
FitLaLa_B2B Posts: 51 Member
Hi! I am on a fitness journey just like everyone else and love supporting and being supported by others. I started this group to challenge and help keep myself accountable.

My favorite type of exercise is circuit training...I love missing things up!!

What is your favorite type of exercise?


  • precious_
    precious_ Posts: 17
    My favorite type of exercise is cardio, especially the elliptical. I put on a movie and I forget I'm working out.
  • FitLaLa_B2B
    FitLaLa_B2B Posts: 51 Member
    The elliptical is my go to cardio machine when I hit the gym! I love how many calories I can burn without putting pressure on my knees.
  • MuayThaiMaMa1
    MuayThaiMaMa1 Posts: 37 Member
    I just started back on MFP today after a long absence. I'm glad you happened to start this group today as I need the motivation! I'm capable and I know what to do I just haven't felt like doing anything for a while and it shows. So it'll be nice to get back into the swing of things and talk to other folks :-)

    I used to love running but lately I hate it. I'm hoping to find that love again. My favorite way of working out is Muay Thai . I love hitting mits and working the bag.
  • FitLaLa_B2B
    FitLaLa_B2B Posts: 51 Member
    Welcome back to MFP!! I completely understand about an extended absence to healthy choices. The important thing is that we are back to regaining control over our fitness:)

    I want this group to be a place of motivation, encouragement and accountability. Strength in numbers! I've never tried Muay Thai. Is is similar to kickboxing?
  • nxg777
    nxg777 Posts: 6 Member
    Awesome group. Nobody has the same gym as I do so I kinda get bummed out that I don't have a workout partner.

    I was off my exercise and diet for a few months & finding my motivation was rough. But I have finally found it 21 days counting calories & 3 days straight at the gym.
    My current goal is to lose the 15 lbs I gained during my "break"

    These 30 days will be the push I need to meet my goal. Thank you :)
  • AdreaC
    AdreaC Posts: 34 Member
    I enjoy most forms of exercise when I'm actually doing it... for some reason it's the getting there that I struggle with. If I can convince myself to put on my workout gear and go I'll enjoy it but I think I just have been letting myself slack off and been lazy. During this 30 day challenge, I'm looking to lose 8-10 lbs. Overall weight loss goal is 45lbs.
    Good luck everyone!
  • MuayThaiMaMa1
    MuayThaiMaMa1 Posts: 37 Member
    Yes it's pretty similar to kick boxing.
  • Love my walking/jogging/cardio! I always feel so much better when I just get out there and make myself sweat!
  • onyx0318
    onyx0318 Posts: 1
    I like cardio and walking and elliptical.
  • There is no gym in my small town, so its videos mostly for me. I do The Firm videos. I did just roll my ankle the other day. So any suggestions of what to do to stay active but not kill my ankle as it heals?
  • FitLaLa_B2B
    FitLaLa_B2B Posts: 51 Member
    We will make this group our virtual gym:)

    Way to go on getting back into the habit of exercise and healthy food choices. 21 days is the magic number to start a new habit, you are well on your way to dropping the 15lbs!
  • FitLaLa_B2B
    FitLaLa_B2B Posts: 51 Member
    There is no gym in my small town, so its videos mostly for me. I do The Firm videos. I did just roll my ankle the other day. So any suggestions of what to do to stay active but not kill my ankle as it heals?

    Videos are a GREAT way to work out! Between work & kids I don't always have time to go to the gym & have used quite a few programs with really awesome results.

    Bummer about your ankle!! If you have access to a pool I would suggest swimming so that you aren't putting pressure on your ankle. You could also do Pilates most of the moves are done while laying down. I have a few great videos I use let me know if you want some info.
  • FitLaLa_B2B
    FitLaLa_B2B Posts: 51 Member
    Love my walking/jogging/cardio! I always feel so much better when I just get out there and make myself sweat!

    Getting started is half the battle lol I sometimes dread a workout but when it over I feel so strong and energized!
  • FitLaLa_B2B
    FitLaLa_B2B Posts: 51 Member
    I enjoy most forms of exercise when I'm actually doing it... for some reason it's the getting there that I struggle with. If I can convince myself to put on my workout gear and go I'll enjoy it but I think I just have been letting myself slack off and been lazy. During this 30 day challenge, I'm looking to lose 8-10 lbs. Overall weight loss goal is 45lbs.
    Good luck everyone!

    8-10 lbs is totally doable in this 30 day challenge!! In fact I'm going to make a 10lbs weight loss goal too!!
  • powerpigeon
    powerpigeon Posts: 46
    Great idea for a group!
    I'm a fan of exercise that doesn't feel like exercise; walking, dancing, running...
    I think this group will be an excellent way to get some inspiration for more ways to get moving! It's so easy to get a in a rut and do the same workouts until you're sick of them and do nothing.
  • hpmoon
    hpmoon Posts: 23 Member
    Hello all! I enjoy cardio. I am not able to run due to a health issue and may not be able to anymore. I need help with the motivation to strength train. If you have any videos/dvd suggestions please let me know. I hope to use this group to stay accountable. Thanks.
  • FitLaLa_B2B
    FitLaLa_B2B Posts: 51 Member
    Great idea for a group!
    I'm a fan of exercise that doesn't feel like exercise; walking, dancing, running...
    I think this group will be an excellent way to get some inspiration for more ways to get moving! It's so easy to get a in a rut and do the same workouts until you're sick of them and do nothing.

    AMEN to exercise not feeling like exercise lol! I have to change things up regularly or I get bored. Right now I am into a video program that is a circuit training format plus my lunchtime workouts with my crazy coworkers...I never know what we will get into.

    Really glad you are in this group with us!!
  • FitLaLa_B2B
    FitLaLa_B2B Posts: 51 Member
    Hello all! I enjoy cardio. I am not able to run due to a health issue and may not be able to anymore. I need help with the motivation to strength train. If you have any videos/dvd suggestions please let me know. I hope to use this group to stay accountable. Thanks.

    Welcome to our group!! Running is out for me as well :( I am finishing up treatment for a herniated disc so no more running for I am a "power walker" ha ha

    I am a big fan of at home dvd workouts since I have limited extra time to get to the gym. I am currently doing the 21 Day Fix and so far I LOVE the workouts. P90X3 is awesome and so is T25. If you can't tell I am into the 30 min workouts that is about all I have time for most days lol
  • moparjer
    moparjer Posts: 125 Member
    Hi! I'm happy to join this group! I love walking, Zumba, and have recently joined the Pump class at Club 24. Good luck everyone!
  • FitLaLa_B2B
    FitLaLa_B2B Posts: 51 Member
    Hi! I'm happy to join this group! I love walking, Zumba, and have recently joined the Pump class at Club 24. Good luck everyone!

    20 pounds down...WAY TO GO!!!! What is a Pump class? Does that involve weights?