What Motivates YOU?

danielatoro Posts: 12 Member
Sometimes we need to remind ourselves what we are working for and where we find motivation. We can also learn from what motivates others!!

In my case.... I really want to feel comfortable in my own skin again! I want to feel attractive again and gain the confidence I have lost with the weight gain.. I am motivated by all of you.. you are working hard to reach the same goal. I am also motivated by my dog who would love it if i were more active and took him jogging and biking.

How about you..... :)


  • maenpaahedvicsekeszter
    Hi everybody!

    My biggest motivation is pretty obvious: feel myself good and healthier. Today I was totally shocked: 90 kg for my 175 cm (sorry but I'm not confident with lbs and inches..). So it is clear that I need lose weight.
    My other motivation is that I will get married in August and I NEED to look great (better at least..) :D

    I would like to find other people on my journey to help each other because it is pretty hard for me doing all the hard things alone far from home (I am Hungarian but living in UK).

    So if we could keep together...that would be great :)
  • danahubley
    danahubley Posts: 40 Member
    My motivation to lose weight was my health. 6 months ago I was on 2 different medications for my Blood Pressure and my liver was so fatty it was starting to scar and die. I had severe acid reflux, was constantly out of breath and super depressed. I was fortunate enough to be referred to a Bariatric Clinic and that was how I learned about MFP. I started tracking my food and realized that I was overweight because no matter what I though before I was over eating. Once I created my goals, figured out what to eat to feel full and stay within the guidelines I started to see the weight come off. I stated walking on my treadmill instead of hanging clothes on it and now walk for an hour every day. I have lost 60 lbs. I no longer need BP medication, my last liver test shows a healthy liver and I feel great. I struggle at times to stay the course but for me this is not a quick fix. It's my life and I want it to last a long time so if I falter I brush myself off and start again. :wink:
  • Limath
    Limath Posts: 89 Member
    The truth is, in spite of my health problems, my biggest motivation is wanting to feel attractive again. The health improvements that would likely follow are a plus though! I find myself dreading cameras, and hoping not to run into people that haven't seen me lately when I'm out. I find myself hiding. I want to be in public without feeling self conscious, and I don't want to worry about having my picture taken, and where it might be posted! :)
    My Mom was very obese, and died last year. She was only 64. Her death was slow and painful, in part due to her weight . I also want to be healthy for her.
  • danielatoro
    danielatoro Posts: 12 Member
    My motivation to lose weight was my health. 6 months ago I was on 2 different medications for my Blood Pressure and my liver was so fatty it was starting to scar and die. I had severe acid reflux, was constantly out of breath and super depressed. I was fortunate enough to be referred to a Bariatric Clinic and that was how I learned about MFP. I started tracking my food and realized that I was overweight because no matter what I though before I was over eating. Once I created my goals, figured out what to eat to feel full and stay within the guidelines I started to see the weight come off. I stated walking on my treadmill instead of hanging clothes on it and now walk for an hour every day. I have lost 60 lbs. I no longer need BP medication, my last liver test shows a healthy liver and I feel great. I struggle at times to stay the course but for me this is not a quick fix. It's my life and I want it to last a long time so if I falter I brush myself off and start again. :wink:

    WOW that's amazing! 60 lbs already! Congrats! Keep it up
  • danielatoro
    danielatoro Posts: 12 Member
    The truth is, in spite of my health problems, my biggest motivation is wanting to feel attractive again. The health improvements that would likely follow are a plus though! I find myself dreading cameras, and hoping not to run into people that haven't seen me lately when I'm out. I find myself hiding. I want to be in public without feeling self conscious, and I don't want to worry about having my picture taken, and where it might be posted! :)
    My Mom was very obese, and died last year. She was only 64. Her death was slow and painful, in part due to her weight . I also want to be healthy for her.

    I feel the exact same way! About the hiding!!! But not to worry... we will all lose the weight together and feel wonderful!!!
  • msnucerity
    msnucerity Posts: 333 Member
    2 things drive me; one is vain and the other serious.

    My number one motivator- being healthy: I have plenty of family who struggle because of weight, metabolic disorders, etc that could have been avoided by lifestyle choices. I don't EVER want to be too fat to chase kids if my husband and I have a litter, I don't EVER want to be tied to insulin or other meds and I don't EVER want to sit out on life bc it's too hard for me to move around and keep up.

    My second motivator- when I'm smaller you can actually see that I have a dimple on one side of my face. I miss seeing that cute dimple. I want it back:smile:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Better health and the ability to do what I want without regards to my weight. And sometimes just sheer stubbornness. I said I was going to do this and I will, no matter how long it takes.
  • hkied
    hkied Posts: 46 Member
    Same as everyone here, looks, health, and to feel my age which sounds wierd but I am 37 which I think is young! I finally noticed I look like my mom and I love her but I have NEVER wanted to look like her or be her. I was always the kid with the fat mom and I have 4 kids I dont want them thinking the same of me!
  • 4men1lady79
    4men1lady79 Posts: 112 Member
    My motivations: Keeping up with my very active kids, shopping in the smaller clothes section, the beach, a bathing suit, being a hot wife for my amazing husband, being healthier inside and out and hopefully living longer, the thought that I once thought this was never going to be possible!