
Brandybeayon Posts: 51 Member
Mondays are always my best day:) have my meeting then Zumba. So today was great:) I have been going to meetings for 7 weeks!! and I feel more at home each time. I have started feeling more comfortable reading some of the material outloud. I love my group and all the people in it feel like family!! Thankful for today


  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Brandy, it's great that you found a home group that suits you. When first entering the program it took a while for me to open up and share my story. I would sit in the back of the room and duck in my seat :laugh: It became easier and easier, then I started going to different meetings outside of my comfort zone to keep me on my toes. Now I feel right at home at meetings because that's where I belong. Glad to hear that you're settling in!
  • brilliantcoe
    brilliantcoe Posts: 35 Member
    Glad you had a good day! I did a phone meeting after working an 11 hour day. Followed my Plan of Eating, I don't currently have any sponsees - but I do identify as available and I have a sponsor, went to a Meeting, exchanged outreach texts via Telephone, I did not do any Writing, but used Literature - read the AA 12x12 for step work, did Pilates so executed my Action Plan, utilized tools of Anonymity and was of Service where I could be. So, I used 8 of 9 tools.

    I hope to get to a face to face meeting tonight - I like to go daily, but sometimes it doesn't work out that way. It is a writing meeting, and my sponsor will be there. I started work at 5:30am this morning, I have gotten my Action Plan out of the way (walked 3.36 miles) and had my first abstinent meal so it just depends on my level of exhaustion, but I think I should be able to power through.

    Plan B is a phone meeting.