
  • fknlardarse
    fknlardarse Posts: 210 Member
    :heart: thanks everyone, really appreciate all the info and support! Just wanted to you to know I'm following up all your links and advice, totally fascinating, so if I haven't replied directly I have read your response and appreciate the input. If the people in this group are reflective of the vegan diet I reckon I've found what I'm looking for, you're all so chilled and kind and helpful :heart:

    Been shopping today and bought nut butters and earth balance and Pure and soya yogurt and all kinds of yummy food, can't wait to try it all! Not sure i will get to a point where I can give up eggs so we might be getting chickens again but they'll go on the allotment this time!
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    This site is full of trolls, don't take anything that happens on the forums personally.
  • thatpixichick
    thatpixichick Posts: 77 Member
    Some people just like to wind others up, and some probably feel a level of guilt themselves, don't like being challenged on something they probably already know is wrong because it's such a horrible reality to face, and it's easier to bury your head in the sand and mock vegans than it is to deal with the truth.. I know this because I was one of those :tongue:
  • sea_sharp
    sea_sharp Posts: 1
    Has everyone ignored your egg question?!?

    I find fried (scrambled) tofu to have a simular texture to eggs. Because eggs have a very subtle taste and tofu has no taste at all- I find the two very comparable. I like to throw it into my fried rice (typically sprinkle a bit of turmic for the yello colour) or fried tofu with toast and beans. Raw tofu even kinda has the same consistance as a hard boiled egg.

    If your put off by the idea of tofu, but have never cooked it yourself before, be sure to do your research. There are different types to be aware of. If using firm (the type to cook with) -WRAP IT UP TO ABSORB ALL THE MOISTURE before you cook it / marinate it. For the most part Silken Tofu is for dessert use or for sauces and has a nice creamy texture when blended. I love tofu creme brule!

  • fknlardarse
    fknlardarse Posts: 210 Member
    Has everyone ignored your egg question?!?

    I find fried (scrambled) tofu to have a simular texture to eggs. Because eggs have a very subtle taste and tofu has no taste at all- I find the two very comparable. I like to throw it into my fried rice (typically sprinkle a bit of turmic for the yello colour) or fried tofu with toast and beans. Raw tofu even kinda has the same consistance as a hard boiled egg.

    If your put off by the idea of tofu, but have never cooked it yourself before, be sure to do your research. There are different types to be aware of. If using firm (the type to cook with) -WRAP IT UP TO ABSORB ALL THE MOISTURE before you cook it / marinate it. For the most part Silken Tofu is for dessert use or for sauces and has a nice creamy texture when blended. I love tofu creme brule!


    Thank you that's great! I've never had tofu (other than in miso soup sachets) so I have never cooked with it, I clearly have some experimenting to do!
    Thank you :love:
  • CrescentEddy
    CrescentEddy Posts: 34 Member
    I noticed the same thing about the back-lash, and genuinely wondered why… and decided to do something about it.

    A few weeks ago, there was an mfp main-blog post about the health benefits of vegan or vegetarian options. A member commented to the post that was so surprisingly intolerant, rude and full of swear-words (not to mention completely inaccurate!), that I reported the person to MFP. I have to say, I'm glad I did… a few days later there was another post on beans or something, and the person commented again, but this time… apologizing for his previous comment! AND complimenting the blogger a well-written blog!… AND although he didn't personally agree with eating beans (or whatever) that he was sure others would find the information very informative. Ha!! I also received a note for mfp administration thanking me for flagging the issue with them. I felt a little victorious!
  • Fig_1946
    Fig_1946 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi. I'd love to have your recipe for Brussels Sprouts. I eat them often.

    I'd eat eggs if they came from free range hens.

    As to posting, I only come here for my vegan/vegetarian views. I go to the main boards for general weight loss things.
  • earthboundmisfit
    earthboundmisfit Posts: 192 Member
    Some people are just ignorant and they believe the stereotypes about vegans. I don't let them get under my skin. I was once on another website where somebody posted that veganism isn't natural and have you ever seen a vegetarian tiger? I replied that tigers are obligatory carnivores, people are not, and he should get his species straight! :tongue:
  • holliehatesyou
    holliehatesyou Posts: 85 Member
    As for vegan "egg" recipes, MAKE THIS: http://www.sheknows.com/food-and-recipes/articles/999059/vegan-eggs-benedict

    You can simplify it to your liking and it still turns out delicious. For example, I never have lemons around, so I leave out the lemon juice, and I have never put in the nutmeg. I also add turmeric to make the sauce yellow. Sometimes I put baby spinach leaves between the veg ham and the tofu.

    This was my go-to weekend breakfast for months until I burned myself out on it. I made it so often that I stopped following the recipe and just threw it together. It's GOOD.
  • brokentide
    brokentide Posts: 21 Member
    This site is pretty much exclusionary to anyone who isn't a proponant of hegemonic white male cishet ideals (+ it's US-centric at that). Therefore, you either get followers of the SAD or those who slightly deviate from it without upsetting the dominant paradigm. What with all the incessant bullying happening in the main forums, those values are unsurprising to say the least. There's too much scum tbh
  • stiobhard
    stiobhard Posts: 140 Member
    I do not eat eggs, I use tofu in most contexts where a cooked egg is needed... I've never made a tofu omelet but Ive seen recipes in books. I have made tofu versions of huevos rancheros and devilled eggs (eggs a la rousse) that both were pretty awesome. I usually cook it in a pan so it stays together and is easier to handle. but if you really want the texture of eggs I guess you could use silken tofu and eat it raw. It's pretty delicate but so are egg whites.

    For butter I use earth balance these days... or olive oil... in the past Ive tried different brands of soybean margerine... and my mother always swore by crisco for pies so I have done that... and I notice whole foods sells a vegan margarine thats packaged by crisco. some people freak out about crisco though. for most uses I just use olive oil... or another kind of oil... sesame for example.

    MFP has not been too much of a headache for me... a few newbie vegans have been a bit trying on my patience.... (I have been a vegan for decades so sometimes people's born again religious fervour doesnt do much for me) but compared to the rest of the Internet and known world MFP has been much more veg friendly than I expected. food.com I won't come within a mile of if I can help it.... and facebook can be rather problematic depending on who is in your circle I guess.
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    I have read enough of other people's topics that I NEVER ask anything. I figure google can figure all that out for me, why ask people who are mean? Besides, it seems as if there is so much misinformation that is perpetuated on these forums about fitness, health, training, etc, I can't really be bothered with it.

    In any case, for most recipes I use Happy Herbivore because I'm whole foods plant based, not just vegan. so, not a lot of processed stuff. some, but mostly not. I'm also and ultra-marathoner and I eat boatloads of food. ha ha ha. Seriously.

    I like tofu scramble (happy herbivore recipe): it's perfect for a savory breakfast or brunch. You can also use silken tofu (like mori-nu) to make pretty fantastic omelets, quiches and frittatas. both happy herbivore and fat free vegan websites have recipes for those: the little quiches are quite good.

    ETA: as far as butter/margarine goes, I had to stop eating all the things I used to spread butter on. Once I got over that hurdle it wasn't a big deal, and now I'm perfectly happy having toast w/ hummus, peanut butter, or applesauce on it.

    I'm sorry you had a bad experience. Everyone in here is pretty nice, even if they don't agree, they're not so attack-y and reactionary.
  • jellybeans37
    jellybeans37 Posts: 33 Member
    The reason I joined specific boards is because the backlash is horrible. I believe in veganism. I am not perfect at it but the scientific proof for health benefits are amazing.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    Food industry sock puppets. I said it as a joke one day, but the more I think about it, the more I wonder if it's not true. Perception management is big money. The processed food industry, which is definitely not vegan friendly, is even bigger money. They give low carbers hell, too. They give people who won't eat sugar hell. They give anyone who doesn't incorporate a cupcake in their diet hell. And they respond instantly and in droves.
  • ComoHappyGirl
    ComoHappyGirl Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I am currently exploring veganism, slowly changing my diet for choices that feel comfortable to me. One thing I love is my butter on toast so I innocently posted a topic on the main forum asking for tips on any vegan alternatives. Wow I got such a backlash with people (who know nothing about what I eat) accusing me of eating processed unhealthy food and all vegans are superior etc etc. I'm genuinely quite shocked and confused.
    Why the backlash?
    Also, some helpful people suggesting nut butter but I wondered if there was something out there, maybe like cocoa butter or Shea butter (can you eat/spread on toast) I don't want to eat processed margarine as I'm trying to mainly eat whole foods, unprocessed where possible, I don't care much for coconut. Just wondering if there is the ideal alternative to butter out there that I haven't discovered?
    Thank you. (Feeling bruised) :cry:

    Earth Balance Buttery Spread (Whipped) is all I use and it's great.

    And yes...I got reamed a few days ago when I posed a single post asking if any one out there was vegan in the general message board. People are so offended by my own personal choice. I tend to believe that it's because they know there is an aspect of truth to the lifestyle and they don't want to admit it.
  • balanceandnirvana
    balanceandnirvana Posts: 51 Member
    there really are so many rude people and trolls! i replied to a person asking about the health of cheese and cutting it out and i said that i thing cheese is gross (keyword i think so it is my opinion) but i gave reasons of its health and nutrients to why it is gross and so many people started trolling me for it it was so dumb lol. Just ignore the haters and trolls; they know nothing about you and there are many people also willing to help out!
    there is earth balance vegan butter, I've never tried it though so idk how good it would be. I think a more whole and healthy alternative on toast would be mashed avocado with lime/ lemon juice. or even homemade hummus (so you can lower the sodium or fat content if you want). also old fashioned/ all natural almond or peanut butter (:
  • holliehatesyou
    holliehatesyou Posts: 85 Member
    I like when someone asks, "Anyone here Paleo?"

    Um, yeah, just about everyone?
  • violet976
    violet976 Posts: 310 Member
    Bumping this topic up late in the game. These are really "butter alternatives", but rather, "things I like on toast". :)

    - hummus. & with so many variations/flavors, this one never gets old to me.

    - chickpea salad (like a tuna/chicken salad, but made with chickpeas). Again, the variations are endless.

    - nut butters or coconut butter. If you have a vitamix or food processor, you can make unlimited variations here as well. Some days I'll simply make a "power blend", throwing in every nut/seed in the house, topped with some coconut and extracts.

    - avocado. sometimes plain with just a bit of salt, sometimes jazzed up with some mustard, spices or vinegar.

    - oils/garlic

    - pesto

    - homemade cooked veggie spread. I've made different types using veggies like eggplant, squash, tomatoes, etc.

    - while we used to use Earth Balance, it just didn't seem as healthy as the above. When we are opting for a simply butter sub, we go with oils. They've worked perfectly fine for breads, mashed potatoes, baking recipes, etc.